The Jelly Below Me loves to... #2?
We could just go back here to play but I think the older thread is getting full of responses and soon will be unloadable, beside there are some new jellies here who may not see the thread, so I decide to launch the second TJBM loves to.
The rules are easy. List one thing which you enjoy very much doing, then start it off for the next person. For instance, if swimming by moonlight stirs special memories for you, list that, then finish with, “The jelly below me (TJBM) loves to…”, as an opener for the next jelly.
Please list only one at a time, but add new items as you like. Try to keep it brief.
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222 Answers
Drink champagne and eat good food! haha
TJBM loves to….
Drink champagne but not get drunk :)
TJBM loves to…
Drink Hawaiian Punch, and feel drunk on love.
TJBM loves to…
be free, free, free, don’t fence me in.
TJBM loves to…..
Get the connection to work again.
TJBM loves to…
Wash her face with a hot flannel :)
TJBM love to…
Soak in my hot tub for a while on a chilly autumn night before going to bed.
TJBM loves to…
Drink coffee, but my doctor says I should not.
TJBM loves
Potato chips.
TJBM loves to…
Drink tea and read a book on blustery days (like today)
TJBM loves to
Drinking chai tea and reading a book is good anytime as far as I’m concerned!
TJBM was up all night.
False, partied it up a wee bit with some champagne to celebrate a friends new race car and went to bed around 10ish. 8:30 a.m. now and I just came back from a delightful brisk walk down to the barn to feed the horses.
TJBM loves a brisk fall morning walk
TJBM is finer ‘n frog hair.
Yes, and I love to fix things.
TJBM loves to…
Look at the snowcapped summit here after yesterdays big rain storm that dumped some new snow in the Sierras.
TJBM loves to…..
Dip into her kid’s Halloween stash.
TJBM loves to…
Learn new stuff.
TJBM loves to
Visulize @snowberry dressing a deer in her kitchen. lol
TJBM loves to….
give some of their Halloween candy to candiless dxs. Just a few starbursts and maybe a payday. You know you want to.
The Jelly below me loves to….. on Halloween.
Watch horror movies.
@dxs I have chocolate caramels and smarties, which would you like? Or, a Mikes Hard Lemonade? lol
TJBM loves to….on a dark and stormy night
@Coloma‘s comment, snowberry is pondering whether the deer will look better dressed in gabardine or calico~
This jelly loves to snuggle up in front of a fire with hot chocolate and a good book
TJBM loves to ___________!
Smell an amazing dinner cooking and wait until I can no longer stand the salivation to serve it. haha
TJBM loves to dress their pets up in…..
Stuffing and herbs. I have no pets.
TJBM loves to…
Play on the computer way touch.
TJBM loves to…
Mess with computers.
TJBM loves to…
get the hell outa dodge as often as possible and leave the rat race behind.
TJBM Loves to
chat late into the night with good friends… and sometimes talk the moon out of the sky
TJBM loves to…
TJBM adores me because I am the maladroit Yin tho their Yang.
If you say so. lol
TJBM has a cut somewhere on their body
Yes. And its origin is a long story.
TJBM loves to…
^^ I can’t make it feel better, but I’d love to give you a hug in stead.
TJBM loves to.
TJBM loves to…
Eat. haha
TJBM loves to eat…..
Too much
TJBM is in love with…
Chocolate caramel candies. My latest discovery. I just ate 5 of them, no more, no more. haha
TJBM loves to————- while—————
sing…playing guitar.
TJBM is…
Crafting and answer.
TJBM loves to…
get noogies from a glove of love!
TJBM would love to…
Try American food!
TJBM loves to…
Put together puzzles
TJBM loves…
going outside 1st thing with my coffee and porch sitting. The best part of wakin’ up is country in your cup.
TJBM loves to….
Stay up late, hence my answer here…
TJBM knows their alphabet backwards.
I’m still trying to get it forwards without saying m twice.
I love to go to sleep hungry. Then I dream about eating and eating, and I wakr up feeling like I just had a meal.
TJBM loves to…
Think deeply about things.
TJBM is in love with
with my cats and goose, my little buddies.
TJBM loves a good…..
Excuse to celebrate something.
TJBM loves the way…
my dog throws her own toys. She’s tossed some in the kitchen sink (fortunately it doesn’t happen often, but it’s funny), and one on a high shelf, among other places.
(to change it up a bit) TJBM thinks it’s funny and loves it when…
my cat goes around and steals all my pony tail holders and stashes them in his food bowl. haha
TJBM loves…...
An irritating situation that eventually gives people a good laugh.
TJBM loves to see…
Good people laughing.
TJBM loves it when….
…he hears children laughing.
TJBM is very good at…
Creating, decorating, organizing and being a silly goose.
TJBM is…...feet tall and…...wide
6’ tall and 2’ wide (at the shoulders) 16” wide (at the hips).
Funny, I’ve never measured my width that way before!
TJBM is _____ where it counts.
TJBM loves to….....while eating breakfast
Sit with my family…But it never happens, because daughter likes to skip breakfast (despite all my endeavors to change that behavior) and the wife likes to eat while getting dressed.
Put away the peanut butter cookies. haha
TJBM loves…..
Peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips, or just a Hershey kiss on top.
TJBM loves _____ with their ____
to snuggle with my 22 lb. cat Myles.
TJBM loves wearing….....around the house
TJBM loves their ______ best.
TJBM loves… when…
fall mornings like this, sunny, leaves falling, cool but not cold.
TJBM loves to…..before bed
Drink 3 shots of Tequilla…before bed.
TJBM loves it when….........
…my SO drinks 3 shots of Tequilla…before bed.
Doesn’t exist yet.
TJBM’s…... doesn’t exist yet.
future, nor does anyones.
TJBM loves to watch the full moon rise from their….....
Horizon. Where else?
TJBM loves to…
Porch, window, tree house, etc. etc. etc. haha
Take a hot bath and go to bed.
TJBM loves to take a…....
Long sleep without having to worry about waking up.
TJBM loves to… but…
Travel, but other obligations and commitments prevent me from doing so.
TJBM hates it when…
I clean the horses stalls immaculately and the second I bring them in at night they walk in both piss in unison. Thanks girls. lol
TJBM feels annoyed when….
my roommates play their loud music over my modestly-volumed music. I was playing it first!
The Jelly below me ______ on Sundays.
Sleeps in!
TJBM is an amazing…...!
TJAM forgot to say loves to
I’m not above you.
TJBM loves… even though…
It gives me a head ache in the morning.
TJBM loves to do this in private…
Yes, but it isn’t right for you to tell.
TJBM loves _______, but only once in a while.
That would be beet salad.
TJBM loves to __________ just before bedtime.
Look at what’s going on here. haha
TJBM is in love with a…....
TJBM loves to…. when they have nothing to do.
Fluther, obviously.
The Jelly below me loves to watch….
Vintage TV, Brady Bunch, Little House on the Prairie, Lucy, Bonanza, history, science and nature documentaries and strange youtube videos. lol
TJBM loves to sing in the…....
shower, or any other place where (I think) nobody can hear me.
The Jelly below me loves to think about…
…Days gone by, although I do not dwell on it.
TJBM loves to dream about…
Thrilling adventure.
TJBM loves to say about…
I love to say ” well, we have to die of SOMETHING”. Have another cookie and a beer. lol
TJBM loves to spy on…...
Cats. They’re so unpredictably silly.
TJBM loves to…
Stay home during bad snow storms.
TJBM loves to go into this….... store as long as no one sees them…...
Not any stores I can think of that I would mind being seen in. I do like to keep it secret that I like those Alpo filled Jack-in-the-box tacos though. lol
TJBM loves to have a…....dinner
TJBM loves the view from…
…here!. It’s about 3 miles from my house.
TJBM loves the weather…
When the weather is loving me!
TJBM loves their ________ crispy.
TJBM loves their bacon…
Served now!
TJBM loves to… as soon as possible.
have coffee asap when I wake up. Do not even talk to me until I am at least 1 cup in. lol
TJBM once loved to….but is too old to…
Climb trees!
TJBM loves ______ precise
My kitchen to be….
TJBM loves to harass…..
With dishonest sellers.
TJBM loves to…. so that everyone will be blessed.
be warm!
TJBM loves to_____with their family.
anything that isn’t bad Being together is the important part.
TJBM loves to wish for…
Not to have to chain up during the winter.
TJBM loves to…... when their spouse leasts expects it…........
I don’t ave a spouse anymore so I will substitute “spouse” with cat.
I love to open a can of real Tuna when my cats least expect it. lol
TJBM loves to play practical jokes on their…. kids, spouse, boss, co-workers, neighbors, strangers….
Spouse…but spouse doesn’t have a very practical sense of humor!
TJBM loves to _____ in cold weather.
Get all cozy under a blanket and watch movies.
TJBM loves to….in hot weather.
Dance in the water sprinkler..
TJBM loves _____ even though everyone else says they are silly.
Watch cartoons.
TJBM used to love to…
Watch a boxing match, but that was a long time ago.
TJBM used to be________.
a fan of the simplicity of “TJBM loves to…”
TJBM loves to…
Lie in bed and fluther by the light of my cool lamps. lol
TJBM loves to————-naked
Make soup, all kinds of soup, split pea, veggie, minestrone, cabbage, potato and sausage, soup, soup, soup, and french bread!!! lol
TJBM loves, loves, loves, just LOVES to…..
Draw comics!
TJBM loves to…. if they have enough ability.
If I had the ability, I would love to fly.
TJBM loves it when the weather…
Is great so it makes my job a lot nicer.
TJBM really likes to do….......... but would rather nobody knew.
Loves to mess with other peoples minds, in a nice way of course.
The jelly below me might enjoy the same.
If that does no harm, then I’m in.
TJBM loves to…. event though they can’t.
You just asked that Fly I have never taken a lesson, but I think it would be exciting. Maybe I will.
TJBM loves to…
I thought you wish to do more @Here2_4
Fluther without worrying about time.
TJBM loves to… when they dance.
Have fun!
TJBM loves to….. when they’re all alone late at night’
Watch a movie, without anyone complaning that I didn’t choose a good one, or blabbng about what comes next.
TJBM loves ______ with their ice cream.
to add milk and stir up my ice cream to a perfect milkshake consistency.
TJBM loves their…......
Vanilla ice cream in my Dark Roast coffee.
TJBM loves to…on…
bundle up and walk down to feed the horses on a stormy morning.
TJBM loves to hate….
Worrying about grades. I want to learn for knowlege, not for grades!
TJBM loves to… when they’re high.
Listen to or make music.
TJBM loves…on a Sunday afternoon.
Relax on the porch or by the fireplace if it is cold outside.
TJBM loves to….....on a Saturday night.
Loves to blow snot rockets on a Saturday night.
TJBM loves to….....the toe jam in between their toes.
Clean. Ewwww, ewwww, EWWWW!
TJBM has eaten a candy bar of some sort in the last 24 hours.
In the last 24×100 hours.
TJBM loves to… when it’s late.
star watch.
TJBM loves to _______ with a rubber duckie.
TJBM loves to ____ on a Sunday afternoon.
Sit in the sun ( in the 60’s here right now ) and watch nature.
This mornings event, 2 lovestruck Jackrabbits playing hard to get in the pasture. haha
TJBM has to go to the bathroom
In 9 hours.
TJBM loves to….. when they are in the bathroom.
Make bubbles.
TJBM loves to get ___________.
Naked and crawl into my fluffy bed with the electric blanket on mega high. I know it’s too hot when my cat goes into a coma. lol
TJBM loves to….........
Eat fluffy pink Jello.
TJBM loves to find _______.
Cool vintage ceramic bowls that I make little water gardens in.
TJBM loves to…...
Ride horses.
TJBM loves to create…
Imaginary friends.
TJBM loves to… when they are angry.
Mutter bad words or insults under my breath. haha
TJBM knows someone that is a slob and pack rat and it drives them crazy…just clean up your s——t! lol
^^^^ Oops…wrong answer, never mind.
TJBM loves to…......
Sleep in a cool house in a warm bed with ½ a dozen blankets on the bed.
TJBM loves to…
Do the same, only with 3 blankets and a quilt, but, one of the blankets is electric. :-)
TJBM loves to…..
Be free of any work during New Year’s Eve.
TJBM loves to…
Be free of real work as much as possible!
TJBM loves to…
Eat, drink and be merry!
TJBM loves to…
Play with squirt guns.
TJBM loves to….....
Golf, sport shoot ,ride dirt bikes?? yup,yup!
TJBM is wanting to have a water fight .
It’s summer. So why not yolo?
TJBM loves to…
eat frosted animal crackers.
The Jelly below me loves to….. on Tuesdays.
Sure doesn’t everybody?
TJBM has been to a nude beach at least once in their lives.
Yep. I was that straight, naive young man at the “gay” beach.!
TJBM loves to remember…
Sometimes, but I am more of a future oriented type.
TJBM has allergies.
To cockroaches.
TJBM has an irrational fear.
I used to be claustrophobic, but I crawled out of that hole!
TJBM loves to hate…
Nah…it takes a lot to piss me off but if I cross that thresh hold I shall verbally filet you and leave you nursing your psychic wounds. The tongue is mightier than the sword. lol
TJBM has a busy day ahead and is relishing the moment before they must launch their rocket.
Yes. The Mrs. is coming home after a business trip of several days, my sister is coming to town tomorrow night, and I have a week’s worth of chores I need to catch up on today!
TJAM forgot to show the love! LOL!
TJBM loves to forgive TJAM (or any other jellie) when they forget to show the love.
@SQUEEKY2 You read my statement much differently than I had intended…
Yes. I even forgive them for mistaking this thread for the normal TJBM thread.
TJBM loves to…
Solve problems. I’ll hear strangers in the store trying to figure something out and I’ll walk over to join in.
TJBM loves to…
The end of a long, hard day!
TJBM loves to _____ on a Thursday evening.
Organize a movie night event.
TJBM loves to…
Eat french bread pizza with lemonade.
TJBM loves to….in the dark.
Walk outside.
TJBE is a dog lover.
Actually no. I’m a cat lover, I have had dogs I loved but just don;t want the work of a dog anymore. Dogs are just too high maintenance.
TJBM has an unusual pet.
Hmmm, in the past I’ve had some pretty strange ones, but not at the moment.
TJBM is faster than…
Finish all my exams and enjoy summer holiday.
TJBM loves to…
Take a nice shower at the end of the day.
TJBM loves to…..
Take a hot shower every morning.
TJBM loves to…
Call a spade a spade or a thug a thug. lol
TJBM loves to….
Spend time with family!
TJBM loves to…
Eat as many ice-creams as possible!
TJBM loves to…
Shop at second hand stores.
TJBM is fond of….. but hates….!
Find bargains at second hand stores,
TJBM loves to…
Loiter in my pj;s and bath robe with coffee on stormy mornings.
TJBM loves to….
TJBM loves to…
Try new foods and restaurants. I can’t wait to try Seoul Taco!
I’ll have one of each, tofu!
TJBM loves to…
be home alone on the ranch here with nobody around accept me and the animals.
TJBM loves to….
accept animals.
The Jelly below me loves to…
Surprise friends with favors.
I’m off to deliver fresh Naan to a friend!
TJBM loves to…
Surprise strangers with favors.
A random act of kindness doesn’t hurt.
TJBM loves to…
Surprise strangers with favors.
Today there was an older woman in the grocery lugging a huge bag of dog food off the shelf. “Can I help with that?” “That would be great!”
TJBM loves to…
Perform random acts of joy!
My teenage daughter is mortified when her dad is dancing in the aisles of the supermarket for no apparent reason other than he likes the song on the muzak!
@Yetanotheruser I was in the grocery store the other day when the theme to The Twilight Zone started playing, a bunch of us went into about a 3 minute improv session, it was hilarious. Um, your short term memory has slipped a bit my friend, so I shall start this engine again. lol
TJBM loves to…..
Find images in random patterns. This dawn morning my sock shelf looked like the face of a floppy stuffed bunny was sticking out. Sorta like the cloud game. (Textured glass, like shower door, is also great.)
TJBM loves to…
stuff my face with watermelon while I am cutting it up.
TJBM loves to….
Stuff my face with anything while I’m cutting up!
TJBM loves to…
PS Thank you my dear @Coloma
Come across some random luck.
TJBM loves to…
get my favorite mexican takeout dinner.
TJBM luvs to…
Eat Mexican food at the Mexican restaurant!
Take-out margaritas are illegal.
TJBM loves to…
Dig up old songs or artists I loved and forgot about.
TJBM loves to….
Bury new artists until I gets me ransom.
TJBM loves to…
Try to remember…song lyrics from old musicals.
TJBM loves to…
Try to find obscure songs.
TJBM loves to…
Listen to obscure songs.
TJBM loves to…..
Re-read modern classical fiction, like, “To Kill a Mockingbird”.
½ way again and excellent!
TJBM loves to
roll my eyes when overhearing other peoples petty dramas. lol
TJBM loves tp…on hot summer nights
Sleep naked.
TJBM loves to…
Get naked.
TJBM loves to…
Get naked and sleep naked too. lol
TJBM loves…....fill in the blanks, action, adventure, historical, sci-fi, romance, comedy movies.
Tp when I have a BM, regardless the weather!
TJBM loves to…
The Jelly below me loves to play the ______.
Do something harmlessly evil.
TJBM loves to…
Wait around for this thread to load.
TJBM loves to…
Take a long, lovely shower after I finish all the ranch chores.
TJBM loves to…...
Imagine that @Yetanotheruser is hinted at a TJBM loves to re-load.
TJBM loves to…
Hint that @ibstubro has a good imagination!
TJBM loves to…
See a bromance unfold. lol ;-)
TJBM loves to….
Laugh at @Coloma‘s ‘funnies’. :-)
TJBM loves to…
Eat coconut ice cream bars on a hot evening.
TJBM loves to…
I do! I do!
Lets all move on over!
Keep it simple and unqualified.
TJBM loves to…
Answer this question