General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Will random bag and coat inspections make you more or less likely to go to movie theaters?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33692points) October 29th, 2014

Or maybe not so random.

The MPAA (Motion Picture Association) and theater owners have announced a plan to do random searches of peoples’ belongings as they come into movie theaters.

Not for your safety.

But to ensure that you’re not carrying any recording devices or wearing Google Glass.

Would random (and I would imagine, soon mandatory) searches turn you off from going to the movies?

It would me.


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11 Answers

janbb's avatar

Nope. Haven’t stopped taking planes.

Lightlyseared's avatar

They’ve been doing that in central London for years. Usually only in the evening but they search everyone.

canidmajor's avatar

Nah. It just means I’ll have to hide the snacks better.

Coloma's avatar

No. I love going to the movies and wish they would search people for weapons. Just don;t take my bottle of stashed water and M&M Peanuts. lol

El_Cadejo's avatar

No change, I don’t go to the movies as it is. Only real effect it will have is I’ll have to wait a few more days for an international release to download my copy :P
Though I rarely watch Cam-Rips as it is, usually just wait for the DVDSCR

tinyfaery's avatar

The theater industry is already losing money, doing this will just make it worse. Pirating is not a theater problem. People not going to the movies is the problem.

I only go to the movies for big screen action; otherwise, I wait until I can see it at home.

I don’t care about searches. I’m from the ghetto. It’s only small town entitled individuals who would take issue.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

We don’t do that here yet. It wouldn’t stop me. I love going to the cinema. It’s one of my all time favourite things to do. It would irritate me until I got used to it. Although I quite happily open my bag to show people I’m not a thief as I leave Target.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I agree that random searches will only accelerate slipping attendance rates. I suspect that opposed to recording devices, the revelation from random searches will be the unexpected volume of moviegoers smuggling in contraband food in defiance of the extortion level prices involved with theater snacks.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I go to advance screenings pretty regularly, and they always have two guys in suits at the door, who are supposed to look intimidating and who “check bags”. They “look” in the bag, but they never actually seem to see anything that’s in there. They ask if I have a cell phone or other device. If I say “Yes”, they ask if it’s turned off. I say “Yes”. Then I go inside. Pretty useless.

What they sometimes also do is to have one of these guys stand beside the screen for a few minutes after the movie has started, and scan the room with… something. I don’t know what he’s using. But presumably, it can tell if a device is in use. It’s less invasive and I would guess a lot more effective; I don’t know why they don’t do this instead of the bag checks.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Our local theaters all have signs up that say they have the right to inspect bags and purses. They’ve never actually checked my purse (and mine tend to be pretty oversized). I’ve never seem them inspect anyone else’s either. This is nothing new in my city and it has never deterred me from going to the theater.

JLeslie's avatar

No. I still fly, go to Disney World, and stadiums.

I don’t think they should do the searches though. I don’t think the theaters should be responsible for preventing the piracy.

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