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talljasperman's avatar

How much does the Pope earn per year?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 6th, 2014

Also what is the pay scale from Roman Catholic priest to Pope? What about other religions? My Baptist minister made $15,000 a year plus free housing. That is $5,000 less than what I make on Disability.

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3 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar

How many hours per day does your minister work, though? Is he really working 40 hours a week doing sermons or whatever? If he’s only doing maybe 3 services per week, he might be making 15k a year for doing 10 hours of work every week. Not bad.

talljasperman's avatar

@FutureMemory That’s right. He had a second job as a room cleaner. I always wondered how he supported himself , wife and three children.

sinscriven's avatar

The clergy gets a stipend and a lot of benefits attached to it. The books on the higher levels aren’t exactly easy to find, but in San Diego priests are on average paid $20k or so a year with room and board, taxes, retirement/pension, health and auto insurance, continuing education, and travel allowances paid for by the parish or the diocese.

Which sounds like a good deal compared to what your minister is getting, but that minister does not need to make the kind of sacrifices that a priest does for their ministry.

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