For some time now, I hear nothing but how women are equal to men. I would treat her equal to a man. If that is inappropriate, then stop yelling equality at me, and stop creating laws that force private citizens to ignore difference (to treat any two things equally requires the ignoring of differences, otherwise it’s segregation).
Assault is assault. At one time I would have, in my chivalrous days, refrained from hitting a woman. But it seems that women want to force men to treat them equal in every regard, even by law, until it doesn’t suit them, and suddenly gender reenters the picture.
Feminists changed my ways. I now treat women equal to men, and if a man slaps me, hits me, etc. I’m going to defend myself by striking back. Whether s/he gets knocked out or not is irrelevant. Once an aggressor (the victimizer) has been established, the victim is the victim by default, and any actions taken in defense no matter what end they produce are rightly self defense.
I attack you with a club. You disarm me before I land a successful hit, take the club, and beat me bloody until you feel that I am no longer a threat. Someone arrives while you are beating me… all too often this person assumes you are the victimizer, and I am the victim. And in a court of law, and all the news, my suffering will be an argument that I was the victim. And you find yourself trying to defend yourself from both public and legal conviction.
I disagree with any reasonable force laws in the circumstances of direct physical assault. I would prefer anyone have the right to go to any extreme to defend them self, because it ends up that victims of assault have to defend their application of force as reasonable. Why is the victim having to justify anything? Because people feel bad for the loser even when he was the victimizer… sympathy. That sympathy isn’t spurred by the victim that bears no marks, only the person who attacks and suffered spinal injury and paralysis.
“The victim must have gone overboard, because the attacker is now paralyzed for life.” That’s absurd. The defender has to gauge their strength, be careful not to harm their attacker too much? I don’t think the attacker was really exercising the same self control, otherwise they wouldn’t have attacked at all.
I think if people were free to defend themselves to any extent, a lot more people would exercise self control before assaulting others. But I only think defense applies up to the point where the threat is no longer felt as such, and yes, I leave that to the victim to decide.
I actually don’t have an opinion on what is best for the man to do, I simply make my decisions for me. I have no problem with any course he may take once he is being victimized. And I certainly don’t think one course is better than another in any objective sense. I think the same for every animal in existence.