Time travel: To the past or the future and why?
Assume such travel is possible and would have no catastrophic effects. What would you hope to accomplish and why?
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20 Answers
I would travel to the past and help the British Empire win the war against the treasonous colonies, by convincing France to not help said colonies.
To the past, for me, for a couple of reasons. Dinosaur bones or not, we don’t truly have any idea of what they actually looked like. And the little kid in me who always wanted to be a paleontologist needs to know!
The biggest reason for going to the past: I would try to prevent the Library of Alexandra from burning.
I would go to the past and prevent my country from all invasions.
I would go back in time, to warn France of an insane, demon possessed Loli who would appear and rave on satan’s hatred of the brave colonists. Then I would perform cool feats of magic for gold which I would bury at a nice spot close to Lake Michigan. (I am coming back, right?)
@DrasticDreamer , I like to believe that the dinosaurs were varied colors, with bright spots and stripes. They wouldn’t need camouflage for survival, so why wouldn’t they? I also picture large longnecked herbivores such as brontos to have melodic trumpeting voices, and they would croon when they are content. The mating calls would have been beautiful, but loud.
—*Alexandria. I have been up for far too long…
@Here2_4 Yeah, it’s hard to imagine what they may have actually looked like. I would really love to know.
I’d travel to the future. We already know what happened in the past, I want to see whats coming next.
To infinity and beyond!
Just to see how many Toy Story movies they made, quit at 4 surely.
I would think a long time before tinkering in the past. So called smart people fkd up a lot back there. Just because we have the advantage in recognizing how and why does not mean our supposed solutions are necessarily better. Those who propose going back to kill Hitler, should consider that his success was in large part due to the fact that he was a charismatic lunatic. But then again, his defeat to a considerable extent was a consequence of these same traits. Imagine eliminating the man, only to have him replaced by someone with the same goals and charisma, absent the insanity. Nope, better to look at the future. I’d much rather have a glimpse at what awaits us.
@Here2_4 I would lay a bet that the calls of those big dinos would sound like whalesong.
When I was younger I liked fantasizing about traveling back in time, but nowadays I prefer being where I am, in the present. Oh sure, I like to revist happy events in my memory, but nothing I could relive, I now believe, would be the way I think I know or remember it. Memory, which is not a duplicate copy of an event but actually a copy of many copies accumulated over the years, can be exceedingly unreliable.
As for traveling to the future, NO THANK YOU! It’s arriving much too quickly as it is.
Some scientists think that antiparticles are particles traveling backwards in time. Perhaps using antiparticles, we might be able to collect information from the past, but I doubt that normal matter could make this journey. If it were possible, the effort would likely alter history’s evolution and returning travelers would likely arrive at present in an alternate universe.
We are traveling into the future now, but the speed of light limits how fast this is occurring. Traveling fast and far enough from our planet one’s return would be in the future. However, since they could not travel back to the reality they left there would be no advantage in having made the trip.
I’d go into the future. I want to know how it all works out. I would set the dial as far forward as permitted be it: 50 years, 1000 years, or 1,000,000 years. Sign me up!
I’d even take a few hours, but that would be purely for investment purposes. I am not above buying call or put options on an active stock.
The past. when the U.S.A. still believed in God and Country.
I would go into the future a hundred years to see how much better peoples’ lives are because they are eating healthy, GMO-created food. I would want to see if people are still starving, or if GMO food solved the hunger problems of the world.
I would go back to 1930 and Convince Hitler to go back to art school. I would ask his professors to raise his grades so that he could get a scholarship. Also I would give him some fabric softener so he would not be so angry.
I would go into the far future for no other reason than my own curiosity.
@talljasperman , I love your answer! I love your answer! I love the whole answer. Instead of the Holocaust being in history books, we would have hundreds more comedians, and Adam Sandler might brag about having an eight million dollar Adolph hanging in his den.
Your mention of fabric softener is wonderful. It was meant as a joke, I suppose, but I wonder, how much would some people be affected by a few simple comforts in their lives which they don’t/didn’t have. How very clever of you to try to avoid trauma, tragedy by peaceful means.,
Future, so I don’t have to live with my overprotective and no fun parents.
I would go to the past and use my (fairly limited) knowledge of science to start my own cult that involved having hundreds of wives.
To the future.. I love fantastic things and there’ll be a loooot of them in the future.
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