Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

What is vocational success to you?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 12th, 2014

My parents said that if I got a high school diploma without getting a girl pregnant women then I was a success because I did better than they did. I did that. What now? I exercise and take care of myself and my apartment. I don’t see any grand passion guiding my life. Other than Fluther I am out of ideas. Should I have dropped out of high school and asked the cute girl out on a date?

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8 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Vocational refers to a job or employment. So vocational success is the ability to hold a steady job in a productive industry or area. And holding the job means showing up onetime, every day, no attendance or tardiness problems, and getting your assignments completed on time.

Do you exercise? So you eat well? Those have been recurring topics in your posts, if you are now getting regular exercise, walking at least 30 minutes a day, and eating a healthy menu without junk food and no pizza or KFC, then more power to you.

If you truly eat well and exercise consistently for six months, you will feel much better about yourself and you can get a job and hold it down. And that would be vocational success.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Was staying in high school and asking the girl out on a date not a possibility?

Buttonstc's avatar

You set up a false dichotomy in your Q.

There are PLENTY of people who have managed to both ask the pretty girl out on a date AND graduate from school. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Imagine that ! What a world ! Endless possibilities. All that’s required is a modicum of effort.

zenzen's avatar

Like your job and make enough money from it?

Here2_4's avatar

You are in a rut. It sounds like you have been in a rut for a very long time; to the point of not understanding how to live outside of that rut. Here in farm country, ruts happen, but they happen in the road. A rut is a groove, a depression, usually made by the wheels of someone who traveled that road before you. They left you a rut to either follow, or avoid. Ruts in a road mean you are stuck in that path until you find a place shallow enough to jump away. Ruts can jerk you around, and yank your steerage from your grip.
You are in a life-rut. You have been following some life path which is dierecting you, and yanking things from your grip. This rut could be left by other people, chemical imbalance, weather, conditions, many other things. It means you have been allowing the effect of these various elements to control your life, and the path is jerking you around. You need to create a shallow for yourself, and break free of that rut. Complaining will not accomplish what you need. You must take action, and sometimes a certain amount of force is required. The advice you have been given above is exactly how you must start. A good diet and regular exercise are without a doubt, required for you to get your own body in line. Chemical balance in your brain is key to feeling good, and achieving that chemistry is dependent primarily on your diet, and exercise. You feel inside like you could make those changes more effectively if you werre a happy person. That is true. Unfortunately, you have a catch 22. You can’t feel better without making those changes. To begin, you will have to force yourself. You will have to be sort of your own dad. Be tough, and make that guy follow the new rules. Once you have removed the toxic elements from your life, like the processed foods, and the bad garbage that settles and accumulates when you don’t exercise, you will finally begin to feel the difference, it will finally get easier. I did not say easy, because easy does not come until after years of self discipline with keeping the good practices as routine in your life. At first, you will hate it, and force yourself every day. Do that. After some time, you will feel better, and understand why you want to keep with it, but you will still need to press yourself to stick with it. Eventually you will feel so good, and be so darn happy, you will want to kick your old self for waiting so long to straighten up. Do it now. Start today. Do not wait. Make the changes you know you must, and get yourself yanked loose from that awful, jerky rut.
Good luck!

rojo's avatar

Being happy doing something you enjoy while making a living you deem adequate.

Pachy's avatar

Getting fair pay and benefits for doing work I’m good at and love. Anything more is icing on the cake.

josie's avatar

In my opinion, if your standard of success was making it through high school without knocking up a girl, then your standard was WAY too low.
I would raise the standard, create a new goal and go for it.
But that is your business.
Good luck.

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