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Dutchess_III's avatar

Has an 18 wheeler ever scared the crap out of you?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) November 16th, 2014

I used to have a little old Vega when I was a teenager. There is a portion of the highway leading out of the city where you have to do a lot of lane changing to either make way for people on-coming, or to take the last exit, or to move in to the the toll road lane. (It’s really quite a mess and not well thought-out.)
During all this maneuvering an 18 wheeler ended up behind me. He was so close that ALL I could see was his grill completely filling the back window when I looked in my rear view mirror. It was terrifying and mesmerizing at the same time.

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27 Answers

Berserker's avatar

No, but I’d like to randomly point out that in horror movies, there’s a category I like to call ’‘roadkill’’ movies. These include vehicles that kill, either driven by a maniac or they’re possessed somehow and act on their own.
Many of these have trucks.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not long ago my husband had an 18 wheeler who was deliberately screwing with him. Rick passed him, the big rig got right on his butt and passed my husband, then slammed on the brakes. My husband, of course, was ready to do battle…but then he heard his wife’s nagging voice in his head, so he just backed off and watched. And called the police.
Apparently the guy was doing this shit with other drivers too. The cops caught him and arrested him.

Berserker's avatar

Good. This type of shit is excellent in movies, not real life. But I guess your husband won’t want to watch ’‘Duel’’ anytime soon lol.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Bad drivers regardless of what they are driving need to be pulled over by the police and dealt with.
I had a 18wheeler pass me on a very steep two lane road on the back side of a mountain one night, I yelled at him over the radio , and he told me to go to hell, I noticed lights coming at us and I had to hit the brakes hard to get this idiot back in ,so not to hit the innocent driver coming at us, brought me to almost a complete stop on a 9% grade ,and you know the best part 2 minutes down the road there is a passing lane four about 6 kilometres.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You know though more small vehicles have scared me, than big trucks, that same stretch a few years later I was going the opposite way coming down, a transport was coming up,this was just about at dark we both had all our lights on, I was just about with this guy and noticed that I thought were his bumper lights slide out to the left, it wasn’t his lights it was a small car behind him and he is going to pass,I had to stand on the brakes and this idiot made it between the two transports with I would guess less than a foot between all our bumpers ,but I guess that was the truck drivers fault as well?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

All that idiot car had to do was wait for another 2 minutes and there was that passing lane,same for the big truck that did it to me a for years before.
I have no idea why most people have a freaking death wish, but wish they wouldn’t include me in on it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I once had an 18 wheeler pass another 18 wheeler….I guess I was a pest in the way to be ignored. I had to do a double take. Seriously took off my sun glasses to be sure I was seeing what I was seeing. Sure as hell, there was an 18 wheeler in my lane, bearing down on me. The guy who was being passed was flashing his lights like crazy (which I interpreted to mean all was well…..)...I pulled to the shoulder and they both blew past me, side by side. Insane. I was only 17 at the time.

ucme's avatar

Over here in englandtown we have a tradition, truck drivers are serial killers…ain’t that sweet :D

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah now that you say that I had that done to me and Mrs Squeeky this summer big straight stretch and looked up noticed these two 18wheelers and the one going for the pass ,said to the wife well this is interesting, and the guy just stayed in my lane, I had to pull off the road onto the shoulder and stop these two guys were side by side when they went by us.
I blame both in that case, the guy being passed should have just let the idiot back in,but no he didn’t back out of it one little bit.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@ucme yeah? Just remember it’s the idiot car drivers that push us into doing it! :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, Dad told me not to hit the brakes, in case the guy passing changes his mind and his his brakes too. That would be trouble.

Yes. Everything is all your fault, @SQUEEKY2! Everything. Even the lady who caused this terrible mess is all your fault.
We watched this one going down from beginning to end. All the other people were those she almost hit during her 5 block odyssey of insanity.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@SecondHandStoke and remember that the next time you cut one of us off or give us the finger we might just snap,ya never know! :D

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You talked about that in an earlier post, what was her problem? Medical? or just a really bad driver?

Dutchess_III's avatar

When I was a kid my dad would often pump his fist up and down to get the truckers to blow their air horn for us. After I learned how to drive I did it once. Once, because the trucker assumed I was suggesting sex, and it was harder than hell to get away from him! All I wanted him to do was blow his air horn! He assumed I wanted to blow something else, I guess, and got all excited. Nothing more dangerous than an excited trucker.

SecondHandStoke's avatar


Technically all lorry drivers are professionals, and most drive like it.

I am far more afraid of that woman reading the newspaper and applying her makeup from behind the wheel of her off the rack Camry than I am of truckers.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We aren’t sure. Word seems to be that she had a stroke, but we all assumed she was drunk. Some of the drivers saw her coming out of a local bar. However, I also heard a rumor that her family is considering a lawsuit because the cops assumed she was drunk too, and took their time getting her to the hospital.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Dutchess_III Depends on what you mean by excited ?:D

ucme's avatar

Haha, I think their psychosis runs a little deeper than that @SQUEEKY2
Yorkshire Ripper, Suffolk Strangler…such pretty names.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Dutchess_III No shit and the boss gets mad when I tell him in my old age , that I would rather stay home than chain up or play in bad road conditions,bet most of those guys would have rathered stayed than worked that day.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever jack knifed your rig? (I just got done watching 15minutes of truck wrecks and was thinking of you!)

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah once but it was in our yard, and there was little to no damage done, but it did put a bit of a scare in me , only had my trucking licence for a few months when that happened.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes. Weaving like he isn’t watching the road or like the driver is drunk has happened next to me or in front of me a few times. Scary shit when any vehicle is doing it, but a truck really freaks me out. Usually truck drivers are some of the safest drivers on the road in my opinion, but once in a while look out!

Not a truck, but one time I was in a high bridge and it was already a little windy and large bus, basically the same size as a truck, sped by and the wind it created blew my car over into the shoulder a little. Flipping way up above sea level in the air! He was traveling at least 10 miles over the speed limit maybe more when with the winds everyone around me and myself were driving a little slower than I usually experience on that bridge. This bridge gets closed when sustained winds are 40 mph and it is a major interstate thruway.

One time, probably not the fault of the truck driver at all, in an icy snow storm on the way home from Thanksgiving when I was a little girl, a little convertible slid into the back of a truck. Actually, it was under it, and it decapitated the driver and passenger in the car. That was the last time we drove to NY for Thanksgiving.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Once I was on the interstate and I started to pass a semi and he cut me off as though he didn’t see me. So I fell back and watched. Some guy behind me, who had to have seen what the trucker did, got impatient at the fact that I’d slowed down. He went whizzing past me and started passin the semi. I was just shaking my head, waiting for it. Sure as hell, the semi changed lanes in the middle of it and forced him off onto the shoulder.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have had small vehicles do that to me,scares the shit right of me then I get pissed and don’t move they learn quickly that wont work.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

I am always dead sure that they are going to change lanes without realising your there, yeah….
You know what? today I was crossing the road, and the road was wet, it’s a quiet road, and some fancy car comes out and squeaks the hell out of itself, it gave me such a fright, I though it was about to come and run me over, because I couldn’t see it properly….

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