Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Men: if you look at a woman's ass do you always know what type of underwear she has on?

Asked by JLeslie (65936points) December 7th, 2014 from iPhone

Does it matter?

Do you care if she has a panty line?

If you know she has a thong on is it a turn on? Do you believe you always know when a girl is wearing a thong? I think my husband spots a thong a mile away, but has no clue when a girl is girdled with Spanx from boob line to ankles. Women say they wear thongs for no panty line, but how do men perceive it?

If you know she has Spanx on do you care?

If the underwear have string bikini sides is it sexier that larger sides that leave no lines?

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16 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Nomenclature question – what is Spanx? Never heard of it.

I’m male. I do not go out of my way to look, nor do I tend to notice what sort of underwear a woman has. About the only way I ever know is if a woman is bending over and her short comes up and you see the elastic of the panty or the thin material of the thong.

Maybe I’m just oblivious, but it doesn’t matter to me.

Now if you had talked about whether I notice if women are braless or not—- that’s a whole different story. I’m fairly good at that :-)

JLeslie's avatar

Spanx are a type of shapewear. Basically, the newer version of a girdle. A lot of women on TV have Spanx on keeping everything in. They look sausaged to me. I think I made up that word.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I admire good looking women, but that is it, I don’t wonder about what she has on for underwear nor do I care.

ucme's avatar

Its like opening a toffee, I don’t care about the wrapping, I just wanna wrap my lips around & suck the pluck outta it.

jca's avatar

I’m a woman but if I do look at another woman, I can tell if she is wearing “regular” underwear if she bends over. I’ll see a horizontal line down low on her butt from the seam.

I think it looks bad when a woman wears a nice outfit and you can see panty lines.

zenvelo's avatar

Nope, most of the time I can’t tell.

Once in a while it is so obvious, and if it is not really hot looking (in a way that most people would describe it as hot or sexy), I will wonder if she looked at herself before she left the house, or if it was the day before laundry day.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Do men care about VPL? I’ve only ever heard women mention it. Men might understand what it is but do they actually care if a woman’s knicker line is slightly visible? I’m not talking where someone is quite obviously wearing underwear that’s too small.

Plus you can get undies that avoid VPL in a variety of styles, including thongs.

jonsblond's avatar

female here

I notice when it’s obvious but I don’t care. I’m so glad I quit worrying about such things and now I wear what’s comfortable. I don’t care if others don’t like my panty lines.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit – it’s not whether the lines are visible or not. It’s not the view per se.

It’s the imagination, the perception. “If there’s no clothing there, then there must be luscious, warm, soft ass there, waiting to be seen and touched…” And we horny old men picture ourselves being just the ones to be doing the touching.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

So not seeing a line suggests to men women aren’t actually wearing underwear? So as long as the line isn’t there to ruin your imagining, you don’t really care what she really is wearing?

Also, and as @ucme suggested, can’t nice underwear (of any type) be considered as gift wrapping @elbanditoroso and used as a tool to heighten the moment? (Now we’re way off track – Sorry @JLeslie).

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit – I had a lady friend once who used that line on me “gift wrapping” – I didn’t buy it. It was more distracting than romantic or enticing. She told me that it helped “build to the romantic moment” but not for me. We knew where we were going to end up, why but pebbles in the road.

But then, I’m a ‘cut-to-the-chase’ person, most women I have known take the long and winding road.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@elbanditoroso, I was thinking as I read your opening sentence, that might be a male/female issue. Not that women can’t and never want to cut to the chase, but the idea that men might like a little gift wrapping is not an unusual one. My husband falls into your camp. He doesn’t care about the wrapping. I do. He doesn’t.

ibstubro's avatar

Mostly, I look at a woman’s ass by size.

The bigger, the most commented on. Breasts, the same. Nice proportions are the ideal.

Underwear isn’t a huge concern.

Zaku's avatar

Always? No.

Does it matter? No.

Do you care if she has a panty line? Not usually.

If you know she has a thong on is it a turn on? No.

Do you believe you always know when a girl is wearing a thong? No.

Women say they wear thongs for no panty line, but how do men perceive it? I generally don’t care, don’t pay attention unless it’s really obvious, and find thongs kind of weird and unattractive. Thongs have me imagining something between my own buttocks, which is irritating, and doesn’t seem like it’d be a good choice, and generally looks more crass and crude than appealing, to me.

If you know she has Spanx on do you care? No idea what Spanx is.

If the underwear have string bikini sides is it sexier that larger sides that leave no lines? No. Unless possibly they’re exposed and there’s a bow knot that could be pulled loose.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I rarely know, or care, what type of underwear a girl is wearing when I see her down the street. But if she was my date, and I brought her home only to see the shape vanish with the underwear, I would feel disappointed.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

In many ways the underwear is a giveaway to what she is wearing. Either it is leaving VPLs, you see the ”whale tail”, or if she is wearing huggy while or light colored slacks, you see the ghost of what she is wearing, and sometimes it doesn’t have to be in bright light, depending on the material and how dark or colorful the panties are. To me, that or VPLs can ruin the great silhouette she was trying to achieve, the same way bras ruin it with buckle bulge, visible straps, visible cup couture, or how the straps create or accentuate back fat, usually under the shoulder blades.

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