Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

How could Bill Gates donate $30 billion dollars to charity and still come out richer?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 15th, 2014

Bill Gates was worth $50 billion dollars, then he pledges $30 billion dollars and is now worth $80 billion. the math doesn’t add up. He should only be worth $20 billion.

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7 Answers

janbb's avatar


talljasperman's avatar

@janbb CNN years ago. I don’t have a link. Should be public knowledge. Bill Gates donated $30 billion dollors with Warren Buffet to combat malaria in Africa. it is on Wikipedia the Bill and Melinda Gates donations/Society. 38.8 billion dollars net worth.

talljasperman's avatar

@janbb You could add Warren Buffet on this list too . He went up $30 billion too.

ibstubro's avatar

If they donated 30, then that is 15 each.

Easily made up and surpassed when you have it all invested, and most of it in Microsoft, at that.

dxs's avatar

I think they do those rankings by net worth, which doesn’t necessarily mean it’s strictly how much he has under his mattress.

Darth_Algar's avatar

When you’re as wealthy as Bill Gates is most of that net worth is in investments. His net worth can go up or down by billions in a single day. Plus if I understand his pledge correctly he hasn’t donated that money to charity, it’s pledged to charity in his will. Meaning it remains in his pocket (so to speak) until he dies.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s merely a case of the rich getting richer. At least the 2 of them still retain some semblance of a conscience. They’re literally making money faster than they can give it away. But let’s think about that for a sec. What happens in a society when money is transferred from people who need to spend it in order to survive over to people who just pile it up? What happens is you get the situation we’re in now. The stock market is through the roof, while wages stagnate or decline. Decent jobs are scarce and fading while Mcjobs surge. It ain’t rocket science.

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