Anyone ever have a light rotator injury?
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November 26th, 2014
Monday at work, spun out on a icy hill, putting chains on, something in my right shoulder let go.
The pain was insane.
The next day saw the Doctor, and was diagnosed with a light rotator injury, and will be off for a minimum of 2 weeks.
Have to get an ultra sound done, then get physiotherapy, after that, anyone have an injury like this?
I can’t lift my arm on it’s own, hanging down I have no pain lift it and I scream, I have full power on an arm curl, and no pain in my arm, all in the shoulder.
Anyone have an injury like this and how long were you down?
And what did you have to do to get back at it again?
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23 Answers
I am not lookng for medical advice,just what you did to get back at it again.THANKS.
I tore my rotator cuff twice in one year, I think. The first one I just took it easy for awhile, but then I did it again. I didn’t need surgery, but I went through 8 weeks of physical therapy. Electrical stimulation and light weights. It took a long time to come all the way back, maybe 1 to 2 years. The pain wasn’t that bad, but the motion range was totally messed up. It destroyed my golf game.
Yup, I have a problem with right shoulder for over 50 years, bad high dive. I am being pressured my wife to go to Dr. and get it worked on.
That maybe surgery. Have the name of local surgeon that does sports medicine injuries.
@Adirondackwannabe I am horrible about wanting to get back to work to soon, but this one will do whatever the Doctor says to do,glad it’s winter now up here so wont miss any golf.
I push way to hard to. I tried to play the same year it happened and my swing was gone. Gave it up for a couple of years, thinking of trying it again.
Physical therapy. Lots of it.
@osoraro Thanks, I just hope I’m only down for two weeks, but sounds like it might be more from what I read here.
I partially tore my rotator cuff and went to physical therapy for some heating and then stretching and strengthening exercises. This was 10 years ago and I still have some minor deficiencies…the joint makes a lot of crackling and crunching noises when I move it.
@gailcalled That scares me, what advice would you tell me, my job does require some very heavy lifting now and then.
Plus would like to think I wont miss out on next seasons golf.
I would get to a really good physiotherapist as soon as your doctor gives you the OK, and then be a zealous, well-disciplined student. Do everything the therapist recommends. He or she will have the training and experience.
You may have to table golf for a while; again, your PT person can help you with that. Golf does demand a lot of the rotator cuff joints and muscles. Injuries do make us rethink some of our hobbies.
I’ve never had the injury you have, but I did tear some ligaments in my ankle about 12 years ago, in a car accident. I had surgery to repair the broken bones but not the ligaments. I was told that the ligaments will not completely heal on their own, they have to be surgically repaired. Since I didn’t have that done, I still have pain and swelling in my ankle. After your swelling goes down and you get all your test results, they may refer you to a surgeon. Make sure you get more than one opinion. I got 3 opinions, and I went with the one that was the most “middle ground.”
@SQUEEKY2 Don’t push the therapy, just do what they recommend. I figured more weight means faster recovery. Ouch. I paid for that big time. Tore all kinds of muscles.
@Adirondackwannabe I am not going to push anything on this one,I will do whatever the Doctors say, the boss was fine with two weeks but I said it was to evaluate it at that time,if I need longer it will be longer.
Trying to get a set of triples on half buried in the snow wasn’t fun, made it a lot worse when the shoulder let go.
@jca I really hope I don’t need surgery, that is why I wont push or rush this one,it happened at work and I am covered for the lost wages,I want a full recovery before next seasons golf.
@SQUEEKY2: If they say you need it, you can and should ask all doctors what will your future look like without surgery, vs, if you have the surgery. Then the decision will be yours to make, but it will be an informed decision.
@jca if they say a full recovery means surgery then I will have it done.
Just means a lot more down time.
@SQUEEKY2: Yes, and more physical therapy. What happened with me and my injury was I had 6 months of PT and then the surgery, and then 6 months more of PT for the recovery.
@jca my boss would freak if I need that much time off, but in my early fifties I don’t bounce like I did in my twenties.So whatever it needs it will get.
@SQUEEKY2: You will find PT is like a job. You go several times per week, you get to know the therapists, and you have a goal in mind.
I had similar symptoms: if my elbow got more than 2–3 inches from my side, the pain would knock me to my knees, literally. I had a simple rotator cuff tear that required arthroscopic surgery.
Every injury is different, so I’ll spare you the details. However, my recommendation is to use a PT that is not financially affiliated with your doctor. I didn’t, and it took me a long while to realize that my PT’s priority was her working relationship with the doctor, and not me. My rehab was miserably long due to my doctor’s ego, and my PT’s reluctance to raise a red flag even after a ridiculous number of PT sessions.
Thanks @bossob I am from Canada so will do whatever the Doctor says and I don’t think I have to worry about the PT being financially affiliated with the doctor.
I tried physical therapy for a while but eventually opted for surgery which really helped.
@johnnymojo how long did you do the therapy before opting for the surgery?
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