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JLeslie's avatar

What part of your body are you shocked by now that you are older?

Asked by JLeslie (65923points) November 27th, 2014

Older can be any age. You can be 20 years old and answer this question.

I’m moving into my late 40’s and I am shocked by how big my boobs are and how big my thighs are. Mostly, it is because I need to lose 10–15 pounds, but some of it might be hormonal or diet changes that affect where fat sits in the body, I don’t know.

I also didn’t expect to have so many problems with my hair, which is thinner, dryer, and falls out more than I would have anticipated, even though I never had thick hair per se.

Lastly, when I was young my lips were so read I couldn’t wear pink lipsticks without putting foundation on them first to cover the red. I looked like I had lipstick on when I didn’t in old photos when I was very little. Now, my lips are extremely pale, lack of iron is probably the culprit. My mom just called me a day ago to tell me she read a study that showed people low in iron are less likely to get cancer and serious infections. She didn’t want me to overdue the iron I take.

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26 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

My brain. I think differently from when I was young. Bring me something from my childhood and I see it in a different light from the past.

I also have problems with memorizing things. My mind has shifted from mindless memorizing to understanding before remembering. I can’t remember as quickly as before, but I keep the memories for longer time.

cookieman's avatar

I am 43.

the good
I still have a full head of hair. It’s salt & pepper now, but it’s all there. Most of my friends are bald or balding.

the bad
I have a bit of a gut (and I don’t drink alcohol) which casts a shadow over a less than impressive penis.

jungle_girl's avatar

My boobies used to be super high on my chest. They lowered a little. Reminds me of the scene from the comdey “The Sweetest Thing” ... Cameron Diaz puts her arms up in the air… boobs percky.. she says “19”... puts arms down “29”.. when I was young I used to joke, that you could tell a womans age by her elbows. Just count the rings. I moisturized so much. I have the elbows of a 20 year old.

jca's avatar

My neck is starting to look a little stringy. Someone said recently that you can tell someone’s age by their neck. I am willing to bet nobody is looking at it, but I look at it. I can envision a consultation with a plastic surgeon in my future.

Blackberry's avatar

“shocked by how big my boobs are and how big my thighs are”
Go on…..

I still feel athletic and strong, but I’ve started thinking so much about things since I’ve aged. I loved being free spirited and not caring about things. I liked being impulsive and never planning things, but now I’m thinking about everything from what I did wrong to what I did right and everything in between; life relationships, money etc.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

How hard it is to get rid of any unwanted weight, and how long it takes to heal after I get hurt.

In my teens I crashed my dirt bike, ripped my knee wide open you could see the cap,cleaned it up and limped around for a few days, if I did that now I would be on crutches and out for a long time.

dxs's avatar

My brain as well. It thinks a lot.
I miss the days of innocence and ignorance, where everything was so simple and I was so naïve.

andgemvicdyl's avatar

It has to be my body confidence if that counts ? I am 44 . Its totally nutty I know but as a teenager, 18 plus years of age my body was definitely in better shape , perky boobs and bottom , flat stomach and smaller waist so please why at 18 I hated my body and now I have confidence about my body and ability to be sexy and attractive .

andgemvicdyl's avatar

cookieman , is your man bits gone smaller then ? sorry but just read your answer and made me smile but a little confusing :-)

cookieman's avatar

@andgemvicdyl: A bit shrivelly is all. Still, mostly, functional though. So there’s that.

downtide's avatar

My weight, generally. I spent almost my entire life being so skinny and underweight that people thought I was anorexic (I never was). In the last 3–4 years I’ve gained about 30 pounds. It’s still something of a novelty, to be told that I should lose weight.

ucme's avatar

My arse remains as soft as a peach & my penis is simply stunning.

rockfan's avatar

I’m only 23, and I’m shocked at the amount of nose hair I have.

Foie_Gras's avatar


Not being able to get erect in under five seconds kinda stinks. I miss being twenty!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Having to shave a MUSTACHE every couple of days!

andgemvicdyl's avatar

Loving the Humour on here ,

Seriously !!!

I want my 18 year old body back !!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hell. I want my 40 year old body back! It was still a good one.

dxs's avatar

I’m waiting for my 20-year-old body in hopes that it’s better than my 18-year-old one.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

The whole darn thing including the brain!

Pachy's avatar

Hair, skin, joints… oy, permit me move on to a happier question…

Coloma's avatar

I’m almost 55 and this last couple years has brought some noticeable changes. It is so hard to drop a few pounds now, I can ramp up my activity level for weeks, eat lite and maybe drop 2 lbs. It sucks! I walk about 2 miles a day around this 10 acre property, rake and shovel barns, ride horses, chop wood, carry water and you’d think I’d whittle my middle a little more but the muffin top stays muffiny anyway. LOL

My eyesight is getting fuzzier and “Turkey neck” is coming on. Wattle wattle.
My joints are giving me trouble too. They say ” use it or lose it” well..I have used it and am losing it because of using it so much over the years. haha

My neighbors, a couple in their mid-70’s still get out and ride their horses almost every day, I can barely sling my saddle up these days because of my wonky hands and wrists, but I do it anyway, I do cheat now though and use a mounting block, the spring in my step is not as springy as it once was but I still can handle a fresh horse. Ride hard die in pain. lol

Kardamom's avatar

51 here. I guess I’m a little surprised that I can so easily get worked up into a passionate lather, if you get my drift. Could be watching a handsome man on TV, could be walking down the street and see a handsome fellow, or just be about anywhere. I’m simply minding my own business and things start to get a little warm and tingly in the nether regions. I’ve always ran a little more passionate than other women (at least I’ve always had that impression, and by what some of the younger people on Fluther have said, about having very little desire in that area). I chalk it up to changing hormones. Boobies have gotten slightly bigger and a bit softer. My neck is starting to look a bit less supple. I have a couple of thin gray streaks in my dark blonde hair, that I’m not too thrilled with. I think that is the one thing that gives my age away. Up until the gray came in, I still got carded at the grocery store (for buying allergy meds and you only have to be 18!) Oh yeah, sometimes when I’m driving for a long period of time, I get a lightning bolt of sciatic up my left butt cheek. My left thumb also starts to hurt after a long day of work and then using the steering wheel of my car. On the plus side, I barely ever have to shave my legs or my armpits anymore. It used to be a daily thing, now I only have to do it about every 3 weeks. This is a good thing. No hair, no stubble.

Coloma's avatar

@Kardamom Haha..yes, I’ve never been hairy but it is even less so now and yep, my libido may not be quite what it was forever but I’ll tell you what, I was watching “Tombstone” last night and man, I’d do every one of those guys, Kurt Russel, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliot. Oh man…I love sexy cowboys. lol

Kardamom's avatar

@Coloma I’m more of a Doc Martin kinda gal. Oh and This Guy from The Murdoch Mysteries.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Kardamom did ya know Murdoch is a Canadian show?

Kardamom's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Yes, I do know : )

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