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JLeslie's avatar

What's the largest amount of money you have lost?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) December 4th, 2014 from iPhone

It can be a bad investment, robbery, paying for something that didn’t work, anything.

You can tell us the dollar amount or the percentage of your wealth if you don’t want to talk dollars.

How did you handle it? Did any good come out of it? Did you torture yourself with regrets regarding it? Or, did you move on and put it behind you?

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12 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

$750 I took a distance freelance writing course and never did the second assignment… I asked for help and they ignored me.

rockfan's avatar

My best friend stole 11,000 dollars worth of things from my house to buy drugs

CWOTUS's avatar

My boss used to have a good answer for this:

“Yesterday I lost a million dollars,” he told me once. “Boeing stock went up a dollar, and I did not own a million shares.”

But I have lost many thousands of actual dollars in various stock market drops from stocks that I did own. Fortunately, I have offset that with “many thousands plus a couple of thousand here and there” on upswings. And from time to time that has been a very significant percentage of my overall wealth. It’s one of the reasons that I plan to work for most of the next ten years. The other reason is that I like my job, but still … it would be nice to retire without ‘having to’ work, too.

FutureMemory's avatar

Some piece of shit stole a $600 bike from me.

I once burned up beyond redemption five $20 bills in a clothes dryer.

filmfann's avatar

I had about 500 shares of a stock in my retirement account. It did nothing for years. Suddenly, it quadrupled, and everyone in my company was sitting on a lot of cash.
My company then announced it had sold everyones interest in the stock a few weeks earlier.
Total scam. Nothing we could do about it. Probably cost me about $40,000.

ucme's avatar

10p, I was a kid with a friend & we saw this blackbird fighting a dove, I bet on the dove, harsh lesson…always bet on black.
I also discovered what it sounds like when doves cry, “dig if you will the picture…”

gondwanalon's avatar

$6000 to defend myself in court for trimming a 4 inch in diameter branch from a tree and threrefore causing it “harm”. I also paid a certified arborist to testify that I caused no harm to the tree. It was total madness.

ibstubro's avatar

I had $3–500 invested in the car company that took the government bailout and dissolved. I think I had about the same in Ford, and that’s now worth more than enough to off-set the loss.

The woman I took breaks with at work pretty well new my financial strength. One day the phone rang, and it was her. “If I don’t have $10,000 by tomorrow, I’ll lose my house and everything. Will you loan it too me?” I did, and then she stopped mentioning it. For weeks. I started to freak. I mentioned it, and she sort of blew it off. One day she paid me back, and let me tell you, I was sweating it.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

I bought multiple Honda/Acuras because of their superior design and build quality.

Also, like most great corporations Honda is the result if a single individuals vision.

The federal government decided for me that I should invest in General Motors with no choice of my own.

I already have a car, yet I was forced to help you pay for your stupid Volt.

You are welcome.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

^Or the Ampera as it is known in other markets.

So very clever…


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