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ucme's avatar

If I were to say to you "SAILOR", who would first come to mind?

Asked by ucme (50052points) November 17th, 2014

Any seafaring fellow, fictional or real that floats your boat…hahahahahahahahaha <bashful grin>
Could be Ahab or Columbus, Popeye or Bligh
It really is up to you, whaddya think this is, a dictator-ship? :D

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36 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

You’re going to need a bigger boat.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Donald Duck and Sinbad.

hominid's avatar

Sailor Ripley?

ucme's avatar

@Dutchess_III I think its so cute he made a paper ship & wore it as a hat, true dedication.

SecondHandStoke's avatar



You just rule.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Who made a paper ship and wore it as a hat?

ucme's avatar

Looks like your dad did, just joking, its good for morale.

Coloma's avatar

Drunken assholes of low IQ. I lived in San Diego for years, over run with idiot sailors. Gah!

ucme's avatar

I’d like to take the oppurtunity to plead with those who gave this question a GQ, please think carefully before you act, it lowers the tone of the site :D

jerv's avatar

Wasted years of my life.

@Coloma I was stationed in San Diego :p

Aster's avatar

Sailor, the star of , “Young at Heart.” lol Nicholas Cage.

Pachy's avatar

The Redford character in “All Is Lost,” a movie I really liked.

Coloma's avatar

@jerv Haha…well not all sailors are drunken asses.

Buttonstc's avatar

Sailor Jerry (tattoos)

and Horatio Hornblower (fictional character by author C. S. Forrester)

(portrayed in a series of 1998 TV Movies by Ioan Gruffud, a marvelous specimen of gorgeous manhood.)

He’s currently also in a TV series called “Forever”; my sole reason for watching the show :)

kritiper's avatar

Moon, also.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m embarrassed to admit it… Sailor Moon.

Please don’t tell any of the guys.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What is Sailor Moon?

ucme's avatar

Cheers peeps, first to come to my mind has always been Captain Haddock, alcoholics can be funny too.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Moon as well. Followed by Sailor Uranus (for the LOLs of course)

Dutchess_III's avatar


LuckyGuy's avatar

It is a Japanese Anime for young girls. Here is a picture of her with her friends.
See why I’d be embarrassed if my coworkers knew? It would be different if I had girls.

ucme's avatar

Fairly surprised no one mentioned Rod Stewart, although to be fair, he is an ugly cunt :D

Coloma's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit ....and the Skipper too…... LOL

Here2_4's avatar

Cap’n Crunch

JLeslie's avatar

No sailor in particular. It just makes me picture navy men in their white uniforms and I think of fleet week in NYC.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Petula Clark

Shut_Yo_Mouth's avatar

His name was Fred, an ex-navy chief assigned to train me. He worked his way up from seaman to NCO. Very decent guy IMO.

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