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longgone's avatar

Care to share any unconventional Christmas songs you like?

Asked by longgone (19943points) December 11th, 2014

I found Elf’s Lament a couple of days ago, and have grown to like it a lot better than “Silent Night”. What about you?

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16 Answers

Pachy's avatar

How ‘bout the good old reliable Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer ?

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas!

gondwanalon's avatar

“I Yust Go Nuts at Christmas” by Ygi Yorgesson. 1978

BhacSsylan's avatar

Being the heathen I am I love quite a few alternative christmas songs. Depends what you mean by unconventional, though. If you mean still Christmas but different than baby boomer Christmas songs, then there’s

Atheist Christmas Carol by Vienna Teng (heathen!)
Love is Christmas by Sara Barielles
And a little sad but still gorgeous, River originally by Joni Mitchell, though I prefer the linked version by Barielles.

Now, there’s also ‘unconventional’ as in not really about Christmas at all, but about the season, in which case I also have to add

Winter Song by Bareilles and Ingrid Michelson

Fun fact, another of my favorites is the Carol of the Bells, which is considered ‘traditional’, but is actually ancient. Pre-history ancient, it’s originally from Ukraine, and existed as a magical chant to bring in the new year (celebrated in April, not January) before the introduction of Christianity. Pretty cool. And makes some pretty great metal.

Adagio's avatar

The Pogues ~ Fairytale of New York

JLeslie's avatar

I always say Pat a Pan

It’s a French song.

Also, The original Feed the World by Bandaid was great. I figure people know that one around the world. I heard parts of a new version a couple of weeks ago.

osoraro's avatar

Tim Minchin’s White Wine in the Sun
(so named because he’s Australian)

dappled_leaves's avatar

Elvis Costello’s St Stephen’s Day Murders
Greg Lake’s I Believe in Father Christmas
Jackson Browne’s The Rebel Jesus
Sun 60’s Merry XMess
And of course, Squeeze’s Christmas Day

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Louis Armstrong and the Commanders Cool Yule

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