Social Question

janbb's avatar

How do I get cat paw prints dipped in sealer off my painted porch?

Asked by janbb (63326points) October 26th, 2014

As asked.


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19 Answers

jca's avatar

What is sealer? Polyurethane?

janbb's avatar

Driveway sealer.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here: Paint a frame around them and charge admission. Next time your grandsons are here have them add their handprints for a regular gallery.

janbb's avatar

@Milo – I knew I could count on you for the definitive answer.

ibstubro's avatar

I think I’d try some of that tar and grime remover that they make for cars.

snowberry's avatar

Goo Gone removes paint and sealer like that if it’s not had a long time to cure.

tinyfaery's avatar

Worry about the cat first. The cat should be nowhere near toxic chemicals and should not be allowed to lick themselves, at all.

It could add charm if you let it.

janbb's avatar

Not my cat. Never saw the perp.

chyna's avatar

“Perp” tee hee.

jaytkay's avatar

I’m with Milo.

They poured some new sidewalks on my block recently and I was so disappointed with the neighborhood kids who didn’t write their names and the date in the wet cement.

snowberry's avatar

@jaytkay There’s been several times that parents have been arrested for allowing their kids out alone, let alone to be able to write in cement.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@snowberry Sounds like a horrible neighborhood…..

LuckyGuy's avatar

Did you try some naptha (lighter fluid)? It works great for dissolving pine tar. It might work for the driveway sealer if it is petroleum based. If is it water based and had time to dry I don’t have a solution for you.

jca's avatar

If you can’t get it off, a light sanding with some sand paper and repainting the area might be the answer.

snowberry's avatar

@El_Cadejo No, it’s been in the news on several occasions. This is the latest development in US culture…

jca's avatar

@snowberry: Allowing kids out alone under a certain age, you must mean…..

tinyfaery's avatar

I think it’s cute.

janbb's avatar

It doesn’t particularly bug me but I may try to get them off. they are on the brick steps too so they will be staying there.

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