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What things are not ok to admit?

Asked by JLeslie (65937points) December 12th, 2014 from iPhone

On another Q we got off on a tangent about pretending to drink alcohol, because in social situations it’s expected. So, it seems it isn’t ok not to drink in some circles. I don’t drink. I lied about it when I was a young teen, but since college I am totally fine saying I don’t drink and don’t feel the peer pressure I used to. Mostly, other people actually don’t care. I find the alcoholics do, but they are alcoholics.

I do often refrain from saying I am an atheist. Too many people judge it negatively, it isn’t worth exclaiming it. I don’t lie; well, I sort of do by omission; I just say I am Jewish if religion comes up.

What else do people hide that in actuality quite a sizable part of society agree with?

Being gay was one of these type of things, but it is changing.

What do you withhold about yourself for fear of peer pressure or judgment? When you do reveal it about yourself are you ever pleasantly surprised by the reactions you get?

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