Have you ever done something, and then immediately wondered how you did it?
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Or climbed out of the car and wondered what the hell let me get through that?
The seat belts and shoulder harness helped.
Say the first letter of a newly-learned-and-vaguely-remembered word and wonder how I managed to say the rest of the word after that.
A lot of “muscle memory” things strike me this way. For instance, I can pick up a guitar and my hands will know how to play a couple of pieces that I learned 45 years ago, even though I haven’t really done any playing since then. I couldn’t begin to tell you how those pieces are played. I just watch as my hands find the right frets and strings.
That’s just a particularly curious example; actually, most of my activity through the day unfolds the same way. Mundane things like my morning shave happen with next to no input from me (whoever that is).
All the time with my computer, I figure something out and then have zero idea of HOW I did it, going along in the flow zone but failing to note the methodology. haha
Said “I do” when I didn’t.
Said “I didn’t”, when I did.
I was able to get a clip in iMovie to go backwards then I tried to do it again and I couldn’t remember how I did it.
Each time I held a new baby in my arms for the first time.
I haven’t seen Gunsmoke in decades. I was in a waiting room the other day, when it came on (right after The Rockford Files!)
The scene shifted to a lady and my brain shouted “Miss Kitty!” Then I thought that was weird because I really, honestly didn’t recognize her. I guess Miss Kitty is stored somewhere in an ancient part of my brain that doesn’t need my permission to recognize somebody. (And it WAS Miss Kitty. Someone on the show called her by name.)
When I was really active in sports my body could do some amazing things that left me wondering how I did it.
Pass high school math. I think they gave me a pass out of compassion.
The first time I fell to earth from a perfectly good aircraft. (I think someone pushed)
Scaled a fence with one hand.
Adrenaline from chasing a pervy kid who grabbed me there.
Couldn’t do that again even if you offered me a million bucks.
Just tonight, I put some home made pizza dough in the oven to rise after warming the oven up for a couple minutes.
Went back to slicing my olives and peppers and thought I turned off the oven but I cranked the dial around to “broil.” :-/
Smelled smoke and, well…WTF! haha
Melted the plastic wrap onto the dough and it melted and burned on the glass bowl.(&^#$!!
Ran the smoking bowl out into the garage and had to blow out the whole house on a cold rainy day. Bah!
Had to start all over again and make more dough. Pizza came out awesome, eventually. lol
Yes, when I took a painting class at a hobby store, after my first painting was completed, I looked at it and wondered how I did it. I haven’t done any painting recently but whenever I do pick up the brushes, I still wonder how I do it. I am in the process of learning how to make my paintings better.
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