General Question

Lunar_Landscape's avatar

What do you talk about with friends?

Asked by Lunar_Landscape (304points) November 10th, 2014

What were all the things you talked about with non-online, platonic friends in the last day or so (that you can remember)? What things do you most commonly talk with friends about? How often do the subjects you talk with friends about end up being deep ones instead of being just-for-fun subjects?

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25 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The conversation always turns to transport trucks, guns, and or golf.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pancakes and frizzers. Politics. Science.

marinelife's avatar

Mostly politics, world issues.

Coloma's avatar

Car racing with my racing friends that placed 2nd in a formula race over the weekend. Talked about blanketing horses today, to blanket or not to blanket, a stray cat my friend saw while traveling yesterday, getting older, what we’re doing for Thanksgiving, a new found ghost town in the area, cooking, the weather. This has all been in the last half a day.

chyna's avatar

Local news, politics, dogs.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You forgot “geese” @Coloma.

longgone's avatar

“What things do you most commonly talk with friends about?”

Our plans and goals, shared love of certain books/TV shows,
dogs, parenting, family, ideas of how the world should be, current affairs, our fears and problems, and occasionally how much we like each other. We also share stories about our day.

“How often do the subjects you talk with friends about end up being deep ones instead of being just-for-fun subjects?”

With certain friends (the real ones), all the time. With others hardly ever.

I specifically remember talking about:

* “Downton Abbey”
* Cesar Millan and his violence
* my dad
* Christmas and presents
* a foster dog
* reading to children
* “Where Rainbows End”
* censorship
* diabetes

Pachy's avatar

What we often talk about is our shared aches and pains. :(

What we usually don’t talk about is politics.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

politics and religion with like minded people. I don’t have the patience to listen to talking points and general ignorant people about these two topics that quote what they have heard on MSNBC or the Huffington Post. My friends in the real world are quality not quantity.

zenvelo's avatar

Music. Art. Our relationships. How our families are doing. Next vacations. Spirituality,

josie's avatar

The economy
The President

gailcalled's avatar

Milo’s peeing accident
The local election results
NY city educational curriculum for K, first and second grades
Dog fostering
Transgender issues at Wellesley College
The spectacular sunset earlier this evening
Hunting on my property
How little sugar you can get away with in home-made cranberry sauce
My electrician’s older daughter’s first boyfriend

chyna's avatar

I want to hang with @gailcalled

gailcalled's avatar

8 oz. organic cranberries, ⅓ c. water and ⅓ c. sugar, if you’re wondering.

@chyna; Drop in anytime. Just check the floor occasionally for dead small rodents.

ibstubro's avatar

The “Headlines”.

NPR stories, because I love NPR and try to guide the conversation productively.

Local gossip that bores me to tears. “You remember, we saw him once in the Walmart, near the pharmacy and he was wearing a brown sweatshirt, jeans and tennis shoes? Baseball cap? He was with that woman from the restaurant we used to go to.”
For the love of gourd, just tell the story! NO, I do not remember ‘him’, but if the story is worth telling it’ll be good anyway.

The sky. Only because I’m obsessed with the sky. While the others yammer on or dose on our frequent car trips, I marvel at the sky scenery. It’s my TV, writ panoramic.

yankeetooter's avatar

Work, and how someone went behind his back and complained unfairly about him….

Mimishu1995's avatar

School, work, everyday life, the future, gossip about other people, random interesting stories… Anything that come to our mind.

Anything can be turn into a deep conversation as long as everyone is interested and have a lot of information to add.

downtide's avatar

Computers/the internet. Food. Beer. TV, specifically Doctor Who. Christmas plans. We never talk about politics or religion.

flutherother's avatar

The weather
Old times
Mutual friends
Our kids

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Family and work issues.
The old times.
Health issues.
The economy.
Sometimes the same old shit.
House repairs that have to be carried out at some point.

talljasperman's avatar

My updated life story. Food and weather.

hearkat's avatar

They talk about whatever is on their minds, and I listen.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You want to hear stories about my grandkids, @hearkat?

talljasperman's avatar

I don’t have any friends in the real world . I talk to professionals and my mom. My mom talks about her geneology book that she is writing and not much else.

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