Social Question

Shocking neighbor stories and a dark Christmas?
As most of you know, if you look back over my questions and replies, I live in Boringsville.
A small town with nothing going on and a neighborhood that is deader than dead can be. (I couldn’t think of anything dead to compare it to).
The neighbors are unfriendly, quiet as mice and very reserved. Which, I agree can be a good thing. (As opposed to noisy neighbors who party all night for example). At times, when a leaf falls off a tree it is a major event and makes a loud crashing sound.
Imagine my shock and horror to find out two nights ago there was a murder a few doors away! How shocking! How creepy too, seeing all the police out here and television crew. I feel totally weird, like, who am I living next to? Plus, my creepy neighbors seem even more creepier and even more sinister than they did before. A horrible atmosphere has settled over the place (even more horrible than before and it appears for many this will be a bleak Christmas blighted by a horrible murder).
Have you got really shocking neighbor stories, as opposed to weird neighbor stories, which I asked about last time? It seems my weird neighbors were shocking after all.