Meta Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Has Fluther been sluggish in your area too?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23541points) November 29th, 2014

As a lot of you know, I live in the interior of B.C Canada and today Fluther has been rather sluggish responding, to posts and questions to just about anything.
Thought it was my computer, but all the other sites are fine, so has Fluther been sluggish for you as well?

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18 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It took almost 2 minutes to get this to post, when I click activity for you it is super slow as well, even just clicking bookmarks it takes forever to get here,just wondering has this been happening to everyone ,or am I just lucky?

Seaofclouds's avatar

It was really slow for me the other day, but seems to be running fine now.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Seaofclouds and what area of North America do you call home?

Seaofclouds's avatar

Northeast US.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah I would think different servers are out west here but I could be wrong.

Berserker's avatar

Running good now but yeah, been sucking arsesickles for a good 48 hours prior.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Was sluggish yesterday. But then again I have a crappy connection.

ucme's avatar

Breaker, breaker…10/4 good buddy…ah gotta smokey on ma tail….......<white noise>
All good now.

gailcalled's avatar

It has been. Send the mods a brief message via “Contact the Mods” at the top of the page, upper right hand corner.

Pachy's avatar

Maddeningly slow for the past few days, but eems better this morning.

marinelife's avatar

Much better today! Thanks, Ben.

dxs's avatar

The past few days it has been slow, but now it’s up and running at a normal pace.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Nov30, and it seems to be responding well now.
Yesterday it was like it was on dial up.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, seems a little better this morning but the last few days have been extremely s-l-o-w.
I always do the usual cache clearing but it really doesn’t make a difference because it is an internal server issue.

ibstubro's avatar

I, too, kept clearing my cache without noticeable improvement.
I’m glad they have it running better today. I seem to be having increasingly frequent periods of slow.

ibstubro's avatar

Good to know that the Twilight Zone was unaffected.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s up and down. It’s just the fluther server.

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