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FireMadeFlesh's avatar

How do you get your fire back?

Asked by FireMadeFlesh (16613points) December 9th, 2014

How do you get back to your mental peak performance, when you’re feeling drained? What do you do to help yourself approach each day with enthusiasm and hope?

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17 Answers

jca's avatar

First, go to the doctor and get blood work done to ensure that your vitamin levels are optimum, and your TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is also at a proper level. If your TSH is too high, you may be depressed or sluggish from that. Ditto with vitamin levels. Also, the doctor will check your heart and everything else to make sure nothing is blocked (arteries for example) and lungs are at peak performance.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@jca Thanks, but I know I’m physically fit and healthy. I’m not depressed either. I think I just need a holiday, but it’s still some time until I can make that happen.

hominid's avatar

A healthy dose of quality coffee.

jca's avatar

@hominid: I second that emotion. LOL

longgone's avatar

For a quick fix of enthusiasm, I turn on an upbeat song and sing along while jumping around. Buster Shuffle and Barenaked Ladies are my go-to drug.

In addition, small holidays. If you don’t have the time to give yourself an hour off, that’s a sure sign you need it!

In general, I try to do five things every day: Something useful, something physically exhausting, something mentally exhausting, something that makes me smile and something for another person. Along with eating right and sleeping enough, that’s what’s needed for my happiness.

JLeslie's avatar

I agree with @jca. At minimum check your vitamin D considering where you live. Or, maybe you know that your D level is ok too.

For me, I often fake it until I make it. Smile and decide today will have something good in it. It’s been really hard for me lately. Focusing on the good does help though. I also feel better if I have something to look forward to. A fun weekend. Seeing a friend for lunch. Planning a vacation. Something that takes my attention to positive things for part of the day.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Well, the fire is out, the pilot light got blown out, and the ignitors broke, so it’s going to take a lot more than coffee today. But I did just put on a B.B.King-Clapton CD, so maybe things are looking up.

zenvelo's avatar

Get a good night’s sleep. And another one the next night. In between, take a few moments during the day to breathe deeply.

Coloma's avatar

For me sleep is everything. When extremely taxed and stressed I can often need 9–10 hours a night. If your general health is okay put yourself on a regular sleep schedule and stick to it faithfully. Go to bed at the same time every night and after 4 or 5 days you should feel much better. Stay away from alcohol too.

prairierose's avatar

I agree with some of the others about getting enough sleep because then the body and mind feel rejuvenated. Also think it is important to have something to look forward to, like a vacation, or anything that you find pleasure in doing. Sometimes when I am in a funk, just talking about it to someone helps, anyway it works for me.

janbb's avatar

If you find out, let me know too. My fire is pretty burned out right now.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Try this, it’s amazing. It’s tough to start, hard to develop the habit, painful, but quite addictive when adopted regularly.

Stretch and smile. Whenever your morning occurs, start the day with leg stretches while forcing yourself to smile through the pain of doing so. The stretching is very painful at first, but you’ll feel your crotch awakening. Force yourself to smile through the pain.

Force yourself to smile all morning. A big fake smile if necessary. But smile smile smile, and watch what that does for your psych. It’s amazing.

Also, watch this Ted Talks video about body language and posture. It’s life changing. It works. It’s crazy obvious, especially when compared to animal champion poses. You can increase your testosterone levels in 30 seconds without any medication. Get used to the “feel powerful” body language.

Try not to cross your legs when watching this. It’s hard. You can do it.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Go and have some guilt free fun. Take that break you need. It’s the end of a busy year and I know I’m feeling burned out and lacking in focus and drive. Normally I’m very focused. For me I know the cure is to give myself permission to take some time out and relax. Having a real break, without feeling I should be doing anything else, helps me to restore my batteries. Then I can concentrate and get back to the tasks I need to complete.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Thanks everyone. Sleep is a definite challenge, being a shift worker and having been on call for most of the past month. I’ll try to get some more sleep and exercise.

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies I’ve actually been working on that, as well as Elliot Hulse’s deep breathing technique, for a few months now. I fully share your enthusiasm for it. The smiling is an interesting one. I work with children, so I’m faking smiles and laughter all day. Some days it feels good to get home and drop the fake smile. But it does help me keep my spirits up at work. Thanks for the great answer!

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Music also helps! I’m currently cranking Pink Floyd’s The Division Bell. Classic.

JLeslie's avatar

Shift worker. I’m going to say again get your vitamin D checked. I’m guessing you aren’t getting any sun.

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