Winter is here, how are you making it wonderful?
Asked by
LornaLove (
November 26th, 2014
I’m not the biggest winter lover, however, inspirations needed! How are you making winter wonderful? I have candles out, pretty lights, throws and I need more ideas. Perhaps later on I will put on my warmest gear and go for a walk. Any tips, ideas and inspirations welcomed.
These can be anything from home, to entertainment to food, to fashion.
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28 Answers
I love hockey and other winter sports, so I enjoy the winter. Fashionwise, I snow shoe. An excellent work out for the legs. And feed the birds. They’re fun to watch.
I like a crisp swim in the morning. Nothing like frigid waters to get the ‘ol blood pumping!
@jaytkay You just made me homesick for the North country. Beautiful!
I make it wonderful by being prepared. Testing the generators, filling the gas cans, prepping the vehicles, etc. It is so satisfying to know everything is ready!
Big storm coming here Friday through the weekend, looking forward to being cozy by the fire and doing some amazing cooking, movie watching, in between the never ending ranch chores of course. I made the most deeelicious bean soup yesterday with pumpkin bread. Cooking winter food is one of the great joys of cold weather.
@jaytkay wow! stunning photos and totally inspiring. Feel free to post more!
It is? The nights are a bit chilly. That’s a So Cal winter.
I find that having a stack of projects lined up that keep my mind fully occupied helps. But I also have discovered that how I think and comment to others about the winter weather also helps. By maintaining the perspective “not bad; I’ve seen (and been outdoors in) worse weather than this” really increases my enjoyment of winter time.
A pot of apple cider on simmer on the stove with orange peel, cloves, cinnamon sticks, and other mulling spices (not for drinking – I leave it on the stove for days at a time to make the house smell awesome). I’m also very fond of Thymes Frasier fir scent.
I don’t usually like artificial scents, deodorizers, candles, and other smelly stuff, but somehow I can make an exception for those two.
By playing beach volleyball and taking a nap under the palm trees.
I went for hikes in the snow near Aspen CO last week, twice! Then went for a run each afternoon!
Beautiful late fall afternoons in California, ran 6 miles Sunday in shorts and a short sleeve shirt.
We’ll decorate for Christmas a week from Sunday.
I drink Punsch – elderberry, apple and orange juice, heated with a cinammon sticks and cloves.
I go sledding, when there’s snow, and ice-skating when there isn’t.
I read a lot, happy to be inside after a long walk.
When there’s snow, I build tiny igloos and light a candle inside. Looks festive, and it’s fun.
I bake lots of cookies.
Windows open on mild days to let the fresh air in. (I’m in Florida).
Getting in touch with friends who live more north to urge them to come visit, because the winter north of me has started with a cold blast.
Buying up Honey Crisp apples, eating more soup, and making hot cereals some mornings.
Started wearing my long sleeve t-shirts. I love that look and I live how comfortable mine are.
@JLeslie Oh how I miss mild winters and ‘long sleeve t-shirts’. Here it is snow gear haha!
In the winter, I will often cover up with a warm, soft, throw and read magazines or books. If it isn’t too cold out, I actually like to go for long walks. On occasion, when I am feeling childish and the snow is just right, I will make a snowman. Like to bake cookies too and drink hot chocolate. Watching movies and eating popcorn is always fun. Like to put jigsaw puzzles together too. Having some wine every now and then, yep like that.
@LornaLove We will have some days that need a proper coat don’t worry.
Hiding in the house as much as I can.
Well Winter doesn’t actually start until December 21, but we are getting some Winter-like weather. Anyway I’m still doing water sports practice 3 times a week (Dragon boat and outrigger canoe paddling). Also indoor swiming 5 days a week and other exercises and outdoor jogging, walking etc,etc,etc. Winter does not stop me from having fun. Tacoma, Washington Winters are also pretty mild.
I have some favorite coats and long-sleeve shirts. Winter is a perfect time for me to show them.
And I have an excuse to spend 30 minutes in a hot bath.
It’s summer here so my focus is on keeping cool. Floating in the pool, looking at the clouds and watching the lorikeets whizzing past overhead.
In winter, I like to dig out my hot water bottle with its furry cover. I get out the warm quilt and yes, the throw for the lounge. We buy wood so we can have real fires. And candles to light while we lie in the bath listening to music. My husband makes me his lamb stew, which makes me think of my dad. We sleep in longer in the morning and snuggle more in bed at weekend.
For indoors, hot chocolate and a good movie on DVD.
Homemade spitpea soup and comedies.
@jungle_girl, and ‘comedies’? As in funny films/videos/television? Or are comedies some sort of food I’ve never heard of?
I went sledding today. Wiped out big time. Good thing snow is soft. :)
No fun in sledding if you don’t wipe out big time at least once!
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