Do you bring your dog with you when you go inside a store or restaurant?
Asked by
Esteban1 (
November 25th, 2014
from iPhone
One of the most inconsiderate things I see on a daily basis is people bringing their dogs in stores and restaurants.
Does anyone know why it is suddenly acceptable to bring a dog with you when you go shopping or out to eat?
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54 Answers
Where do you live? I never see people bringing dogs into businesses unless it is clearly marked that they are allowed, or unless they are service dogs, and are wearing vests saying so.
In some European countries it’s normal.
I live in California. Some places even have yappy hour, where they encourage people to bring dogs.
As long as customers are aware, I’m not sure why it’s inconsiderate. I understand why people would not want to patronize those businesses, but enough must, to make it profitable.
And to answer your original Q, no, I don’t, nor would I, probably, as, at this time in my life, I don’t want to be looking after someone else during my times out!
It is very inconsiderate to bring a dog where dogs don’t belong. The owner of the dog obviously doesn’t want to go anywhere alone or leave the dog alone. Either way, not my problem. Leave the thing in the car.
@Esteban1 ”* The THING!*” Hey, I am not a big fan of dogs myself but they are not “things.” I agree that some people with dogs are too obsessed with taking their dogs everywhere, but better than being abusive and neglectful. As long as the dog is well trained and not annoying others let it be.
If the business owner doesn’t object, why do you? “Where dogs don’t belong” is an entirely subjective designation. If you don’t like dogs, don’t go into businesses that allow dogs. It’s not inconsiderate to allow dogs onto one’s business, any more than it’s inconsiderate to ban them.
I’m pretty sure that even in California there are businesses that don’t allow dogs.
Go to those.
I’ve only seen one dog in a restaurant, and it was a service dog. Had no problem with it being there what-so-ever. Why would I?
If I could take my German Shepherd places with me, I’d do so. However, no place around here allows dogs, except service dogs.
If you lived in a city you would see dogs in restaurants.
I’ve lived in a city (Seattle) and I’ve never seen a dog in a restaurant.
I see dogs in Bank of America. They’re everywhere in California.
I can only recommend that you lodge complaints with the managements of these businesses so they know that some (or one) of their customers objects.
Just curious, why does this bother you so?
I also have lived in cities and only seen this where specifically allowed.
As long as the dogs were well behaved and non-aggressive, I’d have no more problem with it than having the two dogs I have in my house.
How would you like it if I brought my dirt bike to the dog park? I don’t want to look at a dog licking his dick while I’m eating any more than you want to listen to my dirt bike.
@Esteban1 Sheesh dude, you hate boomers, dogs, vegans…I think the only solution is to go buy yourself an island where you can live out your days as a hermit. lol
What if you were to cook your own meals in your kitchen? That way, you could keep vegans and dogs separate from the dining experience.
People go to restaurants, not dogs. How about you bring your lunch to the dog park?
I do, when it’s convenient. She sleeps under my table.
Don’t move to Germany – you may have a stroke.
Not all dogs have dicks. Neither of my dogs have a dick. Because they’re girls.
Oh, 10,000 GA’s @hominid! Totally made my day!
@hominid LMAO! Okay, I am choking to death on my oatmeal right now.
“Why can’t I be protected from the things I don’t want to see, and what are we going to do with all the stupid, lazy poor people and the stupid, lazy old people?”
@Coloma have you ever experience a “yappy hour?” Just checking because @Esteban1 says they have that in California, so that qualifies you to know.
Notice that the person who brings her dog to the restaurant used the word convenient. I’m glad it’s conveinent for you because it sucks for everyone else eating.
No, just for you @Esteban1. I could care less if someone brings their dog to a restaurant. However, in Kansas it isn’t legal, unless it’s a service dog. Kansas is just backwards like that.
Really, @Esteban1, do you post these questions, that really aren’t anything more than grossly generalized pissy rants, just to get a rise out of those of us who don’t hate everybody who’s not exactly like us? If so, clever you, you succeeded, hear we all are rising to the bait! A juvenile pastime, to be sure, but we seem to like it!
Sorry for trying to come up with random questions that can be perceived as controversial.
Let’s see you make vegans and dogs seem interesting.
Why ask questions about things you find uninteresting? “Controversial” but not interesting.
Just poking the bear. I get it.
I eat out almost every meal of the day, that’s why you’ve seen me post two restaurant related questions.
No, you’ve posted two “I don’t like people who…” questions. Restaurants were secondary incidentals to the questions.
If its good enough for a Korean kebab shop…
I’ll come up with something that doesn’t involve restaurants just for you.
Of course not. Restaurants usually have rules against bringing your own food.
@Dutchess_III No, no yappy hours around here. Maybe in L.A. or San Francisco but up here in the hills of NorCal most of the dogs are ranch dogs/country dogs, not fru fru little city mutts that go to their own doggy bakeries and yappy hours and doggy day care. Those activities are for wussy flatlander pups. lol
From Barkpost 19 stores that welcome well-behaved dogs. Don’t look at the pictures if you are trying to work. Particularly don’t look at number 19.
Sometimes I bring my dog into stores, but only if 1) the proprietor gives Molly a big grin and says Come on in, 2) I come to the store a lot and already know they are down with dogs, 3) if it’s really hot out and there’s no shade patch (my dog is black and fluffy and gets heatstroke easily) and I have asked for and received the proprietor’s permission, and 4) the store does not sell human food products. There are a few other single-time incidents, such as me walking my dog over to pick up my car from the shop, they had more work to do and I ended up waiting for another hour and it was raining hard outside.
I don’t take her into restaurants or any store that sells human food because that’s considered a health hazard in NYC, and I suppose it’s just my mindset now even though I don’t live there anymore. I do take her onto restaurant porches with me if they allow dogs and I have her with me, like if we are grabbing a bite after driving home from a hike. I feel like this is a near-universally accepted thing; never realized other patrons might take issue with my dog sleeping under the table. It’s not like it’s “suddenly acceptable,” as you put it; seems more like it’s always been ok.
@hominid That was wonderful.
@Esteban1 Convenient for me, legal and common where I am, and I have never received so much as a glare. A lot of grins, actually.
“Yappy Hour” sounds stressful. If you were complaining about barking dogs, I’d understand.
Side remark – even though Pier 1 and Pottery Barn are, surprisingly enough, dog-friendly, after working at one of these stores I highly recommend that no one bring their dog in because broken glass is ubiquitous – even though we mopped twice a day, it would hide under floor displays and furniture.
Pretty sure that’s not allowed in most stores and restaurants unless it’s a service dog or it’s in a pet store, in which case it’s completely acceptable, If you know the store has “Yappy Days” where people are encouraged to bring their dogs, then don’t go to the store on that day. I’ve been to plenty of big cities and I’ve never seen a dog in a store or restaurant.
Also, if the dog allowed in a location, is on a leash, and not constantly barking or behaving aggressively, then it’s your problem if you don’t like it. The dog isn’t bothering you, so mind your own business or walk away. I don’t like people much, but those fuckers are everywhere. Deal with it.
@esteban1 Either way, not my problem. Leave the thing in the car.
It is against the law to leave dogs in the car to overheat and die.
Usually only the pet food store and only to restaurants where dogs are welcome (Provincetown MA comes to mind). Usually only on the patio outside.
It sound like most of you live in civilized areas where they don’t allow dogs. I’ve lived in four different places in California, and everywhere I go I see dogs. These dogs are not service dogs, they are crappy little dogs or fat old dogs. (I once went to an actual dog bar on haight st just to see how obnoxious it was and it turned out to be just smart dogs, which was actually pretty cool, how they all walked around like they own the place). My problem is with the rich ladies and young girls who I see most commonly bringing their dog where it doesn’t belong.
Hitler had the same problem with the Jews and we all saw how that worked out.
In California I often see women carrying their little lap dogs into stores with them. Even the grocery store. They don’t let them on the floor, they’re always under the arm or in the grocery cart. Seems a little weird but it doesn’t bother me.
I think its fine, so long as the dawgs wear shoes.
@Esteban1 Good thing you never came over to hang out in my hot tub at my old house. My pet goose “Marwyn” liked the ” big, big, tubby”’d have shit yourself if you knew I let my goose hang out in the hot tub. lol
We aren’t allowed to take dogs (except guide dogs and the like) into most restaurants and stores. I think there a few dog friendly places are emerging, but health restrictions probably prohibit you taking your dog into the restaurant. They’d have to stay at the outside eating section I’d think (this is a guess not a fact).
I’ve seen dogs in stores and restaurants. I assume they’re service dogs. They’ve all been well behaved and calm.
I have no problem with it at all.
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