Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Help! "Flag question" has been eaten by Neptune?

Asked by janbb (63366points) October 28th, 2014

I just went to flag some spam and the spam report form came up as eaten by Neptune. What gives?

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15 Answers

rojo's avatar

Can I flag this as spam? Don’t know lets give it a try!

rojo's avatar

Evidently it is some kind of personal vendetta against you @janbb. I was able to flag my own post.

janbb's avatar

Well, now the spam is gone and it will let me flag this as spam.

It’s a puzzlement!

dxs's avatar

Neptune just likes to pop in and see what’s up from time to time. I don’t think it has to do with you trying to flag something.

zenvelo's avatar

Wait, why blame Neptune? Plenty of leopard seals that just love to chomp on penguins.

Coloma's avatar

You have made the gods angry, run, run, Neptunes Trident is about to strike you down.

janbb's avatar

Maybe the Gods didn’t like my dating question?

dappled_leaves's avatar

Whoa. That’s so meta.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@zenvelo ‘Tis true. They’ll even teach others the technique.

janbb's avatar

@dappled_leaves My DIL once said to me, “You don’t have to get so meta about it.”

dappled_leaves's avatar

@janbb Collapse the meta? Surely not. What good is a purely linear existence?

janbb's avatar

^^ What you said.

Mimishu1995's avatar

That could be because the mods took care of the spam before you could flag. Happens to me a lot of times.

Strauss's avatar

Neptune had a spam spasm!

zenvelo's avatar

My new stock answer when flagging a weight loss spam post is now going to be “Quit eating spam!”

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