Why is it attractive to men that women wear garments that are like a permanent wedgy?
Asked by
JLeslie (
December 6th, 2014
from iPhone
I get that men might like thong underwear on women, because it shows more ass, and the idea that men think women who wear thongs are very sexual. Even so, why does the fact that most women are uncomfortable in them not override all of that?
I don’t have any friends who want to wear thong underwear, although I know some women like to.
I had one girlfriend when I was in my 20’s who wore a thong bikini some of the time. It hurt her quite a bit. She cared about attracting men. She was gorgeous. Truly one of the great beauties from amazing body, long flowing hair, beautiful face, just gorgeous. She didn’t need to wear that bikini. Plus, so very nice.
Another girl I know has a close friend who wore new lacy thong underwear under her wedding dress and that night had a bleeding cut so deep when she finally took off her layers of dress they actually went to a medical facility to have it tended to.
Those are extremes. I sold a lot of thong underwear when I worked for Calvin Klein, but let’s be real, it’s for the men for the most part.
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47 Answers
Of course it’s for us guys, same as high heels tell me you wear them for the comfort,I wont believe you.
AS you pointed out your friend simply wore them to make the guys drool.
What gets me a little mad is when women do this,then bitch about all the guys drooling after her,we say don’t dress like that if you don’t want the attention,then we get hissed at by them saying WE CAN DRESS ANY WAY WE WANT!!! Of course you can just don’t get upset when strange men start drooling.
@SQUEEKY2 I totally agree. I worked with a woman that always wore low cut shirts over her ample boobs. She was bitching one day that a guy in the office was looking at her boobs. I told her if she showed them off, she didn’t get to choose who looked at them. She wasn’t happy with me.
I hate thongs. I tried on a pair one time and it was uncomfortable.
I think regular underwear is more attractive when it’s really tight and hugs the body. I’m a bit conservative when it comes to thongs, I feel it’s a bit of a cop out.
@chyna I love high heels on a woman it shapes her butt and legs perfectly, but Mrs Squeeky can’t wear them anymore after breaking her ankle a few years back and I am fine with it, because she also said they are very uncomfortable to wear.
She gave all her high heels to her niece.
I tried thong underwear once. Decided I didn’t like them and never wore them again. I seriously cannot understand how anyone wears them and is comfortable. I love my husband but if wanted me to wear such undies, my answer would be to buy him a pair and if he wore them to go out in, I’ll reciprocate. (I know full well he wouldn’t.)
There are plenty of other types of undies that are pretty and sexy without the extreme lack of comfort.
Heterosexual male here. I am repulsed by thong underwear.
I am not joking about how unsexy I find it. I am also confused why I am answering this question. Could be the uncharacteristic alcohol consumption.
:-) Well it’s good to read a man’s perspective @hominid. I agree too.
Honestly you have to have a really nice ass to be able to pull off thong underwear or swimwear. I think most women look better in traditional bikini style panties. Love that word, “panties”.
The Fluther Answer Because, they wanted to, just as the women who push themselves into bras when they have nothing hanging, or large enough to fill them up?
Actual Answer You pointed out several reasons already:
• I get that men might like thong underwear on women, because it shows more ass, and the idea that men think women who wear thongs are very sexual. Even so, why does the fact that most women are uncomfortable in them not override all of that?
• I had one girlfriend when I was in my 20’s who wore a thong bikini some of the time. It hurt her quite a bit. She cared about attracting men. She was gorgeous. Truly one of the great beauties from amazing body, long flowing hair, beautiful face, just gorgeous.
• I sold a lot of thong underwear when I worked for Calvin Klein, but let’s be real, it’s for the men for the most part.
Because of bullet one, you have bullet two, women who in spite of what discomfort may come, wear them to look sexy, and have an edge on grabbing the eye of men more than the next woman. No different then what they say about heels and bras, plus all that war paint.
Which ends up with more sales of thongs. Which has an advantage of not marring the look of that dress (which men are watching), with V.P.L.s. Let’s just bless the hearts of those women ho wear them, if they can do justice to them.
On a callipygian woman it can be quite enticing. But really, for me, a nice bikini panty is much sexier.
@Hypocrisy_Central I guess I call that a Freudian typo:
Let’s just bless the hearts of those women ho wear them, if they can do justice to them.
@SQUEEKY2 It just bothers me that men drool knowing it is uncomfortable.
High heels are different in my opinion. Most women who wear them are comfortable in them. Low cut blouses aren’t uncomfortable either, unless the air temp is very cold.
By the way, I know women say they wear thongs so they don’t have a panty line, but most things give you a thong line. Big granny panties are more likely to make you smooth with no lines.
I prefer when women wear no underwear….
@Blackberry I love you more and more.
@hominid I want to acknowledge you also.
You both give me hope.
@JLeslie Regarding your statement: men drool knowing it is uncomfortable.
When men are drooling like that, they are usually not conscious of the discomfort felt by women wearing what is considered fashionable.
@zenvelo Drool wasn’t my word, I just repeated it.
I don’t understand how men don’t know. Let’s just assume they don’t, but then they find out it is uncomfortable. Or, more specifically their SO tells her man they are uncomfortable to war, but she’ll wear them for him for their night out on the town for their anniversary for him. Why isn’t he worried about her discomfort? Why is he turned on when she is in some pain?
Don’t like thongs.
Hate high heels—women ruin their feet with the stupid shoes they wear, and ugly deformed feet are not sexy.
I have a girlfriend that has the most deformed feet I have ever seen in my life! I think it likely is from ill fitting shoes, but many women wear heels and still have nice feet.
@JLeslie My old girl friend would wear heels that weren’t comfortable. I often told her to be comfortable, but she liked being “dressed up” and wearing shoes that went with the dress she was wearing. And, she did look very pretty and I would compliment her.
The thing about thongs is there are a lot of ways to avoid panty line, and other than panty line you can’t tell what a woman is wearing until she is getting undressed. And really, is a man going to say, “oh, I was all turned on thinking you were in a thong, but I don;t want to have sex if you’ve been wearing a bikini panty.”
So, except for women that like show a whale-tail as their pants droop, they might as well be comfortable.
As a man I obviously haven’t ever worn a thong, but I don’t understand how thongs are actually painful. Maybe a bit uncomfortable from wedginess(new word) but painful? You sure you’re buying the right size?
Edit: My SO says back when she wore thongs she never found them painful in any way.
I’m a thucker for a love thong.
@zenvelo My husband wishes I wore thongs. He notices a woman in thong underwear from a mile away.
@El_Cadejo Some women are comfortable in them. If you are thin you are more likely to be comfortable. I think maybe the bathing suit was uncomfortable because there was a lot of fabric, which is ironic.
They were very uncomfortable for me when I was having a lot of health problems in that region. Now, they wouldn’t be painful, but I’m definitely more comfy in my regular panties. My husband calls my bikini underwear granny panties. It’s annoying.
Bikini Panties are granny panties? That’s a hell of a stretch. I like Brazilian swimsuits myself. I’m not a big fan of thongs.
I used to wear thongs and they were very comfortable. It depends on the thong. I particularly liked them as a sort of NVPL thing. As I got older, I read about how unhealthy they were, like adding a pathway from the anus to the vag, which is really not a great idea, although bacteria love it!
I know I didn’t answer your question and I have no idea why men like thongs, except to say I think they are sexy, just as tight white full backs can be sexy or sheer etc., These days I stick to 100% cotton. They are healthier, create less issues ‘down there’ and also allow air to circulate which means I smell like a daisy. I know that was TMI!!
@LornaLove That was a lot of information till you got to smell like a daisy. I’m sold. I’m never pushing for a thong.
To me, thong underwear is just gross!
I agree with Dutchess. When I see a woman sporting one, I wind up scowling from the visualization of what must be going on where “the rubber meets the road”. Why not just dispense with the garment altogether?
Yeah. Beautiful white lacy thong except part of it is now brown. Ew!
This was discussed on Fluther a while back.
I wear thongs. I can assure you that they’re not uncomfortable or painful in any way. If the thong is the right size, it should be fine. If it’s too small, it will be uncomfortable.
I always wear thongs and I can honestly say that they have never caused me to bleed or cause me any discomfort, in fact, I don’t really notice that I’ve got underwear on to be honest. I don’t wear them because I or my boyfriend find them sexy as such, I wear them because I wear a lot of tight fitting trousers and I don’t want a panty line! If I’m wearing underwear for my boyfriend I usually opt for French knickers or something tight and lacy.
I must acknowledge the comments about hygiene etc. Regardless of what style of underwear I am wearing, I change at lease once a day. It is very rare that I wear the same pair of undies all day. My boyfriend finds this weird but I feel much happier (and fresher) if I change half way through the day (I even carry a clean pair in my handbag at all times). Also, if you wipe your arse properly after you go to the toilet their shouldn’t be a dirt track!!
@jca If you’re comfortable your comfortable. I believe you.
@OpryLeigh I believe you are comfortable too, and I don’t think women have brown thongs from not wiping well. There still are bacteria there that are better if staying in their place. Even so it is probably only a minority of women who actually get infections from wearing them.
The bleeding was a pair if stiff lace and she ignored her discomfort because of the event. My guess is she didn’t pee for 6 hours, like most brides.
Why not forgo underwear altogether? Why even bother with a thong?
The thong still protects. They even make thong sanitary pads. The string is up the back, not where your vulva is.
@Dutchess_III: The thong prevents the pants from chafing the vajay jay. No thong would mean the jeans would rub.
As far as going to the bathroom, if the bathroom is prior to the morning shower, wiping for cleanliness is never an issue, no matter what kind of underwear one wears.
@JLeslie It just bothers me that men drool knowing it is uncomfortable.
Who says every woman is uncomfortable in them? I would gather there is a huge number that find them even more comfortable. In any case, it is no different than women squeezing in a bra that don’t need to for society sake, even when tons of other women have complained how hot and uncomfortable bras are to wear.
I guess on the safe side, if you do not have a toned fit body stick with granny panties or Spanx, if you have a fit toned body, rock the thong…….problem solved.
@Hypocrisy_Central So, you associate the hot body with the thong and the untoned body with the granny panty.
I’m not sure the bra is analogous. I would assume men would love to see toned bodies and perky titties naked under clothes with nipples obvious. Women with fake boobs wear bras (they don’t need to) to dress appropriately. I know some of the jobs I have worked at specifically sight undergarments as part of the dress code. You can’t show up to work at Bloomingdales braless.
Women put on bras usually to be covered, and then also for support. The discomfort they deal with is not for the pleasure of men unless they are using a push up bra. Most women are not uncomfortable in their bras, even though it is nice to take it off at the end of the day.
I wear a bra because I look sloppy if I don’t.
Relevant. “I’m too sexy for my thong, too sexy for my thong!”
Hail no! No nonnonnonnooooooooooooooo!
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