Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

(NSFW) Is it legal? (details inside) November 7 , 2014.

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 7th, 2014

If you really have to pee is it okay to pee ones self rather than peeing on a store front? Just curious I don’t have to pee right now. I used to work graveyards shift in a convenience store and lots of people , men and women, peed everywhere in public at night. Should bar patrons be encouraged to wear Depends (Adult Diapers) or to hold it in, or pee themselves or in a juice container?

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14 Answers

josie's avatar

@talljasperman Truth is, if you gotta go, you gotta go. Who can argue against that and be totally honest?

Darth_Algar's avatar

Surely, especially in places such as bars and convenience stores, there must be some third option between pissing in public and pissing your paints. If only such places had some kind of room where one might go to relieve themselves….

talljasperman's avatar

@Darth_Algar In Edmonton they have a pilot project portable urinals for men it is maintained by city workers. It costs a lot to maintaine, but might be profitable in the long run.

dappled_leaves's avatar

No one has to choose between peeing themselves or peeing on a storefront. There is always another option. Few towns are without at least a 24-hour gas station, or McDonalds, or a hospital, or something. If it’s this great a concern, the person should limit their damned fluid intake.

FutureMemory's avatar

I’ve peed while walking down the street. I was far from any public restrooms and really had to go. The trick is to aim high…

Also, why is this question dated?

talljasperman's avatar

@FutureMemory it is dated as not to confuse with my other question about masterbation two years ago.

funkdaddy's avatar

@FutureMemory – That last one should really be considered for the profile hall of fame.

ucme's avatar

You takin the piss?

anniereborn's avatar

Well in the USA if you get caught peeing in public it can be considered sexual crime (exposing oneself). You may even have to register as a sex offender. Crazy, I know. Things have gone way too far over here.
I would say if for some reason you really really have to go and cannot find a restroom, peeing yourself would be the better alternative if you are talking legally.

zenvelo's avatar

This question made me need to go pee.

This has come up for me in dire situations and I have almost peed my pants. One time on a plane the captain put the seatbelt sign on 40 minutes before landing, and I wasn’t able to go to the bathroom. By the time we landed and taxied I came close to exploding.

And the question comes up on a crowded subway when the train stops for some reason. For me, it’s a matter of hold on until you can’t anymore.

In 1987, during the stock market crash, traders were scared to leave the floor of the exchange and a few peed their pants.

But you can avoid a storefront AND pissing your self if you are outside, just go around to the back or down an alley or find a bush.

Haleth's avatar

Seriously, they can’t take care of that before leaving the bar?

Usually after a bar crawl I take a cab/ the train straight home. Sometimes we’ll stop at a 24 hour food place on the way home. The bar has a bathroom, the metro stations have bathrooms, and any restaurant where you can go inside has a bathroom.

Seriously, what are people thinking?

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Haleth Hey, no need to think – apparently one can whip it out at any old bush and get a round of applause.

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