General Question

talljasperman's avatar

(NSFW) Has your computer ever gotten a virus from surfing adult sites?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) December 12th, 2014

Or completely crashed and needed professional repair? I did. It cost me $200 to fix.

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16 Answers

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Nope. Glad they cured your sexually transmitted virus @talljasperman. Did they give you tips on how to avoid it happening again?

talljasperman's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit No… I surf porn with my smartphone… It doesn’t matter if it crashes the phone was free.

orbutsbi's avatar

What browser are you using @talljasperman? Firefox has an ap that blocks nearly everything until you allow access. Can be tedious but safe.

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Buttonstc's avatar

Ha ha. No :)

LornaLove's avatar

I avoid those sites and so no, but in the past have looked at the pop-ups are scary, so I kind of knew something was up. Apparently they store your browsing history to hit you with more stuff. (I suppose all sites do that though?).

kritiper's avatar

A guy I know surfs those sites some and he caught a virus. And, yupper, needed pro service and a price to match!

filmfann's avatar

Yes. My son did the surfing.

seekingwolf's avatar

No, because I didn’t download anything. Never ever ever download anything when you’re looking at porn. Just look at streaming videos only.

2davidc8's avatar

@seekingwolf But can’t streaming videos have viruses also?

seekingwolf's avatar

@2davidc8 in my experience, no, not at all. The key is to never download anything. If a certain porn site tells you that you have to download blah blah program or blah blah plug in or toolbar, do not download, period. Do not give away your personal information. Use a special private browser or clear your cookies before you look at porn.

I have visited porn sites since I was 13–14 and I learned early on, never ever download. I haven’t gotten a virus from porn and I have been consuming it on a semi regular basis for a long time.

El_Cadejo's avatar

As with real life; Always use protection.

Berserker's avatar

Nah. Worse viruses I ever got were from downloading programs that weren’t legit. Oh well, live and learn. That, and back in the day Limewire carried some nasty shit if you weren’t careful.

DominicY's avatar

Nope. The only viruses I’ve gotten have been from torrenting and illegal downloads—karma, I guess.

2davidc8's avatar

I think it’s the software and music download sites that are very dangerous. I think that’s where I got the iLivid malware. But that was my fault. I got duped into downloading something that was supposed to “help” me download what I was looking for.

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