Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Are you glad (or relieved) that someone has passed on?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 7th, 2014

Like a bad boss or a foreign dictator. Who are you glad to have died? Or was it someone in pain that you loved? Or a pet that was suffering? I am glad that Joan Rivers has passed, (she was annoying), and I feel wonderful that some people from my past are gone. Time killed them and I did not have to do anything but wait.

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8 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I feel that we are all diminished by the loss of everyone.

FutureMemory's avatar

I honestly can’t think of anyone.

Has Ted Nugent died yet? Or Ann Coulter?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

How the fuck can you be glad about this? Have you never lost anyone in your life? Life is fragile. We all are worth a ton.

Katz22's avatar

I wasn’t glad when my Dad died of cancer, but… I was relieved because his suffering was finally over. It is really hard to see someone that you love suffer and waste away and when death finally comes, it is a relief. A feeling of peace, calm, sadness and yes a relief that the suffering is finally over.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I’ve never been glad, no. There are some I’ve been indifferent to. If Hitler had died during my day, that probably would have made me happy. If the child molester of my foster niece died… I’m not sure how I would feel. Most likely just indifferent, but I know that it might make her a little glad, and I would never judge her for it. Mostly, I’d probably just be sad. Sad because the person who died is someone I genuinely cared about, or sad that they were so vile that it might make people glad they’re dead.

It’s something that I can see from many perspectives.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

no I can’t say I have but I know one thing.
When Al Sharpton kicks the bucket I would love to dance on his grave.

Coloma's avatar

Many times yes. haha
Difficult people become less difficult when they die. lol

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