General Question

ragingloli's avatar

Out of these 3 options, what would be your preferred way to be executed, if forced to choose?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) October 31st, 2014

1. Being stoned to death.
2. Being burnt alive at the stake.
3. Being beheaded.

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30 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Beheaded, hands down. Er, wait, heads up? lol
Swift, painless, into the basket.

Jaxk's avatar

None sound very appealing. Being beheaded could work if you could assure one clean stroke. Otherwise, I think i’d go with dying in my sleep.

Zaku's avatar

Beheading, all the way…
I imagine it is fast and involves a lot less suffering than the others.

rojo's avatar

I am thinking This

flutherother's avatar

Beheading has the advantage of being quick so I’d probably go with that. It also beats a lethal injection or the electric chair.

zenvelo's avatar

Said the Queen of Hearts, “Off with my head!” as long as it was quick.

Being burned alive has always been the worst way to go to me. And getting stoned is way painful, until one loses consciousness.

chelle21689's avatar

beheaded seems the quickest way to go.

RocketGuy's avatar

@rojo – I think the Ohio machine would be more painful than a guillotine.

kritiper's avatar

Beheaded. Too much pain with the other two.
(Lethal injection would be best. It’s like being put to sleep for a dental or surgical procedure. But you don’t wake up.)

gondwanalon's avatar

If the beheading was done slowly with the dull jackknifed and I suppose I would choose death by fire.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Forced to choose? What are they going to do if I refuse? Kill me?

janbb's avatar

Beheading in my sleep.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Off with the head I guess.

ragingloli's avatar

If you do not choose, you get impaled

majorrich's avatar

Being beheaded seems to be the way to go, but I do not wish to end up like Sir Nicholas (Nearly Headless Nick of Harry Potter fame). I am intrigued by the Head Ripper Offer as they tested it in Granville, Ohio (my home town) Which is a College town and I am sure their engineering students got a charge out of the project. Bwahahaha

majorrich's avatar

Here is a good film of an impalement Although it is almost assuredly not a real execution.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Beheaded, but with a sharp guillotine or a sword. None of that hacking with an axe stuff thank you very much.

talljasperman's avatar

All three at once.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

Thing is your brain might linger for a while longer when your beheaded and you may get a few moments to a couple minutes more of life with your brain screaming for oxygen.

Being burned at the stake however, there is a good chance you’ll pass out from smoke inhalation and possibly even die before the flames have a chance to do serious harm.

So beheading isn’t as painless as one might believe and being burned to death at the stake has a very good chance of being a lot less painful than one would imagine.

Anyway, Line up those Jefferies, I’m getting “stoned” to death.

Darth_Algar's avatar


You will most certainly lose consciousness very quickly due to lack of oxygen to the brain in a beheading.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

@Darth_Algar depends on how oxygenated your brain is. Fear/panic has a bad habit of getting a lot of oxygen up to your brain and with high oxygen saturation, it has been seen that a brain has remained active 5 minutes after beheading (Nazis were a bit terrifying in how far they would go with their experiments seeing the limits of the human body and organs but I admit the results are interesting if not horrifying to most people).

kritiper's avatar

@Darth_Algar and @Winter_Pariah Shock sets in right off and knocks you out in almost no time. Like a high sudden severe electrical jolt.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Stoned to death? That would take a lot of weed.

I kid.

Beheaded, of course. Seems like the obvious answer when compared to the other two.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

It depends. Beheading would be the best if I’m ready to go, but if I’m being killed when I still have unfinished business, I would choose stoning. That way I’d get to hurl abuse and taunt my killers until the very last. Being burned is just awful though, so that isn’t an option.

seekingwolf's avatar

Beheaded. That is the obvious choice in this question, really. It’s the quickest/least painful…assuming it’s quick and with a very sharp implement.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Firing squad. Not listed but my choice.

talljasperman's avatar

Old age is the way for me to go. With family holding my hands.

Here2_4's avatar

Well, given the suggestion made by @livelaughlove21 , if I were stoned enough first, I could handle either of the other two. As suggested by @FireMadeFlesh , while being stoned, I could shout out all the dirt I know about the flingers, thereby, hopefully, diverting their attention to someone else. That done, I might manage to slip away while they pelt someone who had his neighbor’s wife, or sold someone’s dog to a research lab.

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