General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Can you damage your ears when sneezing into a Kleenex?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 16th, 2014

I have the sneezes and my ears hurt for a few seconds when I sneeze. Can I damage my ears if I really have a high pressured sneeze?

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3 Answers

hearkat's avatar

Yes – it happens very rarely. More common are injuries to the ears from people blowing their noses too hard.

seekingwolf's avatar

Not likely to happen. You are feeling pressure because you probably have a cold and you have some mucus/inflammation in your Eustachian tubes (in your ears) and that’s what causes the discomfort. Just be careful not to blow your nose too hard and you’ll be fine and get over the cold.

I find that taking hot, hot showers (steam) as well as using saline nasal spray really helps with congestion in your sinuses. Do these things and you will get some relief from the pressure.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Do you hold your nose when you sneeze?

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