Will you tell me something good that happened today -- Part XXII?
Asked by
Strauss (
November 26th, 2014
This is a continuation of an ongoing thread whose twenty-first incarnation was here . It was approaching 400 answers, and was sometimes taking too long to load.
I think it’s a great feel-good thread, where we can tell the world (okay, at least the collective) what makes us happy.
Feel free to post positive snippets and epiphanies about things occurring in your life. Newbies more than welcome to join in!
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267 Answers
I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving, more than past years. My sister and her daughter moved to town last summer. This is the first time in over twenty years I can spend the holidays with a sibling. That’s a long time for a family as close as we were.
I thought only janbb can make this thread? ~
While watching the beginning of a huge snow storm, I was having trouble finding somthing until fluther provided another example of a new verb form to add to my growing list.
To alcohol. (Some other examples: to testosterone, to plastify, to overnight, to inbox, to wardrobe.)
A pigeon swooped over my car, but didn’t shit on it…yeah, its been a slow day.
OK so it hasn’t happened yet but I’m going to a thrift store today!
Working from home today, and my employer sent an email saying that everyone should stop working at 1:00pm. This means that I have more time to make pies with my kids, who should be home from school shortly. We’re making a couple of pumpkin pies and a pecan pie.
This snow lover is getting a white Thanksgiving. I’ll be spending my day baking and looking at the beautiful scenery from my kitchen window.
Nothing, infact it is all bad. haha
I am furious about the “Marywn” imposter and my daughter has come down sick today, just before our Thanksgiving. I am in a baaad mood right now, don’t mess with me.
I am leaving town in 2 hours, I need a break from it all and if this Marwyn jerk insists on hanging around I am going to leave fluther as well. I don’t do drama and stupidity.
I woke up.
And the sun is shining.
I made through a ghastly IBS attack after having taken tons of medication for it. Thought it would never go away! Yes, it has come to the point where some of us celebrate getting through the day without ending up in hospital or at a doctor’s office!
My robotics-enthusiast boyfriend is at his prothetist today and just learned that he’s going to be able to get a super cool high tech leg with sensors and shit this spring. We’re super excited because it should be a lot more comfortable for him and because he gets to be part cyborg now :D
Getting the same storm as Gail, let you know if I make it home in one piece.
The baby I’m babysitting is sleeping now
My daughter’s school was cancelled, so I took her to my parents’ house before work. I only worked 3 hours and then got out at 1, due to the holiday (but would have with the snow storm). I am now home in my cozy house, without my child. Christmas magazines, a cup of coffee, the computer, phone and TV. What more could I want? Then tomorrow I go to my parents’ for Thanksgiving. 4 day weekend ahead! Woo hoo!
It’s been a productive day. Got shit done. I feel good, but tired.
I got a great deal of my junk cleared from the dining room table. Many catalogues went into the recycle bin. I also moved the rocking chair, a small armchair and three dining room chairs moved out of the living room. We’re getting wood floors in our living room and that was what was left of the stuff I could lift.
I joined this wonderful site. It’s been interesting so far!
Finally found an engineer who might be able to help me after making over 20 calls!
Made it home in one piece but what a drive. Twice as much wet greasy snow as they forecast. Hope the power stays on tonight.
Got to leave work at 12 noon instead of 3 pm, due to school dismissing early. Took a nice nap. ..
My grandma from another town has come. It’s been years since I last saw her. What’s more, nobody told me about her arrival until she actually came. It was like a surpiring gift for me. She came for a break from her naughty grandchildren and the noisy food store, and she is enjoying her stay so far.
Too bad I’m a bit too busy to be with her often now
I had church at the driveway of an apartment building with three of the Brethren for about 2 hours.
I had three lovely meetings. One with a junior member of staff, another with a mentor of mine, and one with a colleagues whom I think is marvellous. Two people told me how fabulous I look! My husband drove me to work and we had a great talk on the way there and on the way home. We had a storm but no damage done. The dog gave me a big hug when I got home and my cat came for a cuddle. It was a nice day.
My boyfriend and I had a really honest discussion about past issues (that we have always ignored before now) and, while some of it was painful for me to talk about and hear, it has cleared the air and helped a little with the lack of trust in our relationship. We’ve still got a way to go before we are out of the woods but I am starting to think that we love each other enough to get through it.
My boyfriend accepted a job offer that is 15 miles from the job I have accepted. We are going to be able to live together next year!!!!
I just had my first private session with a dog owner, as a trainer.
It was scary, but I managed to solve the guy’s problem, and he gave me a huge tip! :)
The US stock market raised significantly.
Hee hee hee, someone got grammar fanged, hee hee hee
I’ve been spending a lot of time with old friends lately. I’ve known these kids since we were babies and I just feel so blessed to still have them in my life. Not a lot of things have been stable lately, and it’s nice to have people in my life that are constant.
Home made chicken and noodles are complete and near perfect. What a relief.
I like to think of it as petty snark
^^^ What…no Velveeta, dude, you’re slackin’. lol
We saw a pond today that must have had a dozen, dozen and a half swans in it.
I broke through a months-long case of writer’s block.
@Mariah how did you do that? I am in a serious case of writer’s block too. Would like to hear your advice :)
I bought a “How to Train Your Dragon” 2015 wall calendar!
I’m done moving into my new apartment and I’m starting a class today.
Had a very productive meeting yesterday with a business partner. Our website is up and running, and I am in the tea business!
@Mimishu1995 I hope this is helpful. Basically I have planned out all of the upcoming major events in the story, so coming up with what happens next wasn’t the issue. It was a matter of finding the motivation to coherently phrase it all, and write transitions from one big event to another, which I don’t fully have planned.
I just started using the quiet moments of my days (while showering, lying in bed before falling asleep, etc.) to mentally write the next few sentences of the story. I would just start to realize “jeez this isn’t so hard when I focus,” or I would even write enough to get myself to an exciting part, and then continuing from there was easy.
A poor hapless sparrow got whacked in the rat trap and rather let the cat feast on him, I dropped him in the river for a “fresh water bath”.
My husband is resigning from his job today!!! Three cheers for Mr. Tedibear. He is on to better things.
I got a letter telling me that I am covered for everything attached to my recent trip to the ER and hosp. stay. I was bracing for a Buck Rodger’s bill and negative hits to my credit, but all of that has passed now, thank the Lord!
I woke up with a sore tooth and swollen face!
That finally forced me to see the dentist about a problem stand-alone tooth. No opposing tooth holding it up or pressing it down.
I came home with one less useless toothache.
I am in love with my new heated throw blankey, so are my cats. Gotta keep the pussies warm. haha
Right now they are both under the throw, dialed in at about 4–5 and look like cat burritos. lol
Well…so far today none of the kids have shown up so nothing great has happened to day. But it’s early so…. :D
I started my new yoga class today. It was every bit as rewarding as I had hoped, and my classmates are all very nice.
So, went to visit Christopher and Jenna today. They were all downstairs. Rick went down ahead of me. As he was walking toward the back of the room where they were Zoey saw him and started thumping toward him with her arms out.
Then I came around the corner. There was an instant change in trajectory and she stumped right past him and into my arms! Grampa is good…but Gramma is FANTASTIC!!
I watched Smokey and the Bandit today. Gave me a good chuckle!
We had a free preview weekend of HBO SHO and Cinemax so we taped a bunch of movies that we had missed. I am looking forward to whittling down the stockpile.
I got a massage and then, drank a boatload of water and now I am having champagne bath tub side. Can you spell R-E-L-A-X! lol
After my bath I am having fresh mandarin oranges, some walnuts, organic fig bars and chocolate covered raisins.
It’s a pamper me night. I freaking deserve it, have been working my a$$ off for the last 5 months. Ride hard die fast. lol
@Coloma…and leave a beautiful corpse!
@Coloma… I’m getting a deluxe pedicure this week, followed by dinner at a exquisite restaurant. ..pamper me night!
I cut off a toxic relationship with someone I’ve been close with for my entire life. It hurts, but I’m proud of myself for doing what’s best for me.
I learned that the Engma Cypher that helped bring an end to WWII is now an android app. I plan on downloading it later today and embarking on my plan for world domination!
although I would probably settle for a worldly dominatrix
@AshLeigh Good for you, we all need to do this on occasion.
I got good news today. My older sis was in the hospital, they suspected ovarian cancer. She underwent surgery, the prognosis, while still serious, is not as dire as suspected.
Well, today is Wednesday. Always a good day for “me” because it’s the last day of work for my son (works 10 hour shifts Sunday to Wednesday) and he gets to get his three year old from her mother, Voldemort, at 8:00 and keeps her until Sunday morning. I am amazed at how children can adapt to two completely different households. One is a run down, dirty, messy rental with a lot of screaming. The other is clean, spacious, lots of room and lots of love.
I was in line buying food at school today, and I was giving the cashier cash amounts that would result in an even amount of change. The lady behind me said to the cashier, “He’s [referring to me] so clever and thoughtful!” I responded with a laugh and said “Heh. Well I am a math major,” and she laughed. Later on while I was eating, she approached me and said her daughter was having trouble with Precalculus and she was looking for a tutor. We exchanged numbers and she plans on paying me $20 and hour. I enjoy tutoring as I have done it in the past (never for pay), and it’s good experience for me since I want to go into teaching.
That’s cool @dxs! At the drive through today my bill was $4.02. I gave her $4 and a nickle, told her I didn’t want the three pennies back. She gave them to me any anyway. Actually, she gave me 8 cents back. smh.
Tonight is Nova and Nature night!!!
@dxs once you build up a reputation as a good maths tutor you can charge a bit more. My husband (maths teacher at high school) charges ÂŁ36 an hour which is about $55. He is good and does tend to raise their standard about 1–2 levels. He does work in a private school so his client base is quite wealthy.
this is something I don’t understand – the parents are already paying for their child to be educated but also pay for maths tuition. By the same teacher sometimes. I would have thought they’d be kicking up a stink about the poor teaching that’s failing their child, not paying more!
The battery on my sturdy little magical Macbook (9/2012) air finally died last night by making a humming sound and generating enough heat to send Milo off the bed and downstairs.
My local guy, only 4 miles away, can replace it right this minute so I don’t have a 50-mile round-trip in the 16Ëš temperature.
I came home from my piano lesson, and immediately got to work on practicing the piece I learned. It went very well, and I feel like such a good student, too! :)
I tried toffee apple flavoured cider. I’m in love!
This thread petered out! I wanna hear about your great things.
My boyfriend mentioned last night that we have a solid month between graduation and starting our new jobs so maybe we should take a trip or something?? I loved that he brought that up because it’s a great and totally doable idea and also because I need to be convinced to do exciting things more frequently. I always have a million reasons not to.
We’re thinking maybe a road trip. If there’s any place in the US that you’re partial too, please send me PMs! I haven’t gotten off the east coast very much in my life so this is exciting and brand new to me.
^ This thread petered out! I wanna hear about your great things.
Pick something very silly and frivolous and we will still be adding to it daily three months from now. Deep or real stuff never last.
I managed to organise an interview I’ve been chasing for a long time. I’m very much looking for speaking to that person.
Plus, my guitar tutor said my transitions between chords were very good for a beginner.
I put in an application for a job that’s come up in my workplace. Higher grade, 2 posts available. Wish me luck!
It’s really hard for me to focus on the good stuff right now, so I guess this Q awakened again at the right time for me. I’m grateful I am not in below freezing weather. There is a cold snap today, I think it’s going to be in the 50’s, but it’s beautiful and sunny outside and my heat is cranked up inside.
I’m enjoying the first day of New Year.
^ Happy New Year!
I’m just happy for no reason today.
I solved a problem I was working on in a database query. I am feeling good!
I’m going to be home alone for the next 3 days, party for one, starting tonight! lol
I am going to eat, drink and be merry and watch movies and sit on the porch and star gaze and, and, and… :-)
I woke up to a text from my brother’s best friend that said “Are you hungry?”
I replied “Constantly.” And he brought me breakfast. He does this occasionally, since he’s our neighbor.
Finally, finally, finally they set me up with a nerve specialist for my arm. I’ve been waiting on them to do this since before Thanksgiving!
I reassembled my library after painting it. Spent most of the day indulging my ADD. Oooh, that looks interesting! I don’t remember getting that! Hey, that’s where that went to! Took me all day to get a 10×10 room put back together.
I thoroughly enjoyed the day.
My wife is not particularly thrilled that I did not get my list done however.
@rojo Meh…have a cocktail and read a book. lol
Spent 5 hours at the hospital, from 6 to 11, and the good thing is, I’m not there anymore.
Well, it probably would have been more stressful if I’d known in advance how long it was going to take. But I actually fell asleep during a 20 minute scan where I wasn’t supposed to move. That helped.
Plus I snagged a really great magazine, the best of Discover articles from 2014, and I carried that with me everywhere I went.
The rest of the time I had folks to talk to and tell stories about the grandkids!
I had an abdominal MRI about a month ago, I am not usually too claustrophobic but man, I had to keeping looking over my shoulder to see the light at the end of the tunnel. haha
I bought a roomful of sunshine, spring and mood uplifters for $1.49: a bunch of daffodils!
I spent time with a litter of three-day-old Labrador puppies.
I spent all day outside, the first day this year!!!!!
I balanced my checkbook with only a $.09 error.
I had my three small cousins overnight (aged between 5 and 8). Having had a very exhausting day, I was not entirely looking forward to the experience but…they’ve been great. My bathroom wall has been turned into an art project! And they even asked, first ;)
The snow is finally melting and the flooding only minor. My incantations over the sump pump in the basement have been successful. No mice in traps for the past three days. The white stuff falling out of the skies at present is an illusion.
I’m having a lazy Sunday afternoon while being used as a pillow by the very lovable spaniel I am looking after.
I got another callback from a job last Friday and the interview is on Wednesday.
My boyfriend and I sent in our rental applications for a beautiful apartment. Fingers crossed.
I played, or let’s just say, I engaged in, for the first time ever, a game of cricket this afternoon. The field was a bit truncated, the players were of both sexes, a few of them under 12 and over 70, but I was assured that, indeed, this was cricket. Appearances are deceiving. It is nothing like baseball. Nobody spits big, juicy wads of tobacco or grabs their crotch—even on the pitching mound (Brit. = bowler’s position)—and there is no abusive chatter from the outfield before the pitch. It’s a gentleman’s game (Amer. = gentleperson’s game). There were ladies in hats and sun dresses having tea and crumpets along the the sidelines (Brit. = borders) watching us. There are drinks, both soft and hard, in the lounge after the innings—the “s” being used whether there is one innings or two.
I’m on the Royal Mail Ship Saint Helena. She’s about three football fields long and the crew set up netting on the sun deck to keep the ball from flying off into the South Atlantic. My 80 or so companions are mostly Brits on their way from London to Cape Town for business and pleasure; including a couple of newlyweds, an ornithologist headed for St. Helena on a grant from the British Museum of Natural History. There’s also a small contingent of “Saints,” (pronounced Sints, which is how the native St. Helenan refer to themselves in their particular English dialect). Saints are the main civilian workforce on Ascension and these fellow passengers are going home to visit their families on St. H where there are few jobs, but it is very pretty and of another time. It’s always good to have the saints with you when on a voyage.
The ornithologist is married to an ichthyologist also with the BMNH. She’s on vacation. I enjoy to imagining that this is how they get their vacations every year and escape the dingy Victorian bowels of the British Museum and the wet chill of London. Her best friend is an etymologist. With a couple of friends from the flora departments, they could probably start their own biosphere on Mars. When they speak of their science, they are kind enough to speak an English that non-ornithologist/ichthyologist, non-cricket playing barbarians like me can understand (like I?).
I’m dying to ask the ornithologist a question which has been bothering me for some time. They say that there are no stupid questions, and I would feel much better about this if I actually believed that. But I’ve searched the net’s many references and have found no satisfying answers. I would like him to show me a way to simply identify the difference between an eagle, a falcon and a hawk. Maybe I’ll ask him tomorrow during afternoon tea after “cards.”
I hauled about 1000 pounds of rock. It feels good to feel productive.
I repaired all the screens on my daughters screened in porch.
I saw my 8 year old daughter in her first Gang Show this weekend. She was in the Beaver Gang. They did a sketch from the Lego Movie and were awesome.
All together now! ‘We’re riding along on the crest of a wave and the sun is in the sky….’
I got out of bed. This may not seem like a big accomplishment, but with the way things have been going, it was a milestone for me.
Way to go @AshLeigh !
But seriously, things been rough lately?
Saw a brigade of striped purple crocuses lined up in the garden.
@marinelife at what point would you have a division of Crocuses?
@rojo If I had a whole yard full!
A stunning full grown male Peacock has wandered onto the ranch here and is parading around calling for a mate. Beautiful bird with about a 5 foot long tail. Looks like we might have a new critter here. No idea where he came from and none of the neighbors know either.
and if you and you neighbor on both sides had a yardfull, would that be a Corps of Crocus?
March Tempo!
Hail to the Crocus Corps, Crocus Corps, Crocus Corps…
Someone stole my “hause” (Flintstone horse bka. bike) yesterday, and before midnight one of my Brethren offered me his extra bike, and dis morning during breakfast another stepped up with the offer of an extra bike he was not riding, thank the Lord, Papa knows how to take care of His kids. :-D
$18K in cash is a lot of money to hold in one’s hand!
I’m treating myself to a little bit of peanut butter icecream before going back to work for my evening training classes.
There will only be 3” of snow tomorrow and Saturday. The frost heaves in my driveway do not yet take out the car’s transmission. Cause for celebration.
Wait, this is the “Something Good’ thread? I thought it was the weather report thread.
Umm…uhh…I ate some frosted animal crackers today!
The ABC news is reporting that the Far North of Queensland has been spared major damage after Cyclone Nathan that crossed the coast yesterday at a category 4.
Plus, the Lindt Cafe in Martin Place, that was the site of a hostage situation late last year, re-opens today.
WE GOT THE APARTMENT!!! :D :D :D The realtor just called!
^ I just got the one I wanted, too! :]
It didn’t start snowing until 1:30 (after I returned from a brief outing and Milo from an even briefer one).
My best friend since the age of three moved pretty far away to go to college. Lately she has been applying for jobs in my area; today I just learned that she accepted an offer. We’re gonna be neighbors again!
I don’t know what I did to deserve all the wonderfulness that’s happened to me in the past 24 hours.
Well, I opened a pack of cigarettes yesterday morning, still have about half of them left as of 4:00 today. Pretty good for someone who smoke(d) 2+ packs a day.
Went to yoga today despite the first day of snow gifting us with snow. Have a make-up class scheduled next week for the snowstorm two weeks ago. Namaste, everyone!
School ended and I’m off for Spring Break!!! I really need this break!!!
I got a second bike given to me to replace the one stolen a few days ago. :-D
Nooooooooooo….It wasn’t made of carbon fiber.~~~
The redwing has been both heard and seen, finally, in the local swamps, meaning that spring is officially here, never mind the 4” of snow that fell yesterday.
The tops of a few daffodils, in a protected corner of one garden bed, are up about ½ ”.
Ours are up and my crocuses are blooming, despite the snow. Isn’t it wonderful? I have been hearing the mourning dove’s call early in the morning and in the evening.
We got our newest member of the family today, a 10-year-old wheaten terrier named Duncan.
Congratulations @marinelife! He has the best place in the world to live out the rest of his life.
Crocuses are up, pansies are planted! I finally got the garage clean for the first time since last summer!
We have successfully re-located 4 Canadian Goose eggs to the nesting couple on the roof of the horse barn here that have a clutch of 9 eggs of their own. The neighbors were going to pitch the eggs and remove the nest because the parent birds over there are attacking them and their horses and causing quite the rodeo scene. Mama goose is back on the nest with her 4 foster eggs and now all that remains is to watch for the hatching and lay out hay for the babies to land on when they leap from their lofty nest to head for the pond.
There’s this girl who’s been having a hard time at home (her mother is on drugs, and her father is in jail) so she had been staying with her grandmother, which wasn’t a good environment either. So, she started staying with my mom a while back, and a few days ago my mom was granted guardianship of her. :)
Went to the Renaissance Festival near Austin Yesterday with the grandkids.
There’s a certain reassuring consistency to my life. 11Ëš now.
^^^ That is a degree sign right? Not an inch one?
Ëš is indeed a degree sign, even without my glasses.
° <-This one’s just a bit bigger but I think it makes all the difference.
Good grief, I can’t see either of them. I need new bifocals.
We are widening the horse arena here by over 20 ft. and have almost a million pounds of dirt being delivered tomorrow, roughly 400 cubic yards at 2,000 lbs. per yard. 12–15 semi trucks full!
The point of interest is…this dirt is coming from an excavation site surrounded by old gold mines in our gold country zone, soooo….we are going to screen a lot of the fill just in case there is gold in that there dirt. lol
This is only the top soil/sand, not counting the gazillion pounds of decomposed granite base.
Maybe we’ll find a few nuggets, but, if nothing else, we are going to have the most awesome, huge arena for working our horses with brilliant night time lighting for those summer nights “lets go work/play with the horses” moments.
Get a metal detector for gold ! !
And just to be clear, when I asked whether the reassuring consistency was 11 degrees or 11 inches, I was thinking snow.
Something really weighing on my mind finally resolved itself…in a good way!
Are you feeling better healthwise @yankeetooter? I’m glad to see you here.
3/25/15= warm day, temp 10 degrees above normal at 70, predicted to reach 80 this afternoon.
Ali Farka Toure is playing on my music selection.
Here’s something good that happened today…I read @rojo‘s post and just had to look up Ali Farka TourĂ©. He’s now on my playlist.
@rojo Thanks for the intro. Very compelling!
I’m on the beach in Hawaii right now so that’s good :)
^^ get off your phone/computer! ^^
My monster fluffy 22 lb. Ragdoll Kitty “Myles”, got his summer shave today as it is pushing 80 here in endlessly sunny CA. Here he is in my avatar next to his massive pile of fur. lol
He is such a good boy. Now he is napping on his kitty bed after a tuna treat for a job well done.
@Coloma Oh my – his head looks so big! Too funny!
@Mariah Haha..I know, and, he has a little lion tuft at the end of his tail. The walk of shame. lol
He is actually feelin’ really happy now that he is about 2 lbs. lighter. You wouldn’t believe how huge he is in full coat. Mr. Poof!
So give us a pic of him normally, before you turned him in to a clown!
I think it went well. It’s only part time, but since it’s a part of the hospital I’d be in line if they hired for a FT position internally.
@Earthbound_Misfit. ..yes, although still weak. I have been doing tons of housework, cleaning, decluttering, organizing, etc., but my strength and endurance are slow to bounce back…
He is beautiful, @Coloma. And I can see how his fur could become a matted mess!
Today I received notice that a legal issue which has caused me a lot of stress since September has been settled in my favour. I am quite happy today.
Veuve Clicquot Brute for everybody!
I’ve a bottle in the wine cellar on the bottom rack.
I’m going to the zoo! I love Taronga Park Zoo. The giraffes have the best view in the world. It’s looking a bit dull and overcast out there so I hope it doesn’t rain. I’m going to wear my moccasins and I’ll end up with red feet. And tonight, I’m going to see Paulo Nutini and I’d rather not have red feet for that.
I found out today that I am going to get a long weekend this coming weekend. Most people are getting Good Friday off work and also the Bank Holiday Monday. I have to work Good Friday and I already have Mondays off due to working on Saturdays but today I found out that I will get next Tuesday off to make up for having to work on Good Friday :)
@Tropical_Willie I’ve a bottle in the wine cellar on the bottom rack,,,
“I’d rather have a bottle in front o’me than to have a frontal lobotomy!”
Well, I told Zoey that if she didn’t get over here so I could change her diaper, I was not going to let her take a nap….and it worked! Strange child.
I found some of my grandma’s things while unpacking when I was starting to think those boxes were missing. I hope I find everything. I just moved and a few boxes weren’t accounted for. I hope it’s just a mistake somewhere. I have about 20 boxes to go.
I love seeing all my things. So many with sentimental value. :)
I applied to take an exam that I have been working towards for about four years. It’s a qualification that is very well respected in my line of work and even though many dog trainers get work just fine without it (as I have been) it will make me more sought after by the people that are up to date with recent science and research surrounding dog behaviour and training. The exam isn’t until October and I am shitting myself already but I feel really brave and inspired for biting the bullet and sorting out my application.
I’m on holiday for 10 days now!! We are going to France tomorrow morning. Joyeuses Pâques Ă tous! (Happy Easter everyone!)
My kitties have finally adjusted to our new home here at the ranch after 7 months and are going outside for supervised outings. Yesterday they enjoyed a 2 hour frolic, racing across the lawns, zinging up trees, chasing each other and, the thrilling moment of catching a lizard!
One of their favorite things from being country cats at my old home for years. It was a happy pussycat day and everyone is still sleeping this morning. haha
Zoey toddled up to me and handed me a picture I’ve never seen before. It was of my mother and two of her friends in high school. I have NO idea where it came from.
My friend said that my art style is improving rapidly!
The small crocuses and the first bunch of snow drops are open, all in a sheltered area.
Last night, to celebrate spring, we cooked out for the first time this year. Yum! Grilled burgers and cole slaw.
Today, we are having the first deviled eggs (using curry) of the season.
The sneak peak to the second part of my favorite anime just came out :D
II got blessed, when I left a Men’s Disciple meeting to go help one of the Brethren in a wheelchair who was stuck between some hedges and the sidewalk, I found a $100 bill laying in the middle of the sidewalk.
Abba Father knows how to take care of his kids!
So what does it mean when I find money? I’m not one of his “kids.”
If you did not put the request in (since you have no one to put it before), and it more than likely was not within $10 or less of a pressing need you truly had, I would chalk it up to happenstance. Good bounces come to those not in His family just has calamity happens to us in His family as well.
It’s RAINING! My rain gage has registered one whole INCH with T-storms and more rain until tonight, maybe into tomorrow. Every drop counts for us parched west coasters.
Hearing a certain someone’s voice on the phone today that just made me melt…
Watching the eight year olds on the soccer team I coach all of a sudden begin to grasp certain concepts that I have been trying to teach them all semester.
It’s lovely weather in France. I have been painting the shutters on our house a very pretty shade of blue.
3 of the goslings have hatched from the pair of Canada geese nesting on the overhang of the horse barn here. 10 eggs to go, we shall see how many more hatch. Precious little yellow balls of down. Can’t wait to see the family make their pilgrimage down to the pond soon.
I survived a mini stroke two days ago with little to no ill effects…
@yankeetooter you have had a horrible run of bad health lately. I’m so glad you survived the mini strokes.
@yankeetooter Oh my….how did you know? What were your symptoms? My deepest well wishes to you!
@Coloma…I was getting dressed for work, and my whole right arm went dead numb. I called 9–1-1, and although by the time they got there my arm was somewhat better, I ended up going to the hospital. They couldn’t really find any sign of a stroke until they did an MRI. I’m back at work today.
It hasn’t happened yet, but I get to see the twins this afternoon!
I was going to look back at a craigslist ad I was interested in, and when I put the post number into google, I found out that the 10-digit number was prime! What are the odds?!
OK, so I took my 8 year old grandson to his Mom’s, an hour drive. He proceeded to tell me that he has an “International fear of bees and wasps.” I laughed so hard!
I have that same international fear. Lol. Cute.
According to WA, there are 404,204,977 10-digit primes, so excluding other forces, my odds would actually be 404,204,977/9,000,000,000, or 4.49%, or 9 in 200.
Our neighbors mare is due to foal this week and they have promised to call us night or day so we can be there for the birth of the long awaited ( 11 months horse gestation ) of the little colt or filly. So excited!
I used to have hardwood floors, and my old dog has been having trouble with the slippery surface. I’ve carpeted the flat I’ll be moving into, and we’ve spent some time playing there today – suddenly, she can run again!
My tulips bloomed in my garden. Also, we went for a walk in a park and I saw my first violets of spring including white ones.
@marinelife I’m envious of your spring flowers. It’s too warm here to successfully grow spring bulbs. However, tulips, crocuses and the like are some of my favorite flowers.
@longgone I’m glad your puppy can get traction again. :-)
@Stinley Happy birthday! Hope you have a nice day with lots of presents.
@Mimishu1995 I’m going to claim that comment!
it’s my birthday today
Happy birthday @Stinley. It was my birthday yesterday and today I went to see Wicked.
Walking in this April shower, through the melting snow, reminds me of the better weather a mere few days ago.
Thousands of daffodils have opened during the past 48 hours…looking somewhat like
and this
Bend over @Stinley lots of spankings waiting for you! Happy Birthday!
I scheduled a job interview today!! I can’t wait for next Wednesday… :)
Thank you @rojo and @marinelife. I’ve had a lovely few days. @rojo, Wicked was fabulous. I saw it on Broadway a while ago and I was pleasantly surprised by how well the Australian cast stacked up. They were fabulous. The two leads had great voices and performed very well. It’s such a fun show. I have only got into musical theatre in recent years but I do enjoy going to a great show.
Tonight – because I’m a spoiled brat – it’s Cirque du Soleil’s Totem! I love their shows too. And it has become a bit of a family treat to go to each new Cirque show when it comes to Brissy.
Something good? Well, my mom and my sister have been helping me with this horrible assignment for school, so I’m not completely stressed out and alone to do it.
I learned how to say “you sack of drool” in French.
@gailcalled Please share! Not that I plan on using it or anything…
I have not died,
Day 3 of a wicked sinus infection that was coming on the last few weeks from the abundant spring allergy scene.
On hardcore antibiotics.
The grasses continue to blow in the wind but looks like I will survive the onslaught of the season.
Gah…I want to move to a glacier. haha
Well, yesterday, but I had a really good conversation with someone I like, and he showed how much he trusts me, which made me feel really good about myself. Plus, he didn’t know about all of my ongoing health issues, but when I told him, he showed a lot of concern.
Job interview went well. Now to inform my boss and ask him to be a reference and send thank you cards…
Today is 6 weeks since I quit smoking! I can’t wait for the day when I don’t even think about how long it’s been. I can’t wait for the day when I forget I ever smoked!
Just finished up co-teaching co-facilitating a week-long music intensive class. We had about 15–20 high school students (grades 9–12) with varying degrees of musical talent and ability, and were able to put together 4 “rock” bands to perform 3 songs each. Today we had a run-through and sound check for the showcase on Monday 4/27. It sounded great, and I am so proud of them!
Made roast Harissa chicken tonight, and it was excellent!
I’ve had a good few days. I went on a walkabout to take photos with a professional photographer the other day. Today I went and bought a chair for my office and then walked around a local market. The sun is shining and it’s been a beautiful day.
Been waiting for this to pop up! I quit taking my blood pressure meds and guess what! My BP is staying at perfect levels all by itself!
@marinelife If you have a chicken and the chicken has a name like Harissa then it’s a pet and you cooked a PET!
Good to know @Dutchess_III. How do you know it’s staying down now? Why did you decide to stop taking your meds?
Well, I quit smoking. After 4 weeks I quit taking them as a test. I check my BP whenever I got to Walmart or the drug store.
Yesterday was my birthday; to celebrate, I went birding with a few friends, one of whom is a fantastic photographer. We got really lucky and saw a pileated woodpecker constructing a nesting hole. My friend got this amazing photo.
Happy birthday @Mariah! That is a great picture.
Seriously @Mariah! That’s one for NGM “My Shot”!
Happy Birthday @Mariah. Hope you had a fabulous day.
@Dutchess_III, high blood pressure is a killer and while yours may now be perfectly okay – it might not be. Blood pressure can be quite variable even in individuals. I’m not sure what prompted you to stop taking your medication, but please speak to your health professional. Just to be on the safe side. I hope you can stop taking your meds and you’ve reversed whatever problem caused you to need them in the first place but please speak to your doctor to be sure.
@Mariah Hope your birthday was as wonderful as you are! Loved the woodpecker pic. I see them out my window fairly often, but they never fail to take my breath away.
@Earthbound_Misfit What prompted me to stop taking them (as I have said at least twice now) is the fact that I quit smoking almost 2 months ago. My Dr and I suspected that might have been the reason for the high BP, and now we are finding out. I know about high BP. I’ve been dealing with it for over 10 years. I’m in cahoots with my Dr. I am not an idiot. But thanks.
I’d say pretty much most people who are actually taking BP medicine keep track of their blood pressure, and take the problem at least semi seriously. They know they have a problem.
Thank you @JLeslie. Mine was very serious. Without meds it would hit 200+ over, like, 140. Insane.
@Dutchess_III My pressure has been high a lot the last few months. I increased my thyroid meds hoping the BP goes down or I’ll have to address the BP separately. I dread it. The high is around 145/95. I do have normal readings at times. I hate to think I’m beginning to react to stress or salt or just haywire. The only other time previously I had consistently high BP is when I’m under medicated for my thyroid.
First found mine, by total accident. I owned my own business for 4 years and we didn’t have health insurance. Rick finally got a job that offered insurance. First thing I did was go for a check up. They about fell down when they saw my BP readings! 230/145! “Stroke range.” So this is really exciting for me.
Happy Birthday @Mariah! Great pecker picture. lol
@Dutchess lll LOrdy women…and I thought mine was bad last week when I was sick and at the dov=cs and it was 159/113 I was SO sick and had a fever.
<——Here she is! The new bouncing baby girl, little miss no name so far.
She was born at 5:12 a.m yesterday weighing in at a robust 92 lbs. Mother and daughter doing great!
Does that make you an aunt ? ? ?
LOL! Congrats, Auntie Coloma!
Tonight I learned I won second place in the computer science department at my college for my senior project. I slaved over that project and I have spent a lot of time doubting my abilities as a programmer and this validation feels great.
I took a battery of tests on my heart because my dad and brother died early of heart attacks.
The doctor called today and said I have a perfect heart!
@chyna Yay! You just never know. I knew a woman that was 95 and outlived 6 siblings, all of whom died in their 60’s. Genetics can sure skip around.
I had school off today, and my school counselor is helping me find a way to graduate a semester early!!!
Hasn’t happened yet, but I get to watch the twins fer a while today!
It’s 3.20am here in the UK and I’m up listening to Reba McEntire at the Grand Ole Opry. I’d give anything to be there in Nashville watching her but at least I can listen live, even if it means being up at ridiculous am!!!
I have honey for my English Muffin, yay!
It’s been a great weekend for me. My sister arrived in town for a 10-day visit. We have not seen each other in almost 20 years, although we have talked and communicated. This has been the best thing that happened in a lo-o-ong time!
It’s been months since I’ve even logged into fluther. Update: I got a new job, and while it’s really boring, my coworkers have been really nice. I’ve only been here for about 3 weeks, but I can see myself sticking around for a while.
I’m moving again. My mom got custody of my adopted sister, and I’m moving back home to help out with her, because she’s a handful. My mom is too nice to smack her upside the head when she needs it, and her fiancĂ© doesn’t know how to properly handle teenagers, since he never had kids of his own. She just needs a good influence in her life, and I’m blessed beyond belief to be able to be the one that she looks to for advice.
Speaking of which, my mom got engaged! And the guy is really good to her.
I have been dating my boyfriend for a little over three months. The relationship is still very new, but he’s been great over these last few months, and everything that I need.
I’m saving up to go to Texas at the end of the year for a close friend’s wedding. I’m very excited.
I just feel so blessed with the friends that I have. Things are good.
@AshLeigh hope things are more stable this time.
My last day of classes was on Tuesday. Today I got confirmation that I’m all set to graduate. The ceremony’s in a little over a week.
@Mariah Please post a photo. We all feel like we had a small part in getting you through college.
Cooper was born this morn about 5 via c sec.
New thread, maybe? Anyone volunteering?
@marinelife Aww. You all did help me through college….a LOT. I will post pics after the ceremony.
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