Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

When President Obama called for hope and change what did he mean?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 25th, 2014

What does President Obama think change is? Or is it just a catch phrase to get elected? I’m a Canadian, and I watched the election on CNN. So I don’t know the intricacies of American government.

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18 Answers

jerv's avatar

After years of G.W. Bush, there were many that wanted change. 9/11 started a war that cost trillions of dollars and many lives. The economy went to hell. (not necessarily W’s fault, but it happened on his watch). Basically, it was starting to look pretty bad and a bit hopeless.

So, while the Republicans offered “more of the same”, Obama offered something different; hope and change.

josie's avatar

It’s a slogan. A phrase that captures the imagination of impressionable people who never seem to ask the question that you did. All politicians do it. So do marketing experts.

jerv's avatar

@josie Yeah, “Hope and change” was what was marketed, but how often to politicians actually deliver?

josie's avatar

For them, that is rarely the point.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Everyone hopes. Nothing changes.

Jaxk's avatar

As @josie says it is a slogan with little definition. Like most slogans you can supply whatever details work for you. Frankly it worked brilliantly since most of the people figured he was talking about things that were wrong in their lives. Actually he was merely hoping to change the party in the White House. In that he was a success. Everything else, not so much.

ucme's avatar

Sound bite, the preferred weapon of politicians everywhere.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I thought this thread had been closed to further discussion. What gives?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why would this thread be closed for further discussion when there are only 9 answers?

stanleybmanly's avatar

I could have sworn that I clicked here earlier and was greeted with the announcement.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They’re after you @stanleybmanly!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes thank you for the warning. I knew it wasn’t the paranoia that the lying doctors have been trying to saddle on me. I mean, what do they know? You and I realize of course that they’re ALL out to get me. And those mods? I wasn’t fooled for an instant. They’re ALL in on it together. I hear @Jaxk and the rest of them whispering behind my back. They’re hiding my food from me too. You can’t put anything past them when it comes to evil. But you and I are too smart for them. WE can see through their pretense of indifference. When the spaceship arrives——that’s when they will ALL get theirs. You’ll see.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Everybody but @stanleybmanly come to the chat room!

marinelife's avatar

Dow Jones when he took office: 7,949 and today 17,830
Unemployment when he took office 7.8% and today 5.8%
GDP Growth when he took office: -5.4% and today 3.5%
Deficit GDP % when he took office: 9.8% and today 2.8%
Consumer confidence when he took office: 37.7 and today 94.5.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Dutchess I knew it! They got to you too. It was merely a matter of time. All of you sniveling weasels out there plotting behind my back. But yesterday the Pope whispered from his hiding place in my closet that you’re all going to get yours. None of you will be spared including the demon next door posing as the neighbor’s cat. Yes it’s all coming to pass just as the refrigerator told me it would.

rojo's avatar

_” is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

_ much like such phrases as “Fair and Balanced” and “Clear Skies Initiative”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I saw the same meme you pulled that off of @marinelife. I did some independent verification. Some of the numbers varied a little, but overall it was a positive uptake.

kritiper's avatar

He meant for it to sound good. He’s a politician who knows how to get elected.

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