Social Question

I know it's 15 yrs. ago, but I wonder how many others had a Sega Dreamcast?
Mine is sitting in storage somewhere, but I recently took a little stroll down memory lane with fond recollections of my DC, a system ahead of its time.
I used it daily because it was, in truth, my first computer. When I first read in a computer mag about the fact that even tho it was a gaming console, a custom developed browser disc enabled Internet access, I knew I had to get one.
Of course, other gamibg systems with the same capability eventually followed, but Dreamcast was the first and considering that it was 1999, it had pretty impressive capabilities.
So, I’m curious about how many Flutherites had a DC and wonder if any others also used it the way we use smartphones or tablets nowadays, as an alternative to a computer for web browsing.
It’s a shame that it was Sega’s last hardware attempt and prompted their limitation to a software only company.
I was a bit surprised that it never caught on with am underserved portion of the market back then; namely senior citizens who wanted to get online and stay in touch with family but found computers much too daunting.
This was the easiest thing in the world to use, affordable at $100.00 and goof-proof because it could not pick up viruses or malware.
I always found it a bit puzzling that no one in the company ever thought of a marketing campaign for this part of the market. I wonder if it might have made a significant difference in its success or failure.
Anyhow, your thoughts ?