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talljasperman's avatar

Do you have any writing tips and tricks?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) December 10th, 2014

Like for instance, I can spell Harpo, then reverse it to spell Oprah. I also avoid using Their and There in a sentence so I use grammar sleight of hand to avoid using the words. What about you? Do you have writing tricks that you would like to share?

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6 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Here’s one tip. Catch that “t” and add it to “here” for “there ya go.”

Mimishu1995's avatar

I use “they” whenever I refer to anyone I’m unsure about the gender. It’s neater than “he/she”.

gailcalled's avatar

^^ “They” is plural and “s/he’ is singular in formal and elegant. English prose.

CWOTUS's avatar

My only “tip” is to do it more, review it more, and slow down before you hit the “send” button. The flip side of that is to read good writing as often as you can find it and find the time. Read critically to determine why it’s good; don’t just take someone else’s word for it. Don’t use autocorrect for grammar or spelling, but do turn on the settings in your software that at least flag misspelled words and bad grammar, so you at least have a chance to see them and to look up (and with repetition, one hopes “remember”) the spelling rules that apply.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Singular they has been standard English for centuries and appears in the works of Chaucer, Shakespeare, Austen, Thackery, and even the King James Bible.

zenvelo's avatar

Edit, edit edit. Write out what you want to stay. then go through it and cut out all the extra stuff. Then do it again, and again.

And use the active voice. Stay away from the passive voice.

One can read The Elements of Style by Strunk and White in about half an hour. Get you down copy, read through it a lot.

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