Right now with the food in your house how many days or weeks can you survive?
Asked by
JLeslie (
November 6th, 2014
from iPhone
For this question assume you have potable tap water. You cannot leave your house.
What if you can leave your house, but you are confined to your property?
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60 Answers
I have 1 frikkadel left in my fridge.
I have home made frozen meals, salmon, pizza and bread in the freezer that are enough for about twelve days. I also have enough oatmeal for about the same time. I have a large sack of rice that could keep me going for a month I suppose and flour that I could make into bread. Perhaps a month altogether before I would begin to starve.
I have a freezer in the basement with a lot of fish, meats, and other items left over from a large party. That would last a couple of months or so. Then I’d have to move to the 6 months of canned goods and boxed food. If I could leave the house I have an unlimited supply of large and small game but I would have to be desperate. I have plenty of ammo but it would run out eventually. I recently purchased a PCP type pellet gun (Benjamin Maraudar) with enough power to hunt. I also many thousands of pellets – enough to last a lifetime.
Maybe 2 days of my regular diet, then another week or so on protein shakes and the rest of my Weet Bix. I’d probably be dead within two weeks, considering my lack of tolerance for hunger.
I haven’t gone regular grocery shopping in 2 months, I just pick up what I need to eat for that day.
I still have a good base of pantry items and some salmon.
I’d say roughly 1–2 weeks.
Two weeks for me and two months for Milo.
I only have a four day supply of beer left if I ration it to two a day. Otherwise I can probably go a week. “maybe two” he said, furtively eying the dog
I do not keep large stores of food in the house. I would say a few days.
I was thinking almost indefinitely. I have plenty of staples and canned goods on hand. Plus I have firearms and plenty of land to hunt and fish on, and lots of seeds so I could grow more food. But what would get me would be salt. I don’t have an unlimited supply of that and no way to replenish that.
Today is Thursday. I could make it to Sunday pretty well, but my diet would be very odd, Mince meat omelets anyone? Pasta a la tomato soup?
a few weeks with just the basics. nothing fancy.
Two freezers, plus canned goods, and current fresh food… About two-three months.
I would guess 2 months. We bought and stocked in case we get snowed in.
Of course, if we get snowed in that bad, we will probably lose power, in which case, we are screwed.
Do pop sickles count as food?
I’d have to ask the kitchen staff, the saucy maid from below stairs wouldn’t have a clue, but she serves other needs.
Whatever amount is in, the huge xmas shop will still be required in a few short weeks, gotta keep those guests tanked up with grub & grog.
I may not be able to hold out after the first four months.
20 days with canned goods, items in freezer and dried foods.
I just check the back closet – - up it to 45 days.
Less than a week, I’m sure. Oh great… something else for me to worry about.
Several months no doubt.
We have a huge, walk in pantry here at the ranch loaded with canned goods, soups, tons of rice, pastas, sauces, dried beans, lentils, peas, flour, ramen, tuna fish, canned salmon, oysters, veggies etc.
Then there is a stocked freezer in the garage, beef, chicken, salmon steaks, about 40 lbs. of meat I’d say, and the house fridge is stocked too, frozen soups, chili, meats, baggies of pre-mixed frozen whipped eggs from the chickens here, not to mention the several dozen eggs we get weekly from the hens, duck and goose eggs come spring.
If worse came to worse we could eat the larder of horse feed in the giant hay barn that is loaded for winter.
Some alfalfa soup and equine performance chow and equine senior. Then there is chicken scratch that could be ground into bread and Mazuri waterfowl chow that could be made into some ducky bread too. lol
If things got really, really bad, like an invasion of some sort we could eat the chickens, ducks and geese, donkeys and horses, ( never, I’d die first ) or rustle one of the neighbors cows, or spear bullfrogs in the pond. haha
Not to mention the bountiful harvest of wine we have stashed along with a full bar of other spirits. If nothing else we could just drink our supper. lol
Less than a week, I think and some of the meals would be pretty funky. I don’t keep much food in the house for just one person.
Just enough to pack up and make it on foot to @Coloma.‘s Then we’d be good!
Usually we’re pretty well off this time of year, but my garden was destroyed by golf-ball-size hail!
I have an earthquake kit that will last for a week for 4 people. Since there are two if us, that would be 2 weeks.
Plus the food we have on hand would last another week or so.
Not too bad.
I’m pretty sure that we have at least 6 months worth of food.
I’d say 3 months here, maybe more but this wouldn’t include fresh fruits and veggies.
With or without my husband? With, about 4 days. Without…..a month.
It’s not that my husband eats too much, but he’s wasteful. Like, on Sundays we usually cook bacon. If he does it, he cooks up the whole pound which leaves left overs that he never uses. I’ll cook up only enough for us, and refreeze the rest.
He does most of the cooking and he tends to cook like his Mom did when she had 3 boys and their friends to cook for. We wind up with so much crap rotting in the fridge. When I clean it out he complains that we have no food! He somehow equates a lot of food in the fridge as “a lot of food,” even if you can’t eat half of it!
We could live off the food in our fridge for about a week. Then the food in the pantry/garage would last us another week.
Plenty good for water – 50 gal water heater, 3 toilet tanks, 2 backpacking filters.
Plenty good for cooking – BBQ with extra gas, camping stove with fuel, 2 backpacking stoves with fuel
@Dutchess_III You can save the cooked bacon in the fridge for several days. I do it whenever I make bacon.
Probably about two months. Maybe more.
To all you doomsday preppers industrious food planners, what would a green popsicle get me in trade after three months into the zombie apocalypse? Those are going to be pah-retty valuable you know. I’m keeping the blue ones for myself.
After a year or so, I think the quality of the food would decline a lot, but I could keep us alive.
I have property and the Foxfire set of books.
@ibstubro Well…the split peas will boil away with the bugs. More protein. lol
Wow, some of these answers are incredible. I think about people who don’t know where there next meal is coming from in stark contrast to these answers.
I tried to think about it for myself. I feel like I don’t have a ton of food on hand (I used to keep more) but I think it would last longer than I would guess at first glance, even though the meals would get weird. I’ve been through hurricanes where I had to deal with no electricity and couldn’t go to the supermarket for days. This is a little different though; in this scenario we still have electricity.
I think my husband and I could last about two weeks if we rationed it well. I’d lose a little weight, which would be great, but by no means would I be going hungry.
Three cans of soup, a few slices of bread, and an open box of graham crackers with two full packs left in it, and 11 eggs, and half a carten of milk, and four cans of tuna, and two things of yogurt.
Geez! Nevermind the stinkin milk because it is stinkin. Oh! I do have a big jar of popcorn. I could live on that for a few days.
Oh, and a six pack of Dr.Pepper with one missing.
@Dutchess_III I think you and your husband should work to each other’s strengths. Encourage him to cook the whole pound of bacon, then freeze the leftovers. Whole or crumbled. You can warm in the microwave, or sprinkle it over salads and pasta. Put in casseroles. Pre-cooked bacon is a fantastic addition to many things.
@JLeslie ” I feel like I don’t have a ton of food on hand (I used to keep more) but I think it would last longer than I would guess at first glance, even though the meals would get weird.”
This is exactly why I answered the way I did. I don’t eat much, and I have a full pantry and freezer, partly because of the season. I’m not a crazy prepper or anything – I just have enough to make several weeks of (likely increasingly weird) meals.
Yep, not a prepper either, but we like to shop in large quantities so we don’t have to leave the rproperty for groceries all the time. This week will be more fresh veggies and fruits, but the rest is covered for a long time. I going out tomorrow for fresh peppers to make my killer peper steak sandwiches on Sunday.
Just checked my freezer and if I don’t mind eating freezer burn, I could probably survive for several weeks!
I just whipped up some killer spaghetti sauce with the last of the yellow peppers from the garden, fresh zucchini, onions, meat from the frizzer, canned plum tomatoes, black olives and fresh garlic. Everything on hand on a whim. I even have sour dough in the frizzer. Dinner at 6 sharp!
If you have months and months of packaged food in the pantry, I’m just curious, how much of it is expired or old enough that you would likely throw it out rather than eat it if it wasn’t desperate times.
A decent percentage, @JLeslie. We’re both in our early 50’s and I failed to align my shopping and eating habits. I’m doing better at both throwing out and buying less. I have a hard time passing up a bargain.
About 5 years ago I stopped storing so much pantry food. Too often it expired or sat there for months and months. I think just having several weeks worth is probably a luxury and likely not practiced much in other countries outside the US. Possibly people in cold climates around the world do it as much as Americans.
I know the Q is getting old, but I’m going to share with some more of our European and Canadian jellies out of curiosity.
I consider the shelf life of beans, split peas and lentils (in Ball jars) in years. Of course, I could be very wrong.
I don’t keep expired food. I eat it before it expires, of course. Why would I buy more than I ever intend to consume?
I think it’s a thing from the past, @JLeslie. My parents were Depression/WW 2 babies that believed hard times could be a day away. They raised me that way.
Today, youth value mobility over all. You have to be prepared to move from coast to coast if you have a well paid, desirable job. Largely gone are the days of taking over the family home, retiring from a company with decades of service, and generally hoarding.
It’s put the antiques market on death watch. I can’t say that the mass exodus of Baby Boomers from their nests has killed the antique market, because it’s still active…actively in decline.
Apparently the shelf life of beans and lentils (properly packaged to keep the weevils out) in the pantry is indefinite.
I have had some beans in my cupboard for years myself. It still begs the question why do I not consume them in a timely manner? Canned goods also typically have years of shelf life.
Some of the foods I have in boxes are just months until expiring when I purchase them. Cereal, potatoes, soups, and some others. I do eat them past the date, but probably 6 months after the date I would ditch it.
Eatbydate and their links, @JLeslie, @gailcalled.
I’ve been told that both dried pasta and beans [when cooked] become tough with age. I call that bunk?
@JLeslie Everything should last months and years in the case of canned goods I’m sure it will be eaten in the next few months, well before 2016. haha
Worst that could happen is the dried goods like pastas, beans, rices, lentils, split peas, quinoa, etc. get extra dry.
And spices. I have herbs and spices that are ten years old. Some I moved across states with more than once.
We still have a goodly part of a cow in the freezer. Most of it in hamburger. I think if we had power to keep the freezer going we could last a couple of months, but I’d be awfully tired of hamburgers.
@ibstubro: The site you posted is one of several I had found that said that the shelf life of beans and lentils is undefinite.
@majorrich Ground beef is good for a number of things other than hamburgers, as I’m sure you know. I can use it in any number of burrito recipes, pasta sauce recipes, use it as a base for stew, meat pies, and burritoes. Then there’s any number of ways to stir fry it…Oh, by the way, did I mention Burritoes?
Until “unpalatable” morphs slowly into “toxic.” I just tasted some tomato/vegetable soup I had in the refrigerator…one day too long.
^^^^ Ewwww! a refrigerator science experiment.
mince also does not last very long, because it has so much surface area for bacteria to grow on.
I buy hamburger in bulk, cook it, and then freeze it. The mess and hassle are about the same for 7–8 pounds as for one. Then I open as many vacuum seal bags as I had pounds of hamburger, divide the burger equally, and vacuum seal. It keeps indefinitely that way and is a microwave thaw away from being dinner.
No, I do not eat meat, but I buy and serve it.
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