Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why can't most women admit they check out guys, the same as we men check them out?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23631points) December 7th, 2014

Why do most women deny that they check out good looking men?
Nothing wrong with it, after all they are as human as we men, right?

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72 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The video might not be the exact way we men look at women, but it does prove they do look at us as well.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And we men are called the pervs, yeah? it shows that many women can get that title as well.

fluthernutter's avatar

I check out guys. But probably not the same way that men check out women.

I also check out women.

talljasperman's avatar

~It is the bulge in the back pocket not the bulge in the front.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I could really care less about the bulge in the front.

Everyone notices attractive people. However, I don’t look at a guy and think “I want to have sex with him!” So it’s different.

gailcalled's avatar

I can’t speak for most women but I and my female friends are pretty relaxed about noticing a good-looking man. It’s not a big deal.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Dutchess_III I am the same way, I can admire a good looking woman and not want to have sex with her,so is it different for me as well?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Then we are the same! However, I can honestly say that I have never looked at some random guy and wondered what sex with him would be like.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Let me ask this a different way do most women think when a guy checks her out,they automatically think oh he wants to have sex with me?

kritiper's avatar

Women like to be mysterious and secretive!

janbb's avatar

I’ve checked out girls and I’ve checked out guys but in the library I mainly check out books.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, it can depend how how checks her out. If he just notices her that’s one thing. It’s another if they start drooling and looking her up and down.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I notice attractive men. I’ve never had a girlfriend deny she does either. I like to window shop as much as the next woman.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit you women don’t deny it to each other just to us men.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve never denied looking at men. When I do, though, I wonder what his personality is like.

zenvelo's avatar

Most women I have known well have admitted looking at and noticing attractive men. I don;t think women have any problem discussing it at all.

We had a guy at work who had been a porn star. We found out because a guy was getting married, and at his bachelor party they were showing some movies (this was a long time ago, before VCRs), and no one was paying attention until someone said, “hey, isn’t that the new guy?”

Sure enough, it was him. Monday morning the word was all over the floor, and all day women were coming over to see if we “needed any help” while thy checked out his package in his tight jeans.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I don’t deny it to men either. Even if we’re not single, we’re not dead. I hope I never stop noticing attractive humans of either sex. The only reason I can think of a woman (or man) denying they find other people attractive is because they’re worried their partner might be jealous. I know my husband sees and notices attractive women and he knows I see and notice attractive men. We just don’t pursue them or seek to touch them. As I say, we’re married not dead.

jca's avatar

I check out guys. I look at their faces, their bodies. I will also observe other females – what they wear, how they do their hair, etc. I consider it all part of “people watching.”

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I think it all depends on how open and trusting women are with a guy, so they can openly discuss anything. If a guy treats a woman with complete respect and trust. we can discuss anything. I have some friends that will tell me who they find hot and everything else. I also have some friends that I would never bring that up. They’re too uptight. It goes back and forth.

Blackberry's avatar

Women are just like men. I catch them staring, and when they hit on you it’s the same as guys. Jesus man I’ve been hit on while girlfriends were with me. They waited until my girlfriend went to the bathroom then struck, just like some sleazy guys.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Now I want to check out @Blackberry!

JLeslie's avatar

I rarely check out guys. Men on here have stated they check out practically every woman who walks by. I can’t remember the last time I checked out a guy who just walked by or was in the same room. I sometimes flirt with a man if I have the opportunity to talk with them and I find them funny, witty, and attractive helps, but not necessarily necessary.

I’m never undressing men with my eyes. I find them more gorgeous in beautiful clothing.

If someone is so beautiful it is difficult not to stare I notice both men and women. More women actually.

LornaLove's avatar

If I notice a good looking guy I’d certainly comment. When I say good looking, it could mean that he has charisma, or he has a certain something about him. I have never in my life stared at a males crotch. A mans lunch box has about as much appeal as a dead sock to me, if I have never met him. Girls notice guys ALL the time, unless we are dead and none of them make any bones about it. I think that they are functioning on a different level though. It’s not as though we see them ass up face down in our imagination.

I found that video (by the way) to be a load of tripe.

JLeslie's avatar

Ass up face down. Lol.

@Blackberry It’s because you’re gorgeous. You’re one of those guys that in a room eyes go to you. We know you’re a nice guy too. I figure when you are in a room you are like the hot girl in the red dress, all eyes have to take a look.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Once, when Rick and I first got together, we were at a stop light. A stunningly handsome guy on a Harley rode past us. He had a red bandana on his head. Nothing but sexy! My head turned…but so did Rick’s. He looked like a movie star, and I know Rick was putting himself in his place, cuz he likes bikes. All I was thinking was that was a beautiful picture! Sex with him didn’t cross my mind, but general “sexy” did. Cuz it was.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Blackberry Now you must post a picture of yourself!

janbb's avatar

Blackberry! Blackberry!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Blackberry! Blackberry!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Beauty is just beauty. It can be awe-inspiring. I lovethis video! It cracks me up. I was watching it with my 29 year old daughter and at the end, when he’s laughing, I said, “Man, he is SO good looking!”
My daughter said, “I know, right?”
Same with Johnny Depp…his eyes.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I check out men and women, I admit it, but the things going through my head while I look at them are not the same things that go through most guys’ heads when they admire a girl’s tits, ass, legs, lips, etc.

When I see an attractive woman, I think things like, “wow, she’s really pretty,” or “I wonder how many squats she had to do to get a booty like that,” or “I’d kill for a bangin’ bod like that.” I’m into fitness, so a lot of it is related to that. I often point these women out to my husband, which some people find weird, but whatever.

As for men, I don’t think about sucking their cocks or having dirty, naughty sex with them. I think that they have nice arms, a great jawline, a sexy smile, or a fantastic ass. It’s all just admiration, not sexually-driven.

I honestly wouldn’t even notice this guy’s bulge. I’m oblivious to stuff like that. If it caught my eye, though, yeah I’d look. But, again, I wouldn’t be thinking about having sex with him. It would just be human curiosity. “Woah, that’s a big dong,” not “oh man, I want that thing in me now.” A really large penis is actually a turn-off for me. Big ones are fine for looking at, but no thanks, I’m no size queen. Ouch.

FutureMemory's avatar

I heard @Blackberry is a former Calvin Klein underwear model?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, we need to SEE him! Blackberry! Blackberry!

@livelaughlove21 men are the ones hung up on penis size, not women. I don’t understand why, either.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Regarding the video…it is very unusual to be actually able to see the outline of a man’s penis under his pants. I imagine many people did a double take, not just woman. And not because we were sexually attracted, but because it’s weird. I’m with @livelaughlove21….“large” is actually off-putting.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dutchess_III I have a pair of slacks that don’t leave anything to the imagination. I’m not big, but it is obvious. Why can’t women see the guys unit?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, it’s just kind of…gross. Like “camel toes” on women. Nothing attractive about it.

jca's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe: I think in the 70’s it was fashionable for men to wear tight pants. Now it’s not. If I see a man in tight pants, I feel like he must not look in the mirror before he leaves the house, because he looks ridiculous.

jca's avatar

I just saw the video. I found it amusing. I wouldn’t assume that all of those women were thinking “mmmm.”

ibstubro's avatar

Bored people on a train.
If there’s something to look at, you look again.
I wonder what the re-look rate of guys was?

If I am typical, they are wondering if he is asleep.

TMI, I love to doze with a chubby, but (hopefully) only in private.

Pachy's avatar

Doncha love the word “most,” as in the use of it in the above question?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Pachy I find if you don’t add that word people automatically start bitching ,If I had said why can’t women admit they check out guys,like we check out them a lot of em would say I have no problem and so on.
Because if you don’t there will always be one that doesn’t or does, and wants you to know it.
And complain saying don’t assume we all do or don’t, type thing.

jca's avatar

I think men look better with clothes on, anyway. All kinds of outfits – jeans, suits, whatever.

ibstubro's avatar

I’m with @SQUEEKY2 here, @Pachy, my friend.

I think “most” could have been eliminated in the OP, included in the details?

ibstubro's avatar

The majority of Americans look better in clothes, @jca.

Safe bet.

jca's avatar

I’d rather the present have wrapping paper on it. :)

ibstubro's avatar

But, @jca, the OP was about overt hints from the “wrapping paper”.

True story:
The local Goodwill recently had ‘male butt cheek enhancing underwear’ for sale, new with tags.

Target market?
I think they were Target products.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Recently I was walking through a shopping centre with a girl I’m friends with, and she was checking out guys left right and centre. She was just more subtle than most guys are. Women absolutely check out guys. I’m not sure who you’ve been speaking to that would deny this?

prairierose's avatar

If I see a guy that I find attractive, yes, I check him out, from head to toe but try to do it with some finesse so it isn’t so obvious.

Blackberry's avatar

Ok guys ill give you the goods when I’m not driving lol.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ok so you women have no problem admitting you check out guys, then why do you give us guys shit when we check out women?
And Mrs Squeeky doesn’t have a problem with it as long as I don’t drool or start howling. LOL

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I totally get why you put “most” in the question. I’ve learned to say “some” or “most” or “many,” because if I don’t SOME people go into melt down and accuse me of some sort of stereo typing or racism or homophobia and anti-cat disorder or whatever.

Anyway, not sexy at all. Ew!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t mind an admiring glance @SQUEEKY2. I didn’t mind, “Oh, she’s pretty!” That’s not the problem. The problem is when they stare at you, when they slowly and obviously look you up and down and undress you with their eyes, when their facial expressions state plainly that they’d fuck you in a heart beat. When they holler sexual innuendo at you. That’s the problem.

Dutchess_III's avatar

BLACKBERRY!! Hi! Good to see you! :D

janbb's avatar

Why @Blackberry what good teeth you have!

Blackberry's avatar

Thanks guys, good to see you too :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK, do you want to see me? :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK, you want the best picture ever taken of me, which is about 20 years old? Or the most recent one?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Dutchess_III you wont accuse us of checking you out if you give us a photo, will you??

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, that will depend on if you do or not, and how you do it. I really don’t have a problem with being “checked out.” It’s the cat calling and the skanky innuendo and the grouping and the scary stalking that I have a problem with.


Two With my sister, cousin and aunt.


Most recent. Oops! That was my grandson! Sry.

Most recent

Blackberry's avatar

Oh yeah, I’m liking that @Dutchess_III. Tall and blonde :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

And smart. :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ibstubro I fail to see the significance or connection of that picture to our conversation. Care to elaborate?

We need pictures of @SQUEEKY2 now!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

oh and by the way that really is me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

O! Nice pair, @SQUEEKY2!! Baby baby! :D

NO! I want to see your face!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just came across this on FB, written by some random person I’ve never heard of.
To take a small part of it and copy it here, as it pertains to our on-going discussion of the kinds of things women face, on a daily basis, that a few men here dismiss as ridiculous:

Your wife or sister comes to you and says, “I am being harassed, threatened and terrorized out on the street by men. I experience gender inequality on a daily basis. I live in some degree of constant fear for my personal safety, just because I am a woman.

“And you say, “That is impossible. Sexism is over. Women now occupy relatively high places of power in this country. You are fine.”

And you walk away, convinced that your loved one must be wrong. You have abandoned her, because you are not taking her report as possibly accurate.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@Dutchess_III The response there isn’t wrong because it is inaccurate, it is wrong because it fails to appreciate the way the wife or sister feels, regardless of whether she is right or wrong. It matters less whether or not she is being harassed, than whether she feels harassed.

Women have a survival instinct that makes them wary of men in particular situations. Recently I scared a nurse in the hospital I work in, just by walking up the path to the back door late at night. While I had no ill intent towards her, she felt threatened. Similarly while there may be no actual gender inequality in a given context, a woman may yet feel threatened or disadvantaged. And we need to consider those feelings just as much as the actual events that cause her to feel that way.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right @FireMadeFlesh. And to have those concerns dismissed, as some have done here, is extremely frustrating.

LornaLove's avatar

@Dutchess_III you look like Farrah Fawcett Majors!

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