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talljasperman's avatar

Do totally blind people buy light bulbs?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 2nd, 2014

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9 Answers

jaytkay's avatar

I worked at a store where Stevie Wonder bought a TV. No kidding.

I wasn’t in that day. I’m still sad.

janbb's avatar

Of course they do.

Pachy's avatar

They do if they want sighted people to be able to see when visiting.

LuckyGuy's avatar

You need to see the movie Wait Until Dark , 1967, starring Audrey Hepburn and Alan Arkin. Oh my!

Your library might have a copy.

Adagio's avatar

I’m assuming that visually impaired people also live with sighted people, I don’t imagine the sighted people want to walk around in the dark at night. Most people have visitors as well, you don’t want your guests sitting in the dark.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

My great uncle with years of total blindness continued to pay for lights.

They were installed and used by his wife.

ucme's avatar

How many blind people does it take to change a lightbulb?
Depends on if the switch is on or off.

Buttonstc's avatar

Of course they do unless they are asocial hermits who never interact with sighted people.

Its like any other purchases that they make of life’s necessities. You don’t have to be able to see in order to buy lightbulbs. You just ask for the wattage you want and pay for it.

I’m having difficulty understanding why this is even a question. Blind people aren’t THAT different from the rest of us. They’ve just lost one ability; that of sight. They didn’t suddenly lose their mind also. They certainly don’t expect any of their sighted loved ones or guests to stumble around in the dark. As incredible as it may sound, just because they’re blind it doesn’t prevent them from awareness of the needs of others. Someone would have to be extremely stupid not to realize that. There is no correlation between blindness and extreme stupidity. They’re just as smart and aware of things as the rest of us.

Why on earth wouldn’t they buy lightbulbs? Unless they live in a cave, light bulbs are a necessity just like a whole bunch of other items used in daily living.

Buttonstc's avatar


Well, according to the link you posted, apparently some have lost (or never acquired) the simple skill of LOCKING A DOOR.


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