Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Which headbanger or rock star has the loudest scream or growl?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) December 7th, 2014

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8 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I would say the lead singer of arrowsmith….

SQUEEKY2's avatar

sorry spelled aerosmith not arrowsmith me bad.

Silence04's avatar

How about longest scream?
Its about 7min in

one4u_1forme's avatar

defiantly Andy Beirsack from Black Veil Brides, he’s my spirit animal btw.

ucme's avatar

Bing Crosby?

Blackberry's avatar

Oh buddy, you’re in for a surprise. Warning, you have to like hardcore screaming and metal to be into this:

talljasperman's avatar

@Blackberry It crashed my computer…. and left it buzzing.

UnholyThirst's avatar

Maria Brinks from In This Moment. In particular, the song “Gun Show.”

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