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LostInParadise's avatar

Have you been following the student protests in Colorado?

Asked by LostInParadise (32295points) November 8th, 2014

Students in one of Colorado’s school districts have been protesting a decision by the school board to teach a sanitized version of American history. The school board thinks their planned revision is necessary in order to inculcate an appropriate level of patriotism in the students. Unpleasantries like slavery, treatment of Native Americans and civil rights protests should be given cursory treatment or perhaps completely expunged from the curriculum. The students think that there are lessons to be learned from past mistakes and that it is best to tell history as it actually happened.

People are always talking about how dumb and apathetic students are. This is a good example to the contrary. I will be watching this story with great interest. As it says in the Bible, a text I am sure the school board would approve of, “the truth shall set you free”.

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