What sounds bring you a sense of peace or pleasure or, on the other side sounds that terrify you?
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November 5th, 2014
We know how smells can trigger feelings and memories and get a person to remember parts of his life. But are there sounds that either soothe or please you or sounds that upset you somehow.
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29 Answers
Timothy B Schmit’s voice, or the sound of a car crash and someone screaming. True story. Or janbb’s question.
Peace and Pleasure: The drone of cicadas in the summer, cats purring, geese honking overhead, my wife’s gentle snore, a late-night thunderstorm, one hand clapping.
A baby’s giggle when they see you.
A baby crying and you can’t find it. (Long story!)
Several years ago I had a woman friend who used to get very nervous and anxious when the wind blew. She was from California, where “wind” in her neighborhood meant the Santa Ana blowing down from the Sierra Nevada range. The Santa Ana meant hot, dry winds that heralded fire season. So it was a natural reaction on her part, I guess: “wind = wildfire” in her mind.
For my part, as a New England boy (and a sailor) I have always loved the rising wind, since storms here generally mean either rain or snow – and I like both, as long as the Red Sox aren’t playing in Fenway that day – and I can’t sail without wind, so all in all it’s generally pleasing to me. (Fifty mph winds upset anyone; we’re not talking “gale force” here.)
I like storms. They make me feel cozy and peaceful.
However, there was a hailstorm approaching one year, and it was so wicked looking that I was terrified before it even hit. The cloud was swollen and an awful shade of green. When the storm did hit, I thought it was going to tear the house down. It was really scary.
(I think I received the starfish award, guys.)
* heavy rain outside
* coffe machines gurgling
* pages of a book rustling
* the sea
* wind
* snoring dogs
* the sound of childhood audio books
* a fire crackling
* the dishwasher running
* birds chirping while falling asleep
* the silence of night
Copied from @thorninmud, but true for me, too:
* cicadas
* geese honking
* couples fighting
* children getting yelled at
* screaming brakes
* an animal’s yelp of pain
* dry, painful coughing
* chalk screeching on a blackboard
^^^ That just about covers it!
The screech of car tires as the brakes are applied, followed by the inevitable metallic clanging as two vehicles clash (very unpleasant).
Adults arguing- particularly shrieking women. (negative)
The sound of a mellifluous fart, because I know it is granting someone peace and more serenity. The same goes, on a lesser scale, for a euphonious belch. (positive)
The sound of a train horn, beeping as it passes. (as long as it isn’t too close) – very calming.
Peaceful and pleasant: the sound of ripples breaking on the shore.
Not so pleasant: the sound of my alarm in the morning.
I love the sound of a train, especially late at night.
The sound of bagpipes takes me back to Scotland where I long to be all the time.
Good sounds:
Rain especially when cascading off leaves
A ripple of applause golf clap
Roar of a brand new V8 more of a purr really
Bad sounds:
Fat people’s orgasms
Celine Dion warbling
Positive Sounds
birds and nature
trickling water
Negative Sounds
The phone ringing in the middle of the night.
Fire alarm bad. The sound of a video lottery game chiming that I won good.
Oh baby, that’s so good. Followed by Honey I’m home. And oh Shit that’s my husband.
Terrible sound: Fluther veterans whining on & on & on about the calibre of questions/users.
Change the fucking record, boring & bitter farts.
Bad : someone knocking at my door.
Good: the sound of someone’s voice on the other side of the wall of my office…won’t be for much longer, though.
Gunfire coming from this side
Gunfire coming from that side
How about the sound of wolves or coyotes? I love that sound. It makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up, but it’s so wild and soothing.
My favorite sound is the call of a Loon.
My least favorite sound is a cellphone ringing during prayer at a funeral.
– Bird singing.
– Childhood songs.
– Flute.
– Rain.
– Some old jazz.
– Gramma’s voice.
– Mom’s angry voice.
– Driller.
– Ambulance’s alarm.
Peaceful sounds: wood crackling and popping in a fireplace, the whir of a dishwasher, heavy rain on a roof, crickets on a summer night, wind blowing through trees, the creaks an old rocking chair makes while in motion
Scary: The sound of tree limbs snapping (I live in a city with huge, tall trees everywhere, so hearing the sound, but not seeing where it’s coming from is terrifying), a blood curdling scream, screeching tires in the distance (because you expect a horrible crunch at the end), multiple police sirens sounding at once, from all directions.
@jonsblond I love loons. They’ve woke me up in LP.
Sounds that I think are pleasant include: wind chimes, children laughing, a loud cat purr, fountains, mockingbird, meadow lark and cardinal songs.
An unpleasant sound recently heard, the crackling and popping of a raging fire that completely destroyed our neighbors garage.
@Katz22 Songbirds, the chimes, the fountains, the child laughing, and the cat. But I’m not a cat person.
Bats don’t bother me. They did right after the shots but I’m back to treating them just like any other animal. You respect them and know their habits and you’ll be fine.
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