How could anyone get the glove question wrong?
There’s a dating site that uses user-created multiple choice questions to assess compatibility. The questions cover all sorts of topics, and some seem to test general intelligence. One is, “If you turn a left-handed glove inside out, it fits . . .”, and the possible answers are “on my left hand” or “on my right hand.” About half the women in my searches who answer this question get it wrong, and I don’t understand why. It seems one could easily get a glove and try it if there is any doubt. What could be the thought process that leads so many people to choose the wrong answer?
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33 Answers
Haha….that’s hilarious. Well..clearly their intellects and problem solving abilities are about as astute as a ground squirrel. Cheap date anyway, just take them to the park and buy them a bag of peanuts. lol
Maybe this is not only an intelligence test, but also a test of individual hand symmetry. Yikes.
^^^ Maybe they are missing their thumbs.
@Coloma Indeed – or they have extremely odd little fingers.
Why would anyone grind a squirrel?
@dappled_leaves Ground squirrels live here in the west in burrows, they are not the brightest rodents ever. haha
Most of my gloves are the kind that are interchangeable, there is no right or left-handed designation. Maybe half of the women have those and are simply amused by the question.
Wouldn’t a glove capable of being turned inside out be flexible enough to fit either hand?
I would get the question wrong… it’s too much stress to think about… My brain is hungry for nutrition from thinking so hard.
@canidmajor I can’t help thinking that gloves with interchangeable hands must either be very uncomfortable (the thumb needs more room) or very cold (all that air space around the little finger), or both. I’ve never owned such a pair; it makes me curious.
The thumb is definitely the thumb, but it is straight out from the side. These are knitted gloves, usually inexpensive and warm enough for not-too-gelid climes. Front and back are indistinguishable.
@canidmajor Ahhh – those are called “glove liners” here. You make a good point – it’s not the presence of a thumb that determines whether the gloves are interchangeable, it’s whether there’s a difference between the front and back.
When I first got them, glove liners were a very specific thing, usually not interchangeable. I have a pair of those, they’re very thin and made of a specific heat reflective substance. I got those when I lived in the Rockies and I was seriously grateful for them on many a Nordic ski day!
Gotta love regional differences. :-)
So I am very familiar with that dating site, and in reality there is not right or wrong if you have the right kind of gloves.
Ever pull out a pair of latex gloves out of a box? They fit on both hands. Turn my running gloves inside out, you cannot tell which fits on which hand. So experientially, there is no right or left, no right or wrong.
But the question clearly states (as quoted by the OP), “If you turn a left-handed glove inside out…” So there is a wrong answer.
It may mean that people whose glove experience is limited will have to use their imaginations, but they can’t invoke “their truth” to justify the wrong answer.
Sure they can, if “left-handed” glove is a fluid concept, which it is in a number of the cases discussed above.
What is the sound of a left hand clapping?
@CugelTheClueless So on the dating site, how important do you consider the question? It isn’t the answer so much as how important you make it in trying to find your match.
I marked it as irrelevant, I don’t care how it is answered. But women who mark it as at all important and don’t like my answer will drop below my selection radar, not because of their ability to perceive the topological accuracy, but because they are inflexible about the small things in life.
Good luck in your dating search.
@canidmajor “Sure they can, if “left-handed” glove is a fluid concept, which it is in a number of the cases discussed above.”
Well, what I’m saying is that if a glove can fit either hand, it’s not a “left-handed glove”. It’s just a glove. What makes a glove a “left-handed glove” is its inability to fit on one’s right hand. What is fluid is the concept of gloves, not the nature of left-handed gloves.
@zenvelo It’s funny you should say that. If a potential mate answered this question incorrectly, I would think they are not interested in or don’t recognize puzzles – which certainly makes them drop below my own selective radar. I guess, given our respective examples, the question does work as a filter for prospective dates.
I can’t for the life of me figure out why it matters.
It’ll fit any hand if you really try. For a while when I worked at the hotel, I had to make do with two left-handed latex gloves (contrary to what another Jelly said about them being the same).
@dappled_leaves The dating site does have other questions that give insight as to one’s puzzleness. One is STALE is to STEAL as 89475 is to———. Surprising how many people cannot get that.
@dappled_leaves: It was a little joke.
I agree with @zenvelo. The whole idea of that being an indicator of intelligence is idiotic.
I think questions such as those are intended to be markers for problem solving which is part of overall intelligence. High problem solving ability is a marker of intelligence in all species, not just humans.
@dappled_leaves Hahaha, ’‘glove experience’’. Don’t know why that makes me laugh, but it does.
I’m with dappled on this one. An ambidextrous glove is not a left-handed glove, which the question clearly calls for. IIRC, there were only two possible responses. I don’t think “both” was an option, though the site allows people to add an explanation to their answer.
In case some of you are still wondering, the glove fits on the opposite hand when turned inside out. You can test this easily if you have a pair of rubber dishwashing gloves.
Some of the other responses are misreading the question or evading it, and some seem just a little bit defensive—I wonder why, haha. And yes, the question does test intelligence insofar as it tests spatial reasoning, which is of course only one dimension of intelligence, but it also tests whether people who may lack spatial reasoning ability have the sense to get up from their computer and try it before responding.
I think I rated this question as “somewhat important” or “not very important”, whichever was the second-to-least on their scale. It’s not completely irrelevant to me because I don’t want to date a dimwit.
@CugelTheClueless Perhaps the question should be trickier, such as ” Which inverted gloved finger should be inserted into a light socket to conduct the maximum change?”
A. Left index finger
B. Right index finger
C. Middle finger of either hand
D. Thumbs only
It was an exaggeration to say that half the women in my searches who answer this question get it wrong, but way too many do. Looking at that site again, I see that getting this question wrong correlates with other wrong answers, such as not knowing whether a mile is longer than a kilometer, not knowing what “wherefore” means, not knowing what causes the seasons, and believing in astrology.
Maybe you need to find a different dating site, or try to meet women in places where the non-dimwttians hang out.
Gloves and astrology, ye gods that’s priceless.
I’ve always wanted to slap someone across the face with a glove, like the old fashioned dueing challenge, TAKE THAT you cad! lol
^^^LOL I have some awesome fringed cavalry riding gloves. haha
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