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talljasperman's avatar

The God of Abraham said that he would never flood the world again so what about global sea rising?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 27th, 2014

From global climate change. Did God change his pact with man?

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39 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Was Noah real? Is God real? Would you believe a promise made 5000 years ago?

And… the bible refers to a flood that took place in 40 days. Global warming is going to take years, not a couple of weeks.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And it was local flooding, not real global flooding.

ragingloli's avatar

You are assuming that the abrahamic god is not a liar.

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marinelife's avatar

Why are you assuming God is responsible for climate change? It is a direct result of man’s actions.

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osoraro's avatar

God isn’t doing it. Humans are.

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BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

Everything since the flood of Noah is different. Floods since have never wiped out all of humanity since that great flood.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It didn’t even do it that time.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

one “chosen family” was saved from that flood. As a believer of the Bible I believe that story of the Great Flood. I’m sure I’m in the minority in this circle.

ragingloli's avatar

The chinese did not have a problem with “the flood”.
Yu the Great, founder of the Xia Dynasty, is famous for controlling the frequent local floodings along China’s rivers.

RocketGuy's avatar

Maybe mankind is being evil again?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Damn it Janet!

kritiper's avatar

You are taking your information too literally! Religious texts are spiritual guides, not actual historically accurate recounts. Besides, if there was a “God,” wouldn’t he be able to change his mind?

zenvelo's avatar

The God of Genesis promised he wouldn’t ever flood. But that is different from rising shorelines. Global climate change won’t flood Alberta.

And it wasn’t the God of Abraham. Noah was long before Abraham.

RocketGuy's avatar

Ah ha! God was an insurance agent! – our condo insurance covered floods (water moving sideways), but not rising water (water moving upwards).

Dutchess_III's avatar

And…he was like, 500 years old before he had Shem, Ham and Japheth.
They don’t make ‘em like that today, boys.

rojo's avatar

Perhaps @RocketGuy he/she/it is a lawyer and deft at parsing words, phrases and edicts.

ml3269's avatar

Please. The Bibel is a book with short stories written over a long period and like other religious books not a ‘bill of rights’ or a forecast for thousands of years. Humans wrote that. So: No, it was no prediction or promise or whatsoever of flooding or sea level rising.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

If there were a God or two or three or more, he/she/it/they would not be breaking his/her/its/their pact as this climate change is more or less man made. And perhaps with a little luck, natural selection will be allowed to operate in a more efficient capacity seeing how effective we’ve grown in restraining it.

Darth_Algar's avatar

If there were a God then it would be within that God’s power to halt climate change, even if it’s caused by man. Thus if he does not do so than he is breaking his promise. Or if he cannot halt climate change then he is not the all-powerful being that his PR claims he is, and thus his promise isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Darth_Algar – that comment is somewhat of a replay of the god-can’t-possibly-exist arguments that were made during the Holocaust. Those comments were basically “if there is a god, then he would stop the slaughter of 6 million Jews, so if the killing goes on, there must not be a god”.

I’m personally not a believer in God, but I would observe that this sort of reverse-reasoning to try and disprove god’s existence is somewhat specious and not convincing. To me, it’s sort of placing human-based conditions on what is theoretically a supernatural entity. And that’s illogical for a number of reasons.

There may be many other reasons that more effectively disprove the existence of God—but this one isn’t it.

Darth_Algar's avatar


My comment was not to “prove” that God doesn’t exist, but rather if he does then he’s not quite what his PR firm makes him out to be.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Darth_Algar – got it. And I agree about the PR firm :-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

God’s PR firm. LOL!

rojo's avatar

Well, I believe Abraham is dead so what his god does or doesn’t do no longer matters to him. What did your god promise to do or not do and has he/she/it (we really need a word for this) followed through or not followed through as the case may be?

citizenearth's avatar

God won’t change His pact with mankind. Anyway, global sea rising is not flooding, just another type of disaster.

Dutchess_III's avatar

God seems to change his mind all the time, @citizenearth.

RocketGuy's avatar

Sea level rising is “rising water”, not covered under His “no flooding” promise.

rojo's avatar

^^^Would seem like a technicality that would not be discernible under 100’ of water.^^^

But I guess even when you are omniscient and omnipotent you still need to leave yourself an out.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@rojo Indeed. Pretty sad when god needs a technicality in order to evade blame!

ragingloli's avatar

God would not try to evade the blame. He would take credit for it. And spin it, so that it becomes a good thing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yep. 5 billion people died, but, praise God, 3 people lived.

ragingloli's avatar

The greatest and most horrendous act of genocide in ancient fiction, but hey, they all deserved it.

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