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Blackberry's avatar

So........LSD is pretty cool, huh?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) November 30th, 2014

I like it a lot. What do you think about it?

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70 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar

Never tried it. Now if you were talking Ecstasy, I’ve always been curious about that one :)

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Please tell us what cool effects it has!

dxs's avatar

Never tripped it. I’m happy enough with herb.

Blackberry's avatar

@ZEPHYRA Lol! I could write a book. No seriously, how do I start?

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Never tried it either. I did go to a concert recently where it did occur to me LSD would enhance the experience. It was a 1970s/1980s band. I don’t fancy the possible long term consequences of LSD use.

ucme's avatar

This would be trending if it was the sixties & they had internet back then & stuff #getwiththetimesman :D

Blackberry's avatar

I’ve always been a late developer @ucme.

ucme's avatar

I can see you writing Fluther Questions in a diary in twenty years time @Blackberry
You could post them by mail to…fuck knows where :D

LuckyGuy's avatar

I grew up in the 60 and early 70s and never did it. Why? The one guy I know who did it was petrified by the front grill of a VW Beetle. I mean really, really, terrified! The eyes! The face!
He was a wreck. Idiot!

No thanks! I kept my brain cells and did well in school. I think I made the right choice.

linguaphile's avatar

I took it once, with a firm mindset that I’d never take it again.

It was an intensely spiritual experience. I still remember the trip, 20 years later. It was positive, amazing and beautiful—and, no, I’ve never tried it again.

El_Cadejo's avatar

It was a life changing experience for me. I think LSD can be a very powerful tool and have learned a lot about myself and opened many closed doors because of it. While I think one can gain a lot from different hallucinogens, LSD has always been my favorite. I find it pushes me inside my head but clears my mind so well that I can think deeply about whatever subject I like without having other distractions, and it allows me to think about topics in new ways often giving me insightful new ideas or perspectives about the subject.

Despite taking it more times than I can even begin to guess, I’ve never once had a “bad trip” . Yes, things may go dark for a bit but it’s never a scary thing to me. Take it in stride and figure out what your brain is trying to tell you with all this. Remember it’s just a drug and will pass shortly.

The best experience I ever had was snorkeling on the reef in Honduras. Everything was so beautiful. There was this one moment I’ll never forget for the rest of my life; as I was swimming a large eagle ray came up and swam beside me. We swam together for a couple minutes, each of us staring into the eye of the other, it sounds so lame and cliche hippy but I really felt connected to that animal in that moment.

I also despise people who take drugs to “get fucked up”. Use them for insight and development.

ibstubro's avatar

Are you asking about Lysergic acid diethylamide?

And what is your affiliation with the NSA?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My brain is fucked up enough, it doesn’t need any help. But whatever floats your boat.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I think it’s too bad I didn’t get to this question 10 hours ago. Did you actually taste Fluther?

Coloma's avatar

Being a 70’s girl I had my share of drug experiences. Personally I liked mushrooms and peyote more so than LSD. Although I did have a very enlightening trip once up in the high sierras listening to the trees whisper to me and another fun filled night in a tree house, courtesy of Windowpane and Orange Barrel. haha
I survived the era of sex, drugs and rock-n-roll unscathed and the only drug I still partake in on occasion is the herbal essence.

Psychology Today has an article why those that experiment with drugs are of higher intelligence. Obviously not becoming a life long addict which is a risk for many, but being of a bold and risk taking temperament is what furthers evolution of a species. Somebody had to eat that first tomato and it wasn’t the timid humans that made bold advances.

tinyfaery's avatar

Yes it is.

Berserker's avatar

I liked it as a teen, although I only did it a few times. It was awesome, except once I bad tripped horribly, and never touched it again after that. Had my fun with it though.
Were you seeing rainbow haloes around every light, too?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I shied away from it. Hash and speed were the “hardest” drugs I ever did.

One time my bf in high school told me “I’d do acid but I’d never do LSD.” Maroon!

Berserker's avatar

Isn’t acid a hell of a lot more potent than LSD, too? O_o

Berserker's avatar

Doesn’t Buggs Bunny say that when he calls people idiots? He’s all like, nyaaaaaa…wut a maroon!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dark purple!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dark purple microdot

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Dutchess_III LSD is one of the safest illicit drugs one can take, much much safer than methamptemine .

Dutchess_III's avatar

I guess. If you say so. I certainly would never do meth.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Dutchess_III and what exactly do you think “speed” is?

Sounds a bit like your high school boyfriend…

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s an amphetamine, which is one of the ingredients in meth. But meth hadn’t even been invented (that I know of) back in the 70’s when I was smoking and stuff.

tinyfaery's avatar


ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Never did drugs. Don’t care to.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Zoom camel tip perfection slightly off center. Relax honky. It’s just a ride.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Dutchess_III Methamphetamine was first synthesized in 1919 and it’s use became popular in the US in the early 60’s. Speed IS methamphetamine.

Coloma's avatar

I’ll never forget a shroomy night in the sand dunes at Bodega Bay way back when, OMG..laughing so hard trying to walk in the sand, then some wild sandy sex. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

I did not know that @El_Cadejo. I had never heard of it until the 90’s.

Berserker's avatar

Most drugs are ancient as shit. I don’t know when which drugs became recreational, or how differently they were made/cultivated/consumed, but many have been around for a long time.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline Sorry lady, not shooting any shit into my veins. I have enough between my ears.

Berserker's avatar

Well yeah. Stuff like heroin is too hardcore. Never tried it, never will.

Coloma's avatar

@Symbeline I never tried H. but have had Morphine in the hospital before and can understand the ease of addiction of opiates. Like a warm blanket being tossed over you after a massage. haha
Bliss out to the 10th power.
I did enjoy Cocaine for a few years.

Then, I realized that the mental anticipation was better than the actual high. I’m very able to indulge but put things down again, my only true love is marijuana.

ibstubro's avatar

I liked tripping so much that I finally came to a point where I had to sit myself down for a little talk.
“Do we want to devote our life to this?”
I mean, it was nearly 50/50. Part of me believed I’d be happier with LSD induced barin damage than straight. Finally, I opted for the known(ish) path and never took another Snoopy, microdot, Windowpane or Orange Sunshine again.
I had the most amazing trip at a lake, and another when (at night) every ordinary object was outlined in neon.
Pot made me tired or stupid, depending on the quantity I consumed. Acid made me buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Gourd, I’m thankful I tried drugs when I was young, dumb and full of cum.

Blackberry's avatar

Great answers guys. I took it the first time this summer and a few times after. Did it 6 times total in all kinds of settings and I’ve learned so much.

I had bad trips where I got caught thinking too much and started crying, but I never saw crazy hallucinations, only wavy visuals and shifting colors.

I could write forever about it, but I had such a great time and will definitely do it again next year for concerts and camping in the mountains.

AshlynM's avatar

I wouldn’t know.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s kind of scary to think I was actually doing Meth. I now understand the allure, and I understand that freaky tweakish behavior. Bleh.

The difference between my bf in HS not understanding that acid and LSD are the same thing is different than my not understanding that speed and meth are the same. The words ‘Acid’ and ‘LSD’ were a very common part of our vernacular back then. ‘Meth’ was not. Never heard of the word until the 90’s, so it’s not weird that I had no idea that they were the same drug.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree with @Adirondackwannabe my brain is fucked up enough don’t need anything to help it along.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

For my job I am subject to drug tests every once in a while so I do NO drugs at all, I have an occasional drink once in a while and that is it, tried green cigarets as a teenager but nothing else ever and very proud of that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Proud of you too, @SQUEEKY2. When I was in HS there was an outdoor court yard. It was the “Smoking area.” Yeah. We underage kids were allowed to smoke, provided we had a card signed by my parents. I didn’t have a card. My folks would have killed me if I asked them to sign it! I smoked though, just never got caught. Probably because I was basically a good kid.
I remember one guy who used to hang out out there with us, but he didn’t smoke. I asked him why and he said, “Why would I want to put that shit in my body?” I remember really respecting him for that.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Hmm. I see not becoming addicted to anything as something to be proud of. Not ever trying something is simply a matter of personal taste. Abstinence is not something to look down on, but neither is it an achievement.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ I disagree. It’s hard, especially as a kid, to go against the flow.

longgone's avatar

^ Yep, agree. I admire the kids who clearly say they won’t even risk getting addicted. If you try things out – just to realise that you are one of those people who get addicted quickly – you won’t always be able to go back.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Peer pressure is not the only reason kids or adults try different drugs. What is this, the 80s?

Coloma's avatar

^^^ Agreed, and…lets not forget ” addiction” is a tricky thing. Maybe we need to say ” addicted to mind altering substances ” instead. People can be addicted to TV, news, exercise, coffee, sodas, sugar, OCD rituals and lets not forget booze, the #1 addiction and all the prescription drugs people consume like M&M’s too. I was a risk taking female and tried many risky activities, not just drugs. Here I still am, of sound mind and body 40 years later.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Coloma We’re still debating the sound mind part.

Coloma's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Well, I’ve always said if you’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with steer clear of booze/drugs. Dull blades dull down much easier and quickly than the sharper knives. If you don’t have the edge don’t smoke the hedge. lolol

longgone's avatar

@dappled_leaves “Peer pressure is not the only reason kids or adults try different drugs.”

Of course not. I know that.

prairierose's avatar

I never tried LSD. I have taken meth and can honestly say, I liked it. I tried weed several times but for some reason, it always made me puke.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, if speed is meth then I liked it too! Which was a warning flag for me.

Berserker's avatar

@prairierose I loved weed as a teen, but eventually it was always making me throw up too. I mean, every single time, so I gave up on it. Tripping out on nausea for 20 minutes, knowing the worse is coming, that sucked.

prairierose's avatar

@Symbeline Yep, my experience exactly. I felt pretty good for a short time and then the puking kind of took the enjoyment out of it.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah, and when that’s done, you just feel like lying down and do nothing, least I did. :/

prairierose's avatar

@Symbeline Yes and that is what I usually did, laid down and did nothing, while bouts of nausea continued. My body was telling me something and I listened.

Berserker's avatar

Yup. I figured maybe there’s something in weed my body just doesn’t get along with, so I listened too. Some people kept telling me to just not smoke it when I don’t feel good emotionally or mentally, but I know that’s not what it was.

Coloma's avatar

@prairierose & @Symbeline Yes, obviously something in your physiology does not like marijuna. I am the opposite, just makes me “high-ly” creative and motivated to tackle all manner of things like cleaning the garage or rearranging the furniture. haha
Of course if you were also imbibing in alcohol that is a bad combo and could certainly cause the effects you experienced.

Berserker's avatar

My roomate is like you, she smokes weed then gets busy. Even when it wasn’t making me sick, I’d just either walk around or watch TV or play video games or something. I get stoned too easily to do much of anything.
And yeah, booze and weed, shitty mix. Did it a few times, didn’t wonder why I got sick those times.

prairierose's avatar

@Symbeline Yes, my body just does not tolerate it, even after others told me maybe I was given some bad weed, whatever that means, I was given some of the good stuff, with the same effects, felt good briefly and then proceeded to puke.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Guess you may be allergic to it.

prairierose's avatar

@Dutchess_III Maybe. I just don’t use it anymore and that has solved the problem.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What a tremendous idea!! :)~

I was at the Dr’s and they weighed me. I said, “OK, I need to lose five pounds but I don’t know how!” Then I said, “Wait! I have an idea! I’ll quit eating so much food!” The nurse just laughed.

prairierose's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yes just a little bit of “I wonder if” thinking results in simple solutions.

Coloma's avatar

I am contemplating a wee bit o’ the herbal essence this stormy afternoon while I commence making pumpkin ginger bread. haha

SecondHandStoke's avatar

I bought a JDM transmission for my Integra that has a Limited Slip Differential.

Sticks like a motherfucker.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Lysergic acid diethylamide?

Talk about a blast:

Disney World. The Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg FL…

We would open packs of Smarties candies, drop the acid on one, then repack the candy. We would pass them out and slowly eat the candies one by one. Nobody knew precisely what moment they began their trip.

We would set an alarm as though we were getting up early for work. We would have small bags packed. We are, after all taking a trip.

We stood outside the car in the chilly morning air and began eating our candy in Sarasota. This would time the start of our experience as we crested the Sunshine Skyway bridge entering the playground known as Saint Petersburg-Tampa.

We sat on the grass as we waited for the museum to open. We felt every single adroit dewy blade support our frames with their tips. We smelled colors. We tasted the sunrise.

Inside the artwork went far beyond explaining themselves. Instead they explained all that was and ever would be. My friend caught himself suggesting “we go watch some more paintings.” Salvador Dali was the coolest man that ever lived. If you disagree you are merely mistaken.

I became Acid Man. An ordinary (well, not so ordinary) looking fellow shrouded in an LSD cloak. I exploited my Acid’s extraordinary powers. Regular citizens passed by, oblivious.

Time to see what ice cream is like. The ponytail on the girl behind the counter is insanely bouncy. “Are you going to touch it? I’m not gonna touch it. Okay, I’ll touch it…”

Coming down meant escaping to Saint Petersburg Beach. Our sun lowering into the gulf. It’s movingly warm light bathing the entire universe. Our bodies. Our souls.

Things wound down some as we felt the infinite quartz between our naked toes.

If we had the strength and focus it was back to Sarasota to skinnydip in the bioluminescent plankton on the leeside of Siesta Key…

Steve Jobs said that Windows would have been a better product had Bill Gates tripped just once.

Dig_Dug's avatar

That is what they said that little piece of square paper was. Just put it under your tongue and…and….and…...
.....nothing! Don’t know what the fuss is about? I didn’t get anything from it. (shrug)

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