Are you more amazed by peoples brilliance, or stupidity?
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November 3rd, 2014
Just wondering, so what is it?
Brilliance, or stupidity?
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29 Answers
People have the capacity to take both to such great lengths.
Stupidity by far. One of my biggest pet peeves is the zombie daze most people walk around in. Freaking seriously, open your eyes and pick up your feet and LOOK when crossing in front of my car, pay the fuck ATTENTION when you are dithering around the grocery store blocking isles and shuffling along in your fog. I can’t believe the basic lack of attention to anything I observe in my daily doings.
Takes Oblivious to a whole new level. haha
@Coloma super great answer,couldn’t have put it any better.
I am equally amazed by both, but see brilliance so seldom, I am more surprised by that. Stupidity so saturates the population, I find myself wishing to witness brilliance.
Stupidity takes first place in my book.
I’m constantly amazed by the rarity of brilliance and the over abundancy of stupidity.
Brilliance. It’s what I pay more attention to.
Stupidity so outweighs brilliance.
It is certainly more frustrating.
I’m an optimist, look at the positives, so brilliance.
Leave the miserable bastards to dwell on negatives.
Both, but the demonstrations of stupidity are far more frequent, sadly.
I’m wowed by small things and very aware of stupidity. I think it’s even. Well, no. There are more stupid people than “brilliant” people. It’s all in the math.
Mostly, the stupidity of brilliant people.
At this very moment stupidity, including my own. Sucky day. Today is like the cherry on top of the poisoned cake.
I have enjoyed many brilliant failures in my day. I guess that means a bit of both. A sure fire plan executed in a breathtakingly poor way. An a miserable plan that somehow miraculously succeeds. I do enjoy Russian dashcam footage though. :)
Something so stupid that it’s brilliant.
Brilliance, I’ve seen, heard and done plenty of stupid things that actions of utter idiocy no longer hold my intrigue for more than a few seconds.
Brilliance to me shows progress. Stupidity is a reminder that we have much further to progress.
It amazes me when people are brilliant.
Stupidity just frustrates me.
Either that or I just really haven’t met too many stupid people. Or is stupidity relevant and I’m just very low on the totem pole? Hmm…
It’s like the bell curve.
I’m amazed at the top 5% and the bottom 5% of outgoing people.
I like the think I prefer the brilliance, but it seems harder to find in the media.
Every person possesses a nugget of brilliance.
Stupidity prevents us from allowing them to share it with us.
^^^ Yep, a nugget of brilliance buried under the Mother Lode of density. That’s a lotta shovel fulls of stupidity to sift through to reach pay dirt. lol
I cannot say stupid because the more intelligent have a greater ability and propensity for evil. The enmity sort of confuses me, but the reason behind it doesn’t. Needs are not being met, avenues of escape all but closed. In that pressure cooker something is going to pop. To bad I would like to study more American history to see if this sense of entitlement was always there. The closest I can figure out is that it began with Manifest Destiny.
Love the John Wayne movies, the barrel of his Henry rifle is still red hot before he goes into a soliloquy of how noble native americans are and the tragedy of their proud peoples demise. I think if they were still alive they would have appreciated that.
Which John wayne movie is that?
Two on TCM these are ancient it’s been too long ago that I would remember the titles. And I can’t form new memories anymore unless I put all my resources into it. Why do you ask?
Although stupidity, when it presents itself, is highly amusing.
not when it gets people hurt.
I just can’t remember, @Shut_Yo_Mouth I can’t picture that kind of scene in any John Wayne movies.
I swear @Here2_4 I have black outs and antegrade amnesia, of course hallucinations and gross misinterprentaions but I’m good at observing. That’s how I stay out of trouble
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