General Question

Strauss's avatar

Is coleslaw on (rather than with) a sandwich a relatively new thing?

Asked by Strauss (23914points) October 31st, 2014

I have enjoyed coleslaw all my life alongside sandwiches and/or picnic-style meals (e. g., fried chicken). It is only recently that I have seen sandwiches (specifically, barbecue pork or beef) with coleslaw on the sandwich, more or less used as a condiment. Is this a new phenomenon, or is it possibly a regional specialty that has enjoyed more widespread popularity through exposure in the “info-tainmant” media?

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21 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Coleslaw on sandwiches made with roast beef, turkey, corned beef, and pastrami is routine where I live…starting with the Bronx, then a communting suburb of NYC, then Boston, then Manhattan, then Philadelphia, and then rural NYS. It is a concomitant part, much more than a condiment.

janbb's avatar

Nope – a Reuben has had coleslaw on it for ages. Doesn’t really appeal to me however.

Should we call it a concondiment part then? Or even verbify it – “concondimenting”?

gailcalled's avatar

Catsusup later. I have to go out.

janbb's avatar

Mustard you?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

We’ve always used a lot of cabbage in all kinds of ways. It was a common crop here for years. We had a regional company that shipped a lot of kraut to NYC. He had all kinds of connections to the NYC hot dog sellers. He passed away a few years ago and the company is gone. RIP Shelly.

Strauss's avatar

@janbb, @Adirondackwannabe, I’ve often seen kraut on Reubens and hot dogs (as well as sausage of all kinds). Being of Irish and Eastern European heritage, cabbage and kraut were pretty much staples in our menu as was coleslaw. I’ve worked in many food establishments (fine and otherwise) over the years, but it has been only in the past couple decades that I’ve seen the use of coleslaw as part of a sandwich, and it seems to be trending toward universal appeal.

And that includes coleslas which has “apple appeal” as an ingredient!

Pachy's avatar

I like coleslaw both with and on hotdogs and corned beef sandwiches.

Coloma's avatar

I LOVE Cole Slaw, but not on a sandwich, as a side, same goes for sauerkraut.
This is not a popular thing out west here IMO, maybe an east coaster thing?
Mmm…I think I’ll make my awesome baked cabbage this afternoon now. haha

jca's avatar

I’ve heard of it in local suburbs around here (as @gailcalled calls it “Communting suburbs”). I have never eaten sandwiches that way, but some people love it.

gailcalled's avatar

@jca:Milo made the typo. It’s never my fault.

janbb's avatar

The typo came on little cat’s paws.

chyna's avatar

We’ve always put coleslaw on hot dogs and barbecue sandwiches. I didn’t know if it was a regional thing because my relatives in other states had never heard of coleslaw on sandwiches and had never tried it until they visited here. They now fix their hot dogs with coleslaw.

marinelife's avatar

Slaw dogs are a big treat in North Carolina, where adding slaw to sandwiches has long been a regional staple.

ibstubro's avatar

I’ve only heard of putting cold slop in a sandwich the past couple of years, here in the Midwestern US. I don’t much care for it because it’s so messy. Gimme kraut.

The local bar has a blue cheese coleslaw they put on sandwiches and, although I like both slaw and blue cheese, I thought it was nasty.

gailcalled's avatar

It does have to be traditional coleslaw; grated cabbage, a little vinegar or lemon juice, a pinch of sugar and mayo. No fancy blue cheeeses.

ibstubro's avatar

Fried catfish filet sandwich with blue cheese coleslaw, @gailcalled. Bleh, spit. Perverse, and I’m all about trying new things.

Apparently in SoCal they use grated cabbage on tacos, rather than lettuce. I found that rather jarring.

gailcalled's avatar

Sorry about all those “e’s” in “cheeses.”

ibstubro's avatar

Cheese can’t have too many eee’s, @gailcalled.

Strauss's avatar

@ibstubro I was also originally surprised by the slaw in fish tacos, but I don’t really mind that; with other sandwiches, though, I’d rather have it on the side.

janbb's avatar

@Yetanotheruser I’m with you on both of those preferences.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Slaw on stuff is a southern thing, been that way as long as I can remember. I can’t eat a pulled pork sandwich without slaw.

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