Have you been following the student protests in Colorado?
Students in one of Colorado’s school districts have been protesting a decision by the school board to teach a sanitized version of American history. The school board thinks their planned revision is necessary in order to inculcate an appropriate level of patriotism in the students. Unpleasantries like slavery, treatment of Native Americans and civil rights protests should be given cursory treatment or perhaps completely expunged from the curriculum. The students think that there are lessons to be learned from past mistakes and that it is best to tell history as it actually happened.
People are always talking about how dumb and apathetic students are. This is a good example to the contrary. I will be watching this story with great interest. As it says in the Bible, a text I am sure the school board would approve of, “the truth shall set you free”.
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12 Answers
I had no idea that anything like that was happening in Colorado and I’m appalled at what the school districts are trying to do. It’s wrong for so many reasons that it’s hard to even fathom all of them. I’m glad the students are doing what they’re doing and I hope they keep it up, for as long as necessary.
I’ve actually heard that some people that are for these changes think it’s a good idea because
“constantly talking about how poorly these minority groups were treated in the past encourages racism against white people”.
Talk about trying to White Wash history.
That’s truly appalling. I’m reminded of the quote: “Those who fail to learn from History are doomed to repeat it.”
How on earth can anything of value be learned from a PURPOSELY expurgated version of history?
Even the Germans (who should know a thing or two about horrendous events and attitudes in their history) refuse to sanitize the Holocaust. They are determined to never allow something similar ever again in the future.
And the best way to do that is to innoculate with the plain unvarnished truth.
Has Colorado lost it’s collective mind here? Who dreamed up this stupidest idea ever?
Three cheers for the students. Good on them.
Is the history of the United States so dreadful that it must be kept from its own citizens? The only kind of patriotism this promotes is fake patriotism. They might as well replace the history books with colouring in books so students can colour the flag red, white and blue all day long.
I am aware and of course, I support he students.
I didn’t know. I was too focused on the protests going on about food shares in Fort Lauderdale. There’s corruptness in many places I guess.
Good for them. Frankly I’m surprised these students even stood up for this. Most of the college kids today have already been brainwashed against their own country by radical college professors. I thought all college kids did in colorado was smoke pot and cash the checks that their parents sent them for school.
I knew nothing about this. I just wrote a Q about the same topic, but not the same question exactly. I hope people will answer both Q’s. Here is mine.
Regarding what is going on in Colorado I don’t believe in white washing history. I also don’t agree with teaching very young children about slavery and segregation. I do think learning about the ideals of America and the American dream should be taught. I think all young children should believe the country is open to them and if they work hard they can succeed. I also think they should be encouraged to explore their interests and not feel limited.
I’m in the area and, yes, I have been following closely. My husband’s nephews and nieces participated in the protest. I’ve been hopping mad about the whole thing and thoroughly impressed with the students.
We just had a referendum on our ballot—Proposition 104 and it passed, in huge part because of the insanity that has taken over Jefferson County’s school board.
(link isn’t working because of the comma, cut and paste)
I’m still in awe that a group of students stepped up and started a protest.
@BeenThereSaidThat: “Most of the college kids today have already been brainwashed against their own country by radical college professors.”
It’s worse than that – these “professors” are actually aliens from planet 837dXj. Back in 1969, when the U.S. government was faking the moon landing, these aliens arrived in the U.S. and immediately started radicalizing U.S. students in hopes of destroying the U.S. military industrial complex, which is a threat to domination of planet earth. Their work is extensive, and includes staging 9/11 and hiding the fact that Obama is a Marxist who was born in Chiapas, and was an active fighter in the EZLN prior to his role in U.S. politics.
I can’t remember one professor ever talking about politics.
I had no idea this was going on. Thanks for asking the question.
It seems to me that the history that is already taught has been overly sanitized.
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