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FutureMemory's avatar

Attention Star Wars fans: trailer for episode 7 The Force Awakens released today! What do you think?

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) November 28th, 2014

Personally I think it looks awesome. Hopefully this film will redeem the franchise after those 3 prequel abominations nearly ruined it.

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29 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Let me extrapolate from my first post:
The first thing we see is this storm trooper popping up from under the screen.
This seemed more like a comedy than a serious film. Not a good start.
Then there is the comic relief ball robot rolling around. Jar Jar says ‘hi’.
They shoehorned the millennium falcon into it. Jar Jar Abrams will ride on nostalgia instead of taking a risk with a new story. The same strategy that caused his star trek films to turn out abominations.
And lastly, remember the double bladed red lightsabre of darth maul?
They have a ridiculously shaped red lightsabre in the trailer, too. Just horrendous.

So to summarise, Just as a abrams took a big stinky crap on Star Trek with his Jar Jar Trek, he will drop a massive steaming turd on Star Wars with his Jar Jar Wars.
In other words: meh.

ucme's avatar

I like the films, i’d not call myself a fanboy, unlike weirdo trekkies.
I look forward to making my own mind up, trailers are notoriously misleading, looks okay though.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I almost wish i could bring myself to give a shit about Star Wars at this point.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I am sure the FX will be top notch, however a Black Stormtrooper? That is like trying to pawn a Black Santa off on me. Spoiler Alert The original Stormtroopers were all clones of one guy, who guess what? Was not dark-skinned. I guess he was the token, no doubt killed off before the 1st act is over. Aside from that, the trailer was uninspiring, it would surely rely on my past experience to watch to see where and how this one fits in. They have a good chance of getting my money though.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central to be fair – as I was once a long long time ago a fan boy in a state far far away… – the cloning planet either was destroyed or just couldn’t churn out clones fast enough for the demands of the Galactic Empire. Either way, the GE had to recruit from the general populace to sustain their military might and prepare for an incoming extragalactic threat – which the Death Star was originally designed to combat, not the Rebel Alliance.

rockfan's avatar

I think it looks incredible. So far, the art direction looks amazing, and the trailer had the magic of the original Star Wars films. I’m really surprised that everyone is “meh” about this trailer.

rockfan's avatar

@ragingloli The robot rolling ball is a far cry from the pure stupidity of Jar Jar. I mean, isn’t Chewbaca pretty silly when you think about it? As for the Millennium Falcon, it’s a STAR WARS sequel, so the Millennium Falcon is a must. Also, the original screenwriter of Empire Strikes Back is writing Force Awakens, so that’s a very good sign.

Pachy's avatar

The special effects, which were impressive in the earlier movies but primitive by today’s CGI standards, will no doubt be max, and the the acting no doubt will be minimal.

rockfan's avatar

@Pachy John Boyega, Max von Sydow, Adam Driver, Andy Serkis, and Oscar Isaac are stellar actors in my opinion.

Zaku's avatar

I have a bad feeling about this.

I hope JJ will not do to Star Wars what he did to Star Trek – please don’t make it hyperactive and impossible to believe there are actually humans involved in the CGI action. Don’t direct the actors to be super-cool, flip and unconcerned about the violence that is supposedly threatening them. One of the best things about the first films, especially episodes IV and V, was that there was some inertia and physicality involves, and some humanity. When the CGI is too fast and impersonal and looks like a Nintendo game, my ability to make myself believe it’s anything but excessive CGI vanishes.

filmfann's avatar

I am unimpressed at this writing.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

I think its time has passed. We use to always go to the opening day of Star Wars Movies. It was a different time and our children were younger. Much younger!

FutureMemory's avatar

@Zaku I find your lack of faith disturbing.

ragingloli's avatar

Jar Jar Abrams has already proven at least twice that any faith in him is utterly misplaced.

rockfan's avatar

@ragingloli Star Trek and Star Trek into Darkness are very will liked films.

FutureMemory's avatar

@ragingloli If you’re referring to the new Star Trek movies, I thought they were pretty good. Then again I’m not a trekkie, so they weren’t exactly highly scrutinized or compared to any other films/shows. I liked them.

ragingloli's avatar

people liked the star wars prequels, too.

FutureMemory's avatar

Obviously those people are clueless.

ragingloli's avatar


Zaku's avatar

@rockfan That’s good to read. I hope it’s not just lip service.

As for the new JJ Trek films, the action pacing is so fast-paced, and the characters are so much like high-schoolers compared to competent officers.

“Oh no prob. Bones and I will just outrun and distract the natives while Spock bungie-cords into the volcano at the same time. Enterprise can just park underwater. Oh dang! That didn’t work! Well we’ll just jump off a cliff and then violate the Prime Directive to have Spock not die due to our foolish plan. I’m sure no one will report us and we won’t get kicked out of the fleet. We’re too cool and good-looking.”

It seems weird to me to make a re-boot of Star Trek TOS in that style, because TOS was so very not like that. Kirk was fairly brash, but he was still a competent, brilliant, mature captain, not some irresponsible kid with a terrible attitude and awful decision-making skills. TOS Kirk would have recommended dismissal for JJ Kirk, and TOS Star Fleet would never approve such a person to command a cruiser. And there was time to discuss the situation and make command decisions in TOS – not a giant furball of pew pew beams everywhere. Why make a hyperactive juvenile version of TOS rather than make a new series?

Zaku's avatar

I guess I should be glad it wasn’t like this:

FutureMemory's avatar

That makes two of us!

ragingloli's avatar

I honestly did not see any difference.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

I admit, I’ll probably watch it just for Max von Sydow and Andy Serkis. I kind of hope the Yuuzhan Vong show up…

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Is this really even a debatable subject? Just raise shields and arm photon torpedoes or send out the droid destroyers and get it over with.

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