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SQUEEKY2's avatar

What do you do, when faced with unexpected time off?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23599points) November 15th, 2014

It’s a day to day type thing, we are waiting for a new loader to show up at our load site, we can’t run without it, and it keeps getting delayed.
Can’t make plans because as soon as it gets there we have to roll, and it’s been delayed for now going on 2 weeks.
So what do you do?
On my work days I feel sorta lost, sure I help out with more house work, and boy do I play on the computer.
But it’s super cold out, so can’t do much outside.
Just glad everything is paid for so the downtime isn’t going to hurt us to much.
Guess what I am asking is, how do I shed the lost feeling and enjoy the time off more?

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38 Answers

jerv's avatar

Video games and sleep.

But yes, without work, my routine is all fucked up, and the unexpected is always jarring.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thanks @jerv at least I am not alone at this.
Just wish we could get a real time when the damn thing will get there so we could plan something.

Coloma's avatar

Freaking ENJOY it! haha
Men, especially, over identify with their work as who they are.
You need to realize there is much more to you than your work. Develop some new hobbies, learn to just put your feet up and relax. Work is only one component of a well rounded life.

Fun, hobbies, interests, relationships are equal slices of the pie.
I am getting all my work done early today and then I am going to fully embrace a relaxing rest of the weekend. I am going to indulge in a lovely dinner, get a little high, sit on the porch with the telescope, lounge around in my jammies, watch a movie, and not feel one little bit of guilt about any of it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Coloma Your totally right,but the day to day thing is still bugging me, if they could just give us a real time when the damn thing will get there ,then we could plan around it.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m with @Coloma! Put my feet up and relax in comfy clothes for a day or two. Eventually move on to hobbies, cleaning out a closet, lunch with a friend, zumba, research my next real vacation, fluther, facebook, see a tourist trap I always wanted to go to, hell I can go to Disney. It’s vacation! Or, staycation! Maybe it’s easier living down here in the tropics. Right now I can look out my window and it is sunny, palm trees gently swaying in the breeze, 70 degrees, and I can have lunch al fresco, go to the beach, go to a museum, I am on vacation every day that I am not working. My husband and I literally call the weekends vacation when we have very little to do in terms of errands.

JLeslie's avatar

I agree the day to day thing is annoying. Especially after a few days of it. It’s unfair. Do you get paid for waiting?

JLeslie's avatar

That sucks. Could you be hauling for another company if you weren’t waiting? Or, do you only drive for one company?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Just the one company it’s their truck, If it goes on I could part time for another company but as soon as mine said it’s there go I would have to do just that.
I really like my job,I’m home every night and get a 4 day weekend every weekend.

JLeslie's avatar

That’s nice to hear. I love hearing people like their job.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I just wish someone would be straight forward when this damn loader is going to get there so the Mrs’s and I could plan around it.
The company we haul for owns the loader, and the last one that was fiftyfive years old had a bad electrical fire and is damaged beyond repair, so they are going to lease a brand new one,and it is taking forever to get there.
It’s 2 weeks late now and counting.

Katz22's avatar

If I have an unexpected day off, I enjoy it, I get on the internet, read, maybe even bake some chocolate chip cookies. If it is the spring or summer, I would putter with my flowers.

JLeslie's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 When they call is it literally that morning you get the call and you have to rush over? Or, do you know the night before? Could you take a day trip somewhere? Even stay overnight? A mini vacation away?

I think women have an easier time with this sort of thing in general. I think it is for many reasons. We girls tend to have lower iron, we tend to feel like we are always split in 5 directions, we tend to not feel like we have alone time. It varies of course. Having children, a demanding husband, varies, and some women are in great health with tons of energy. Health problems seem to plague women more often. These annoying things that we are not really very sick, but sick enough, easily exhausted. Thyroid, iron (as I mentioned before) autoimmune crap, all sorts of things that when we have a day of we can recover. I know a ton of women who don’t feel like they get enough sleep, I don’t hear men talk about it as much. We also are more likely to not identify so strongly with our jobs (I think @Coloma said that).

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Mostly the night before, as for rushing over consists of a five and half hour drive north.

JLeslie's avatar

Oh. 5.5 hour drive north! That I didn’t account for.

Seaofclouds's avatar

These days, I spend it doing school work.

stanleybmanly's avatar

panic in confusion. The wife claims fluther is my security blanket.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I work from home most of the time so, it would never happen! If I did find myself unable to work unexpectedly, I’d read. Catch up on watching films/DVDs. Do some of the housework tasks I’ve been putting off because I have too much work. Float in my pool (not an option for you). Call a friend. Write some letters to people I’ve neglected. Write and post my Christmas cards. That might cause heart attacks on receipt since I never get around to doing this.

ibstubro's avatar

I read and road trip for fun.

Maybe you could do a little charity work? Volunteer for a soup kitchen, or be a relief driver for Meals-on-wheels. You might find productive work that pays by the piece, rather than the hour. You could drive a taxi.

ibstubro's avatar

Are you handy at anything, @SQUEEKY2? Perhaps you could get some salvage lumber and cut out craft blanks? You know, wooden things that people buy to paint?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@ibstubro I should put it another way ,I have no problem with the time off,the problem is that I am on edge and feeling lost BECAUSE I can’t plan anything once the call comes in that the loader is on site I have to roll.
It would be nice to get a straight answer, from someone saying like the loader will be there on Tuesday go from there, not we think it should be there tomorrow then it doesn’t get there and get the same run around the next day.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I am no way bored, Mrs Squeeky would have a 17page honey do list in my hands in five seconds if I ever said I was bored.

kritiper's avatar

Watch the weather reports and wait for the snow to melt. Feel better about the time off? Is that possible?? The longer the snow lasts, the more money I lose since I’m self-employed, and I can’t recover the loss unless the snow melts PRONTO!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@kritiper we don’t have any white shit yet, but it’s coming that’s another problem the weather is cold but super great right now, this damn loader will show up when it’s snowing golf balls and they will want us to roll.

kritiper's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Johnston’s Law strikes again. Sorry about your troubles. (Johnston’s Law: “Murphy’s Law is ALWAYS in effect and it can affect YOU!”)

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Shit I thought I was the only one it affected!
With my bad luck that is.

ibstubro's avatar

Do the Honey-Do list, and be busy, @SQUEEKY2!

deni's avatar

I work on a food truck right now and because of the horrible, cold, snowy weather we’ve had since last Monday, all of my shifts from Monday – Friday got cancelled. I had THE WHOLE WEEK OFF. Which, is awesome partly, but also not, because it really threw me off, plus the weather was terrible so going outside and hiking like I normally would wasn’t an option (I hate the cold) plus the roads were so bad driving wasn’t an option either. So that is truly limiting….I wasn’t really sure what to do, I read a really long book way faster than I wanted to, watched some dumb movies, experimented with some new recipes which didn’t require me to go to the store, and did a LLOOOT of yoga, because thankfully my yoga studio is a .2 mile walk :D. Anyhow, I know what you mean, it is a confusing feeling. If it were summer, and my friends and boyfriend had time off too, that’d a been the bomb diggity. But when it’s just you and you’re snowed in….eh.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Watch Youtube videos of truck wrecks.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Dutchess_III been there done that and most just give me shudders.
Sure are a lot of them.
Check out the ones from Russia .

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, those Russian streets are a fecking mess, aren’t they! Like there are no rules or something!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wow! His nuts aren’t in the freezer, are they!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Them dudes is completely freaking nuts in my book.

ibstubro's avatar


If that doesn’t bring you to the edge of your seat, check your pulse.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@ibstubro seen that before, crazy Russians ,look up logging truck driving in Russia.

Dutchess_III's avatar

WTH! How is that even possible?!

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