Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Why has the NRA been so silent this week, in the wake of the high school shootings in Washington state?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) October 28th, 2014

Usually they would be talking about the value of having teachers carry guns in schools to ‘protect’ the school kids.

But I haven’t seen a word – one way or another – from NRA throughout this episode? What’s going on with them?

Could this be because the gun was legal and licensed to the dad?

NRA’s silence is out of character for them. Any reason why?

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5 Answers

bossob's avatar

I’ve wondered about their delay in making appearances after past shooting incidences. I figured they were using the time to work out a P.R. strategy that would best support their cause.

In the shooting you mention, given that it occurred so near a mid-term election (next week) and gun control not being a nationally discussed issue at the moment, grabbing and keeping the attention of the media might be more difficult and less productive than after past shootings.

janbb's avatar

Why make noise when your side is winning?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@janbb – I suppose that’s true, as cynical as it is.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Great point @janbb . But isn’t it a rather foreboding thought that the “outfit” might consider taking the time to craft a reasoned argument, or worse, conclude that there is no reasonable defense. Remember the adage that ends ”——or speak and remove all doubt”.

rojo's avatar

School killings no longer prompt the outrage and defensiveness because we as a society have become inured to the death and destruction of innocents splashed across our tv and computer screens 24/7 and have come to realize that nothing is going to change?

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