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ragingloli's avatar

What is the worst movie that was released this year (2014) and that you have had the misfortune to watch?

Asked by ragingloli (52329points) November 14th, 2014

Movies that made your eyes roll, that you walked out of, or that you turned off before it ended.
For me, it was the Michael Bay ninja turtle movie.
The script and dialog was so offensively stupid, I turned it off 30 minutes in.
Also, Megan Fox is a worse actress than even Natalie Portman.

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14 Answers

Berserker's avatar

I, Frankenstein. I don’t even want to talk about it.

I really want to enjoy the TMNT movie, but everyone says it sucks. Plus the turtles look really weird…
Also I can’t believe they made a Need for Speed movie.


Pandora's avatar

TRANSCENDENCE was the worst because I actually went to the movie theater and paid for to watch it. It sucked. I expect better selections from Johnny Depp. Felt nothing for none of the characters.

As for movies watched at home, The NEIGHBORS would’ve beat out Transcendence if I went to the theater. Was amusing at best but the plot really sucked. It would’ve worked as a cartoon, maybe. I felt I was watch a bad remake of the three stooges, only there were 6 of them.

@ARE_you_kidding_me My husband rented that one. I didn’t watch. Only caught the last 20 minutes. I thought the ending sucked so I imagine the whole this was probably bad.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Mrs Browns Boys D’movie.

FutureMemory's avatar


He was only on screen for a few minutes. The two monsters he was supposed to fight got way more air time. Also there were a lot of night time scenes that seemed unnecessarily dark.

filmfann's avatar

Transformers 4.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m lucky I haven’t been to the cinema this year (yet)

Here2_4's avatar

What she said.

rockfan's avatar

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was awful,and I also really disliked Under the Skin.

Zaku's avatar

I’m pretty good at avoiding bad movies, but I did see Fury, which I found bad to a surprising degree. A few things were fairly well done, but I found the war-crime-is-ok part horribly wrong, and the rapey parts horribly wrong. Finally, I found the patently ridiculous and totally wrong suicide fantasy at the end, to be like icing on the cake of wrong.

CWOTUS's avatar

I realize that Sharknado was a 2013 made-for-television release, but c’mon, that thing was bad enough for five years.

Pachy's avatar

ISIL’s beheading videos, far and away the worst. I didn’t watch them.

Misspegasister28's avatar

Into the Storm. I hated that movie so much, I thought it was awful.

Berserker's avatar

@CWOTUS Ha yeah. It’s not a rule or anything, but that kind of monster b movie you watch for a laugh. If you hope for something deep and intelligent, you’re gonna look a long time.
I’ve seen TONS of these, and they’re all the same. There are a lot.

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